



  • 外文名:classicism
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈklæsɪsɪzəm]
  • 美式發音:[ˈklæsɪsɪzəm]


classicism /ˈklæsɪˌsɪzəm/
1.N-UNCOUNTClassicism is a style of art practised especially in the 18th century in Europe. It has simple regular forms and the artist does not attempt to express strong emotions. (特指十八世紀歐洲藝術界的)古典風格


classicism music 古典主義音樂
classicism principle 古典主義原則
uphold classicism 尚古
revolutionary classicism 革命古典主義
Classicism Painting 古典主義繪畫
original classicism 原始古典主義
New Classicism 新古典主義
classicism drama 古典主義戲劇
roman classicism 羅馬古典派


  • 1Of or relating to classicism.屬於或關於古典主義的。
  • 2New classicism practical beautiful.新古典風格實用又美觀。
  • 3Endowed with a certain noble classicism.被賦予了某種高貴的古典風格。
  • 4An artistic person who adheres to classicism.堅持古典主義的藝術家。
  • 5Ingres and delacroix were two famous exponents of classicism .安格爾和德拉克洛瓦是古典主義畫派的兩個著名倡導者。
  • 6His music creations have inherited the essence of classicism music.他的音樂創作繼承了古典主義音樂的精髓。
  • 7Why do you think artists would change from renaissance classicism to mannerism?為何藝術家要從文藝復興的古典主義轉到矯飾主義上來?
  • 8The children literature in Suining is beautiful, melancholy and full of classicism.綏寧的兒童文學優美、憂鬱,具有古典情懷;
  • 9While expressing the sentimental content, Gray absorbed the writing demands of classicism.詩人在表達傷感內容的同時,在形式上又結合了古典主義的創作要求。
  • 10The French Neo-classicism architecture at the end of 18th century was in a special historical era.18世紀末的法國新古典主義建築處於特殊的歷史時期。
  • 11He follows the classicism principle, using "heroic couplets" while writing and becomes a master of it.他在文學創作上遵循古典主義原則,善用“英雄雙韻體”,且技巧圓熟,幾臻完美,令人嘆為觀止。
  • 12In other words, there is such a thing as a "Romantic Movement," and classicism is only an aspect of it.換言之,有這樣一個“浪漫主義運動”的事情,古典主義只是它的一個方面。
  • 13Much of what we think of as Amsterdam is the product of the Golden Age of Dutch classicism, the17 th century.我們能想到的關於阿姆斯特丹的不外乎就是:這城市是17世紀荷蘭古典主義的鼎盛時期的產物。
  • 14The great thing about classicism for Gadamer, or what he calls "tradition," is that it's something we can share.對於伽達默爾來說古典主義,或者傳統,最偉大之處是這是我們可以分享的。
  • 15The literature movement he led initiated the transformation of western literature from classicism to modernism.他率領的文學運動開始了西方文學從古典到現代的轉變過程。
  • 16Thee great thing about classicism for Gadamer, or what he calls "tradition," is that it's something we can share.對於伽達默爾來說古典主義,或者傳統,最偉大之處是這是我們可以分享的。
  • 17The great thing about classicism for Gadamer, or what he calls "tradition, " is that it's something we can share.對於伽達默爾來說古典主義,或者傳統,最偉大之處是這是我們可以分享的。(耶魯大學公開課,文學理論導論)
  • 18Italian painter whose works, including a fresco cycle of the life of John the Baptist, epitomize Florentine classicism.安德里亞·薩托:義大利畫家,他的作品包括壁畫《施洗約翰的誕生》,是佛羅倫斯古典畫派代表作。
  • 19What any "neo"-classicism depends on most fundamentally is a consensus about a body of work that has achieved canonic status.什麼任何“新”古典取決於最根本的是一個協商一致的機構的有關工作,已經取得了法服地位。
  • 20His compose mixed the classicism and romanticism together, became one of western music precious heritage in the 19th century. Mr.他的創作將古典主義的形式與浪漫主義的情感融匯在一起,成為19世紀西方音樂的寶貴遺產。
  • 21As modern Chinese literary study has progressed in width and depth, the trend of classicism is coming to the foreground of academia.隨著現代中國文學研究的推進和深入,它已日漸成為學術界關注的一個重要課題。
  • 22If you believe there is only one "correct" way to make art, or only one true style (a timeless classicism), then of course criticism is easy.如果你認為創作藝術的方式或風格(一種永恆的古典風格)只有一個“正確”的,那么,評論起來就簡單多了。
  • 23Arc DE triomphe: largest triumphal arch in the world. A masterpiece of romantic classicism it is one of the best-known monuments of Paris.凱旋門:世界上最大的凱旋門,為羅馬古典主義建築傑作,也是法國巴黎最著名的紀念碑之一。
  • 24This cascade was being created during late Classicism and looks rather unusual on the background of entire Peterhof architectural ensemble.這個小噴泉是古典主義晚期是所創造,在整個彼得夏宮建築風格的背景下有些不同尋常。
  • 25Arc DE Triomphe: Largest triumphal arch in the world. A masterpiece of Romantic Classicism, it is one of the best-known monuments of Paris.凱旋門:世界上最大的凱旋門,為羅馬古典主義建築傑作,也是法國巴黎最著名的紀念碑之一。
  • 26As a contemporary artist, all should realize the level and soul with the most active vitality from the traditional spirit in the classicism.作為一個當代藝術家,從古典藝術傳統精神中體悟到的最具生命力的境界與靈魂。
  • 27Here he probably knew the classicism of artists like Lorenzo Costa and Francesco Francia, evidence of which can be found in his first works.在這裡,他可能知道洛倫佐·科斯塔和弗朗切斯科·弗朗西亞,證據,可以發現在他的第一部作品的藝術家的古典主義。
  • 28Mozart and his piano works are taken as the classicism music model for its timbre crystal clear pure timbre and rigorous elegant key-touching.莫扎特及其鋼琴作品作為古典主義音樂的典範,其音色晶瑩純淨,觸鍵嚴謹考究。
  • 29Classicism: a movement or tendency in art, literature, or music that reflects the principles manifested in the art of ancient Greece and Rome.古典主義:在藝術、文學或音樂方面反映古希臘、羅馬文學原理的運動。


