- 外文名:bowel
- 詞性:名詞、動詞
- 屬性:英語單詞
- 1The boy was suffering from a bowel obstruction.那男孩當時在受腸梗阻之苦。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 2The blade missed his kidney, but went into his bowel.刀片沒刺中他的腎臟,但卻扎進了他的腸子。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 3Symptoms such as stomach pains and irritable bowels can be signs of bowel cancer.胃痛和腸易激等症狀都可能是腸癌的徵兆。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 4A person who eats 50 grams of processed meat per day—about two pieces of bacon—increases his or her risk of bowel cancer by 18 percent.一個人如果每天吃50克加工肉(大約兩塊培根),患腸癌的風險會增加18%。
- 5Irritable bowel syndrome seems to affect more women than men.腸易激綜合症對女性比對男性影響更大。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 6One radiographic feature of paralytic ileus is that gaseous distention occurs somewhat uniformly in the stomach, small bowel, and colon.氣體瀰漫的充溢在胃、小腸和大腸中是麻痹性腸梗阻x線片中的一個特徵。
- 7Or thermal damage to the bowel.或者腸道的熱損傷。
- 8Have irritable bowel syndrome?有腸易激綜合症?
- 9Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).腸易激綜合症(IBS)。
- 10I haven't had bowel movement for a week.我已一個禮拜無法通便了。
- 11May result in a quicker return of bowel function?可以更快地恢復腸功能。
- 12This bowel problem might cause a new kind of autism.這腸道問題可以引起一種新型自閉症。
- 13I asked her if she had had any change in bowel habit.我問她排便習慣有沒有發生改變。
- 14His bowel movements are pale, greasy and foul smelling.他大便呈灰白色,含油脂,並且惡臭。
- 15Irregular bowel movements cause irritability and quick temper.沒有規律的排便會導致情緒變得煩躁,而且性子急。
- 16Bowel function, however, was improved in the majority of patients.不過,大部分患者大便功得以改善。
- 17What They Do - Fiber in these foods ensures a good bowel movement.作用 ——這些食品里的纖維素將會使排便變得非常容易。
- 18Anxiety and depression commonly occur alongside these bowel conditions.沮喪和焦慮通常伴隨著這些腸道問題出現。
- 19Finally, try to clear your system with a bowel movement before you run.最後,在你跑之前儘可能把腸排空。
- 20People might think you have a hideous bowel disease or perhaps a fiber fetish.人們可能會認為你有一個可怕的腸道疾病或者纖維戀物癖。
- 21Rural poverty brings many hardships; inflammatory bowel disease is not among them.貧窮使鄉村困難重重,但炎症性腸病不在其列。
- 22Do you sufer from heartburn stomachaches (loose bowel movements, chest pains)?你的胃有過燒心感(稀便,胸痛)嗎?
- 23Gastrointestinal disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease and Crohn's disease.胃腸功能紊亂,如炎症性腸道疾病和克羅恩病。
- 24Your surgeon may advise you about means to help your bowel function postoperatively.醫生可能建議你一些方法,以幫助你術後腸功能的恢復。
- 25If your child doesn't have regular bowel movements, give them more high-fiber foods.如果你的小孩不是正常的排便,給他們吃更多的高纖維食物。
- 26They include breast, bowel, ovarian and skin cancer, leukaemia and malignant melanoma.這些癌症包括乳腺癌、直腸癌、卵巢癌、皮膚癌、白血病和惡性黑色素瘤。
- 27These include arthritis, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, malaria and psoriasis.作為試驗對象的包括關節炎、糖尿病、腸易激綜合徵、瘧疾和牛皮癬。
- 28Meconium is accumulating in her bowel and will become her first dirty diaper after birth.胎便正在她的腸內累積,這將成為她出生後第一次排出的物質。
- 29Inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease may occur here.如潰瘍性結腸炎及節段性腸炎等炎症性腸病都是由這裡產生。