



  • 外文名:bureaucrat
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈbjʊərəkræt]
  • 美式發音:[ˈbjʊrəkræt]


英 [ˈbjʊərəkræt] 美 [ˈbjʊrəkræt]
n. 官僚,官僚主義者
[ 複數 bureaucrats ]


bureaucrat /ˈbjʊərəˌkræt/ CET6 TEM4
1.N-COUNT Bureaucrats are officials who work in a large administrative system. You can refer to officials as bureaucrats especially if you disapprove of them because they seem to follow rules and procedures too strictly. 官僚 [表不滿]


bureaucrat profiteering 官倒 ; 正
bureaucrat racketeering 官倒 ; 正
scholar-bureaucrat 士大夫
The Shepherd and the Bureaucrat 牧羊人與官員
talk like a bureaucrat 打官腔 ; 像拘泥於陳規陋習
A fashionable bureaucrat 媚雅比媚俗更俗
bureaucrat style 官樣文章
bureaucrat t 官僚主義者
bureaucrat capitalists 機僚資本


  • 1He was just another faceless bureaucrat.他只不過是一個典型呆板的官員。
  • 2Other reports, however, disputed that the bureaucrat said this.不過也有其它一些報導,認為官員並沒有這么說。
  • 3In classical Chinese literature, the hero is essentially a bureaucrat.中國古典文學裡的英雄常常是個官員(bureaucrat)。
  • 4Bamboo stands in a rather important position in scholar bureaucrat gardens.竹在士人園林中占有極其重要的地位。
  • 5A bureaucrat, who declined to be named said, "It's like Silicon Valley versus Wall Street."一位不願透露姓名的官員稱:“這就好比矽谷對華爾街一般。”
  • 6After Mr Khodorkovsky's case, a judge taking instructions from a bureaucrat felt he was in the right.在霍多爾科夫斯基的案子塵埃落定後,一位曾接受某個官員指示的法官則相信自己做的很正確。
  • 7One of the first things you have to learn if you want to be a successful bureaucrat is not to make waves.如果你想青雲直上,首先應該牢記的事情之一就是不要製造糾紛。
  • 8Mr Li is a rare combination - a cadre and a capitalist, a successful entrepreneur and a former bureaucrat.黎瑞剛是一名幹部,也是一名資本家,他是一名成功的企業家,也當過官——這是比較罕見的。
  • 9Zeng Guofan was a typical character of landlord class's Confucian scholar bureaucrat in Chinese modern history.曾國藩是中國近代地主階級儒家士大夫的典型代表人物。
  • 10Womens education of science and culture rises under the enlightenment of patriotic scholar-bureaucrat in later-day China.科學文化教育是女權運動的一個重要組成部分。
  • 11Sidonie Squier, the bureaucrat in charge, does not argue that divorce is wrong: “If you're being abused, you should get out.”主管官員Sidonie Squier並沒說離婚不對:“如果你受到虐待,你應該離開。”
  • 12The Adaptive Policy chooses completely different aim in China and Japan:Japanese civilian estate and Chinese scholar-bureaucrat.適應主義在中日兩國選擇了完全不同的針對對象:日本的平民階層和中國士大夫群體。
  • 13J. K. Dadoo, the most senior bureaucrat in Delhi's environment department, blames them for the 2005 floods that killed hundreds in Mumbai.達度,這個德里環境部最資深的官員說:塑膠袋是導致2005孟買那場洪水[1]的罪魁禍首,幾百人在洪水中喪生。
  • 14As a result, a human main settlement blocks scholar-bureaucrat class, culture, was generated in the area of the three alleys and seven lanes.於是乎,一個以士大夫階層、文化人為主要居住地的街區,便在三坊七巷一帶生成。
  • 15Even a bureaucrat might be more persuasive if he or she is good looking, and who wouldn't want persuasive employees instead of charmless ones?即便對於一個官員而言,如果他或她長得漂亮的話,這個人的說服力也可能更強;此外,在有說服力的員工和沒有魅力的員工之間,誰不想選擇前者呢?
  • 16Zaher happens to be a prince, the grandson of the late Afghan monarch Zaher Shah, and he has far more clout around Kabul than the ordinary bureaucrat.身為王子的查希爾恰好是已故的阿富汗國王查希爾·沙阿的孫子,他在喀布爾周圍地區的影響力遠遠超過一般的官僚。
  • 17After 50 years of rule making-and charges that the EU was out of touch with its citizens-power is shifting away from the unaccountable bureaucrat.50年來,一直由官員們制定政策,歐盟也飽受了脫離歐盟公民的指責,現在不負責任的官員們正在逐漸失去決策權。
  • 18Scholar-bureaucrat families, several years already, either be taught, person or to "ritual", The biography, junior do not break "poem", "theory".士大夫的子弟,幾歲以上,沒有不受教育的,多的讀到《禮記》、《左傳》,少的也起碼讀了《毛詩》和《論語》。
  • 19A member of the Salesian order, whose particular mission is to work with the young, he is quintessentially a pastoral cleric rather than a church bureaucrat.作為一名慈幼會成員他命令有特別的使命的人與年輕人一起工作,他是典型牧區教士,而不是教會官僚。
  • 20He ACTS more like an enthusiastic professor than a jaded Washington bureaucrat, waving his arms and emphasizing points with 'boy' and 'wouldn't that be neat.他的行事作風更像一個充滿熱情的教授,而不像一個令人厭倦的華盛頓政客。他喜歡揮舞著手臂,用滿口的“孩子”和“這樣不是很好嗎?”強調自己的觀點。
  • 21The order stopped short of capping interest rates, as many had feared, though a subsequent statement by a senior bureaucrat suggested that this remains an option.法令設定了上限利率,解除了人們之前的擔憂,雖然一位高級官員隨後發表的報告暗示了這一法令有待斟酌。
  • 22Yuanhu-style culture originates from the combination of scholar-bureaucrat culture and townsfolk culture and it experienced the process"from elegance to vulgarity";鴛蝴文化起源於士大夫和市民文化的結合,經歷了“由雅到俗”的過程;
  • 23The overall exposition of administrative bureaucrat by Max Webber s theory of bureaucracy lays a foundation for the definition of leader-role of public administration.馬科斯·韋伯在官僚制理論中對行政官僚的全面闡述,對公共行政領導角色的界定具有奠基意義。
  • 24Ma Piyao mansion, which is located in An Yang city, is the largest Bureaucrat mansion extant in Henan Province, and is also one of the typical dwelling Chinese Portico.馬丕瑤府第位於古都安陽,是我省現存規模最大的清代官僚宅第,也是河南四合院居住建築的典型代表之一。
  • 25He has closed his personal office but mail continues to flood in, most of it by recorded delivery, so people know he has got it and will send it on to the right bureaucrat.不過他仍然會收到大量的郵件,其中很多設定了收信回復,這樣人們就能知道郵件是被楊建昌收到了,而且會被轉發給相關負責人。


