bigger than us

《bigger than us》是一首White Lies演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Ritual》。


  • 中文名:bigger than us
  • 發行時間:2011-01-17
  • 專輯:《Ritual》
  • 歌手:White Lies




Charles Cave和Jack Brown曾自組樂隊,名為“Fear of Flying飛翔恐懼”,還未成年, white lies就已經在Way Out West俱樂部登台表演。現在看來,那真是一段不同尋常的經歷。他二人都來自西倫敦,從小自是好友。孩童時代,Charles Cave演奏低音小提琴,Jack Brown負責敲鼓和三角鐵,在學校參與表演。幾年之後,Harry McVeigh加入,作為主唱,三個人成立了自己的樂隊,當時都只有15歲(有意思的是,Jack在樂隊成立前兩星期才有了真正屬於自己的鼓)。


可能現在提到White Lies這支樂隊很難能有人想起他們,可能是太獨立的緣故,但是做為一支在2009年崛起的這支英倫樂隊的背後有著一連串的形容詞:怒視,耀眼,陰鬱,雄壯,堅硬鎖骨,冰冷如石,一切類似詞語都能在善意謊言樂隊找到,他們正是這樣一支搖滾樂隊。 White Lies樂隊以前的名字叫做“Fear Of Flying”,由Charles Cave和Jack Brown組建,後來Harry MCVeigh加入,就把樂隊名改成white lies。Harry McVeigh主唱兼吉他手,Charles Cave負責貝斯手以及填詞,而Jack Brown負責打擊樂器。他們懷揣著激昂的音樂夢想,深受多種音樂元素的影響,逐漸形成了頗有氣勢,震撼爆裂的音樂風格。07年4月,white lies發布第一支限量版單曲“Unfinished Business”—— 一首哀悼輓歌情緒的搖滾樂,讓他們從狂熱的音樂愛好者一躍成為流行音樂創作者。之後在9月22日發布的“Death”備受好評,並成功殺入英國單曲榜52位。08年12月29日在iTunes上發布了“From The Stars”,緊接著發布了EP。雖說是一支新力軍,但已經頗具大牌的潛質,其成熟的音樂理念,超群的音樂塑造能力不容小覷,絕對算得上是2009年的亮點樂團之一


You took the tunnel route home
You've never taken that way with me before
Did you feel the need for change?
Apologies on your fingernails
Love flickered in the city of lights,
Like good singers on radio waves
I don't need your tears
I don't want your love
I just gotta get home
And I feel like I'm breaking up, and I wanted to stay
Headlights on the hillside, don't take me this way
I don't want you to hold me, I don't want you to pray
This is bigger than us
You went where the horses cry
You've never taken that way with me before
Did you feel the need for change?
Guilt smeared across your lips
I was tired and cold from the window
You're cold, nothing has changed
I don't need your tears
I don't want your love
I just gotta get home
And I feel like I'm breaking up, and I wanted to stay
Headlights on the hillside, don't take me this way
I don't want you to hold me, I don't want you to pray
This is bigger than us
And I feel like I'm breaking up, and I wanted to stay
Headlights on the hillside, don't take me this way
I don't want you to hold me, I don't want you to pray
This is bigger than us
And I feel like I'm breaking up, and I wanted to stay
Headlights on the hillside, don't take me this way
I don't want you to hold me, I don't want you to pray
This is bigger than us


