



  • 外文名:blockade
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式發音:[blɒˈkeɪd]
  • 美式發音:[blɑːˈkeɪd]
  • 釋義:包圍,封鎖;障礙物;阻滯,阻塞


N-COUNT A blockade of a place is an action that is taken to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving it. 封鎖
V-T If a group of people blockade a place, they stop goods or people from reaching that place. If they blockade a road or a port, they stop people from using that road or port. 封鎖


berlin blockade 柏林封鎖 ; 柏林空運 ; 柏林封
economic blockade[經] 經濟封鎖 ; 翻譯 ; 經濟封鎖
blockade running 闖過封鎖 ; 突破封鎖 ; 封鎖運行 ; 破環封鎖
Union Blockade 聯邦封鎖
strategic blockade 戰略封鎖 ; 翻譯
Neuromuscular Blockade 神經肌肉阻滯 ; 神經肌肉阻斷
partial blockade 局部封鎖
Bouncer Blockade 反彈封鎖 ; 反彈封閉
blockade line 封鎖線


  • 1It's not yet clear who will actually enforce the blockade.目前還不清楚到底誰會來執行封鎖。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2There's been talk of a retaliatory blockade to prevent supplies from getting through.有人在談論實施報復性封鎖,以阻止供應物資通過。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3The leadership discussed a plan of economic measures to counter the effects of such a blockade.領導層討論了一項經濟措施計畫來抵消如此封鎖的影響。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The streamer has been captured in running the blockade.輪船在偷越封鎖線時被截獲。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 5The UN has warned for months that more than 1,000,000 people are suffering from the blockade and 160,000 face starvation.聯合國幾個月來一直警告,超過100萬人正遭受封鎖,16萬人面臨飢餓。
  • 6The ship was captured in running the blockade.該船在偷越封鎖線時被截獲。
  • 7Hamas demands a lifting of Israel's economic blockade.哈馬斯則要求解除以色列的經濟封鎖。
  • 8SCARLETT: it's a little like blockade running, isn't it? RHETT: it's.思嘉:這有點象作突破防線,是嗎?
  • 9The river formed a natural blockade to the spread of the forest fire.那條河成了阻止森林大火蔓延的天然屏障。
  • 10The river formed a natural blockade to the spread of the forest fire .那條河成了阻止森林大火蔓延的天然屏障。
  • 11It was quite some time before they managed to break through the enemy's blockade.他們花了好長時間才設法衝破敵人的封鎖線。
  • 12And our data provide evidence that the sleep spindle is a marker of this blockade.我們的資料能夠提供明確的證據睡眠梭形波是這種阻礙作用的標誌。
  • 13Greek and Turkish Cypriots have removed a blockade that has separated them for half a century.希臘裔和土耳其裔的賽普勒斯人拆除了將他們分離了半個世紀的路障。
  • 14Lock and/or blockade the door. Silence your cell phone. Hide behind large objects. Remain very quiet.鎖上門並用東西擋住。將手機調至靜音。藏在尺寸較大的物體後面。保持安靜。 %。
  • 15The study aimed to analyze the effects of renin-angiotensin-system (RAS) blockade on renal endothelial function.本研究旨在探索阻斷腎素-血管緊張素系統(RAS)對腎臟內皮功能的影響。
  • 16Objective To observe the clinical feasibility and effects of regional nerve blockade in patients with heart failure.目的觀察局部阻滯腎神經治療充血性心力衰竭(心衰)的臨床療效和可行性。
  • 17Stellate ganglion blockade (SGB) is a common technique in clinical nerve block, which is widely used in pain therapy.星狀神經節阻滯(SGB)是一種較常用的神經阻滯技術,在國內外的疼痛治療中被廣泛套用。
  • 18In people who produce more frequent spindles, there's a better chance that a noise will encounter this sensory blockade.對於頻繁形成紡錘波的人來說,應有更多機會從感官上阻擋噪聲進入。
  • 19It appears that increasing duration of sympathetic blockade correlates with an increased incidence of urinary retention.表明交感神經阻滯時間的增加和尿瀦留發生率的增加有關。
  • 20In addition to lidocaine, nearly all the local anesthetics have been shown to have this effect on neuromuscular blockade.除了利多卡因以外,幾乎所有的局麻藥都對非去極化型肌松藥產生這樣的作用。
  • 21The Dignity was carrying 16 passengers and crew who were trying to reach Gaza through an Israeli blockade of the territory.號上載有16名乘客和船員,他們正在通過該地區以色列開設的一道封鎖線前往加沙。
  • 22Objective To research the protective effect of Lidocain in local blockade on tissue injury caused by extravasation of Vinorelbine.目的探討長春瑞濱靜脈注射外滲時採用不同藥物局部封閉對損傷組織的保護作用。
  • 23Objective: To observe anesthetic effect of disoprofol combined with infraobital nerve blockade on cheiloschisis repairing operation.目的 :觀察異丙酚加眶下神經阻滯作唇裂修補術的臨床麻醉效果。
  • 24The Hunley was designed and named for W.L. Hunley, who died in his vessel the second time it sank while attempting to attack a Union blockade.亨利號是以w.l.亨利的名字命名的潛艇,他本人在第二次嘗試攻擊聯邦軍封鎖線的行動中因潛艇沉沒而身亡。
  • 25The events caused an uproar in Turkey and led to increased calls across the Middle East and around the world for an end to the blockade in Gaza.這一事件在土耳其引起震動,並在中東和世界範圍內逐漸激起了結束加薩走廊禁運的呼聲。
  • 26The calcium channel blockade of tetrandrine could be related to its antagonistic action on tracheal contraction induced by anaphylactic mediators.漢甲的鈣通道阻斷作用可能與其拮抗過敏介質收縮氣管的作用有關。
  • 27The Turks presented this as a result of Israel's refusal to apologize for the armed seizure of the Gaza-blockade-running Turkish flotilla last year.土耳其以此來報復以色列拒絕為去年扣押土耳其在加薩走廊的巡邏隊道歉。


