曾任大學助教、報社編輯等。1999年辭去公職,隱居雲南摩梭部落山村,耕種漁獵。 創辦當地第一所漢語學校,因此而獲雲南省青少年發展基金會簽發優秀志願者獎。
2001年回到北京,專事創作。 系國內最優秀的情感小說家之一。在《莫愁》、《知音》、《家庭》《視野》、《幸福》、《今古傳奇》、《深圳青年》、《小說林》、《花城》、《短篇小說》等發表近百萬字作品。在《京華時報》 主持“夜色溫柔 、江湖子弟”兩個專欄,發表專欄文章二百餘篇,在《深圳文學》主持“快哉蟲專欄”。同年,獲中國作家協會簽發2002年度全國最佳短篇小說獎。
- 中文名:邢汶
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:作家
- 主要成就:發表專欄文章二百餘篇
同時擔任擔任日本《日新時報》 新聞主筆,並為英國《英中時報》、台灣《中國時報》等多家海外媒體簽約撰稿。發表有《現代化中國之末路窮途》、《拆遷陰影下的後共產黨中國》、《儒學探巍》、《中國科舉制度溯源》等時政評論及學術文章。
Xingwen, a senior writer and columnist, earned his bachelors’ degree in Chinese from Peking University in 1996. Subsequent to graduation, he worked as a teaching assistant in universities and editor for news papers. However, in 1999, Xingwen quit his job and secluded himself at the Mosuo tribe village in Yunnan. He, while farming, fishing and hunting with the local people, founded the first Chinese school in the Mosou village for which, he was awarded the ‘Outstanding Volunteer Award’ by the Yunnan Youth Development Foundation.
In 2001, Xingwen returned to Beijing to become a professional writer. He is an outstanding emotional novelist in China; published almost one million words in magazines of ‘Mochou’, ‘Zhiyin’, ‘Family’, ‘Vision’, ‘Happiness’, ‘Jinguchuanqi’, ‘Shenzhen youth’, ‘Novels’, ‘Huacheng’, ‘Short stories’ etc. Xingwen also contributed to more than two hundred column articles in the column ‘Yesewenrou’,and ‘Jianghuzidi’of ‘Jinhua Times’. In 2003, Xingwen became a columnist of ‘Shenzhen Literature’ and wrote the ‘Kuazaichong column’. In the same year, he received the ‘Best Short Stories Award of the year 2002’, issued by the Chinese Writers Association.
In 2003, Xingwen began to work as a TV program planner for the Science Education Channel of CCTV and was responsible for the TV shows ‘Secrets of the Emperor Tomb’ and ‘Rising of an Empire (France)’. He was also the chief planner and commentary writer of the TV show ‘China’s Memory----Non-material Cultural Heritage Display’ (100 episodes). In the mean time, Xingwen was also the chief journalist of the Japanese ‘Rixin Times’ and an assigned writer for several foreign medias like ‘Britain and China Times’ and the Taiwan ‘China Times’. He published political critique on articles such as ‘Modern China’s dead-end’ and research articles such as ‘Studies of Confucianism’ and ‘Origin of the Chinese Imperial Examination System’.
As an agriculture financial critic, Xingwen published more than 20 million words of Agro-news and criticism.
Xingwen, to his credit, has also published two books; a collection of his essay articles ‘A few people who keep silence’ (published by Beijing Library Press in 2003), and short stories ‘the Romance in Shanghai is Better than Beijing’ (published by Beijing Library Press in 2005 and the French version was published in Lyon in 2006).