- 外文名:bowels
- 詞性:名詞、動詞
- 英式發音:['bauəlz]
- 釋義:內臟(尤指人的腸);同情心;勇氣(bowel的複數)|取出…的腸子(bowel的第三人稱單數)
- 屬性:英語單詞
Paul Bowels Paul Bowels,演員,參演電影《殺人錦標賽》。演藝經歷 參演電影《殺人錦標賽》。主要作品
《Bowels Of Love》是Therapy演唱的歌曲,由Andrew James Cairns作詞,收錄於專輯《Infernal Love》。歌曲歌詞 Yeah you took me Naive and ugly Into your festering heart And you poured eros maggots down my throat Until I choked Theres nothing darker than love thats gone sour Satans spit Love thats ...
3Symptoms such as stomach pains and irritable bowels can be signs of bowel cancer.胃痛和腸易激等症狀都可能是腸癌的徵兆。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》4A person who eats 50 grams of processed meat per day—about two pieces of bacon—increases his or her risk of bowel cancer by 18 percent.一個人...
1.V-T To disembowel a person or animal means to remove their internal organs, especially their stomach, intestines, and bowels. 除去...的內臟 雙語例句 We're currently in the process of redesigning Disembowel.我們目前在重新設計剮腸。Urban myths abound about the birds being able to disembowel a...
Being earth-brown, earth-golden from the burning bowels of the earth On the day of Sicilian July, with Etna smoking.The voice of my education said to me He must be killed,For in Sicily the black, black snakes are innocent, the gold are venomous.And voices in me said, If you were a...
excrement,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為糞便,排泄物。單詞用法 1.N-UNCOUNTExcrement is the solid waste that is passed out of a person or animal's body through their bowels. 糞便 [正式]短語搭配 excrement collector 糞便收集器 ; 大便採集器 animal excrement 動物排泄物 pig excrement 豬糞 b...
a piece of one foot two inches dried seasoned meat, to paste up; to attach to; to stick up; to glue, (same as 殖) rotten fat; grease, lard, etc., bowels, fat 古籍解釋 康熙字典 䐈【未集下】【肉部】康熙筆畫:14畫部外筆畫:8畫 康熙字典 䐈 《廣韻》之翼切《集韻》質力切,𠀤...
the navel, the bowels; the entrails; the viscera, (same as 癖) chronic swelling of the spleen 古籍解釋 康熙字典 䑀【未集下】【肉部】康熙筆畫:19畫部外筆畫:13畫 康熙字典 䑀 《集韻》蒲歷切,音甓。臍也。《五音集韻》腑也。又匹歷切,音霹。積病。本作癖。又《廣韻》博厄切,音檗。豆...
因而源於人類生理學的metaphor,通常擴大套用於自然界或無生物,如the mouth of a river(河口),the foot of the mountain(山腳),the snout of a glacier(冰川鼻),the bowels of the earth(地球內部),the leg of a table(桌子腿)和the eye of a needle(針眼)。相反,自然現象中的相似物,常...
musical instrument]。如:拉胡琴;拉二胡;拉手風琴 大便或小便;排泄 [empty the bowels]。如:拉硬屎(強作好漢。也指自恃高人一等的意思);拉肚子 牽連 [implicate]此後的小報,每當攻擊胡風時,便往往不免拉上我。—— 魯迅《且介亭雜文末編》拖欠 [owe]。如:拉債;拉賬;拉饑荒 另見 lá;lǎ ...
Section 3 Six Bowels 六腑 Section 4 Extraordinary Organs 奇恆之腑 Section 5 Medical Dialogue 醫學會話 Exercises CHAPTER 5 CAUSES OF DISEASE 病因 Section 1 External Causes of Disease 外感病因 Section 2 Internal Causes of Disease 內傷病因 Section 3 Causes Neither Internal nor External 不內外因 Sectio...
而從作者對楊小凱、黃有光到布羅代爾、青木昌彥等的近400部專著的研讀和對超邊際分析、演化博弈論,計算機仿真實驗的運用(印象中國際上擅長用計算機仿真實驗的經濟學家有Gintins&Bowels,以及Axelrod的著名"Tit for Tat"實驗;而國內只知葉航做過)這些經濟學界最艱深和前沿的工具、方法,以及陳在答辯中偶然說到自己...
(12) 大便或小便;排泄 [empty the bowels]。如:拉硬屎(強作好漢。也指自恃高人一等的意思);拉肚子 (13) 牽連 [implicate]此後的小報,每當攻擊胡風時,便往往不免拉上我。—— 魯迅《且介亭雜文末編》(14) 拖欠 [owe]。如:拉債;拉賬;拉饑荒 (15) 另見 lá;lǎ 常用詞組 拉幫、拉幫結夥、...
oppilate oppilate,英語單詞,主要用作及物動詞,作及物動詞時譯為“使阻塞;使便秘”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 oppilate /ˈɒpɪˌleɪt/ 1.V to block (the pores, bowels, etc) 阻塞(氣孔、內臟等) [pathol][OBSOLETE]同近義詞 constipate ...
〖thesorrowissodeepthatitseemstohavecutthebowelstopieces〗憂愁的心腸斷成了一寸一寸的。形容極其焦慮而痛苦,難以言狀 愁苦 chóukǔ 〖anxiety〗憂慮痛苦 愁慮 chóulǜ 〖worried〗憂慮;發愁 收入多了,他再也不為生活而愁慮了 愁眉 chóuméi 〖knittedbrows〗發愁時皺著的眉頭 愁眉不展 愁眉不展 chóuméi-...
Chapter Eight Du-zhong Helps Moisturize the Intestines and Acts as Relaxant to the Bowels 1. Mechanism of moisturizing the intestine and defaecation by Du-zhong 2. Differences between Du-zhong's moisturizing the intestine and defaecation and other teas clearing the bowels Chapter Nine Experiment ...
evacuant,英語單詞,主要用作名詞、形容詞,作名詞時譯為”排泄藥,瀉劑“,作形容詞時譯為”促進排泄的“。單詞用法 1.ADJ serving to promote excretion, esp of the bowels 促進排泄的 2.N an evacuant agent 排泄藥 短語搭配 gas exhaustion evacuant 氣體排除劑 digestant and evacuant 消導藥 雙...
ChapterXXVIILostintheBowelsoftheEarth 176 第二十八章聽到回音/ ChapterXXVIIITheRescueintheWhisperingGallery 180 第二十九章終於得救/ ChapterXXIXThalatta!Thalatta! 188 第三十章看到海洋/ ChapterXXXANewMareInternum 194 第三十一章航海準備/ ChapterXXXIPreparationsforaVoyageofDiscovery 203 第三十二章神奇的地心/ ...
enema,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“灌腸劑(複數enemas)”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 enema /ˈɛnɪmə/ ( enemas )1.N-COUNT If someone has an enema, a liquid is put into their rectum in order to make them empty their bowels, for example before they have an ...
Till her bowels are in heat,proof that there's a purpose set Before the secret working mind:Profane perfection of mankind.Quattrocento put in paint On backgrounds for a God or Saint Gardens where a soul's at ease;Where everything that meets the eye,Flowers and grass and cloudless sky,Resem...
demands, of which large sums of cash are just the beginning. With the president incommunicado and weak-willed yet power hungry Vice President Sherman Baxter in charge, the Pentagon and the CIA resort to their secret weapon: commando extraordinaire Mitch Rapp. After sneaking into the bowels of ...
Bowels are ripped apart.One by one we force the female captives to serve the Ahati until The gods legs are awash with blood and his phallus drips with Red and black gore un snem sheth tesher mekhsefu parthal m aba Neth anhur.We lay our bloodstained weapons of Iron on the altar of ...
Space 第三十五章 節日 Chapter 35 A Fete Day 第三十六章 彗星內部 Chapter 36 The Bowels Of The Comet 第三十七章 沉悶的日子 Chapter 37 Dreary Months 第三十八章 教授的困惑 Chapter 38 The Professor Perplexed 第三十九章 一次旅行和一次失望 Chapter 39 A Journey And A Disappointment 第四十章 大膽 ...
Section 2 Viscera and Bowels/39 Section 3 Essence, Qi, Blood and Body Fluids/48 Section 4 Constitution/52 Chapter 4 Etiology and Pathogenesis/56 Section 1 Etiology/56 Section 2 Pathogenesis/69 Chapter 5 Diagnostic Methods/82 Section 1 Inspection/82 Section 2 Listening and Smelling/94 Section 3...
Your tongue will be torn your bowels my food your body impaled of shit will be full now foolish warrior hear my words You are condemned and you will come with us all beyond the gates of infinity I'm the mighty warrior herd of the northern lands Algalord is calling so your hell must ...