

更多義項 ▼ 收起列表 ▲







Chapter 1 Introduction/1
Section 1 History of Traditional Chinese Medicine/1
Section 2 Theoretic System and Cultural Characteristics of TCM/8
Section 3 Characteristics of the Theoretical System of TCM/9
Chapter 2 Philosophical Thoughts of Traditional Chinese Medicine/14
Section 1 Theory of Original Qi/14
Section 2 The Theory of Yin-yang/18
Section 3 Five-element Theory/27
Chapter 3 Visceral Manifestation Theory/36
Section 1 Overview/36
Section 2 Viscera and Bowels/39
Section 3 Essence, Qi, Blood and Body Fluids/48
Section 4 Constitution/52
Chapter 4 Etiology and Pathogenesis/56
Section 1 Etiology/56
Section 2 Pathogenesis/69
Chapter 5 Diagnostic Methods/82
Section 1 Inspection/82
Section 2 Listening and Smelling/94
Section 3 Inquiries/96
Section 4 Palpation/103
Chapter 6 Syndrome Differentiation/109
Section 1 Eight-principle Syndrome Differentiation/109
Section 2 Zang-fu Organ Syndrome Differentiation/115
Chapter 7 Principles for Prevention and Treatment of Diseases/143
Section 1 Prevention/143
Section 2 Therapeutic Principles/146
Section 3 Therapeutic Methods/157
Chapter 8 Chinese Medicinals/161
Section 1 Introduction on Chinese Medicinals/161
12 Contents
Section 2 Classification of Chinese Medicinals and Herbs/166
Chapter 9 Herbal Medicine Formulae/197
Section 1 Basic Knowledge of Formula/197
Section 2 Classification of Commonly Used Formulae/202
Chapter 10 Basic Knowledge of Acupuncture, Moxibustion, and Tuina/236
Section 1 General Introduction on Channels and Collaterals/236
Section 2 General Introduction on Acupuncture/247
Section 3 Channels and Acupoints/255
Section 4 Acupuncture and Moxibustion Techniques/336
Section 5 General Discussion of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatment/ 367
Section 6 Tuina Therapy/369
Section 7 Common Diseases and Treatment in Acupuncture and Tuina Department/384
Chapter 11 Common Diseases and Treatments/397
Section 1 Internal Diseases/397
Section 2 External Diseases/411
Section 3 Gynecological Diseases/415
Section 4 Pediatric Diseases/419
Section 5 Tumors/423
Appendix Ⅰ: Chinese Medicinals/428
Appendix Ⅱ: Formulas/435
Appendix Ⅲ: TCM Classics/444


