1Primo de Rivera himself was a benevolent and sincere paternalist.普里莫·德里韋拉本人是個仁慈而真誠的家長式人物。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
2This concept does not imply that business is benevolent or that consumer satisfaction is given priority over profit in a company.這個概念並不意味著企業是仁慈的,也不意味著消費者的滿意度要高於公司的利潤。
3The almighty and benevolent God is strongly disconfirmed for residents of Haiti, yet they continue to believe that God is good and all powerful.全能而仁慈的上帝在海地居民中遭到強烈的否定,但他們仍然堅信上帝是善良而全能的。
4He's devotion keeps my girls on a benevolent leash, one that hangs quietly at their side as they trot along but occasionally yanks them back to safety and solid ground.他的忠誠使我的女兒們像一條仁慈的鏈子,當她們小跑時,這條鏈子靜靜地掛在她們身邊,但偶爾會把她們拉回安全、堅實的地面。
5The company has proved to be a most benevolent employer.結果證明該公司是一個非常仁慈的僱主。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
6He possesses a mild and benevolent countenance.他的面容溫和而慈祥。《新英漢大辭典》
7The rich are not benevolent; the benevolent are not rich.為富不仁, 為仁不富。《新英漢大辭典》
8You never know which person is going to show up—the nice, benevolent manager or the insane, angry hophead.你永遠不知道他將以哪種形象出現,是一團和氣的經理還是暴怒的癮君子。
9That doesn't seem like a benevolent god to me.對我來說,這不像一個仁慈的上帝。
10Benevolent and wise - Master, you ARE a Sage.仁且智,夫子既聖矣!
11Life is extremely benevolent and simple in the now?在當下,生活是非常仁慈簡單的?
12Thus benevolent actually means "good intent" or "good will."因此,benevolent的含義是“好的用心”或“好的期許”。
13The President, an attentive and benevolent man, raised his voice.庭長是個細心周到的人,他大聲發言了。
14But he stressed that the benefits were related to benevolent prayer.不過他也強調,這些益處只在善意的祈禱時有效。
15But can some EU members continue to treat Russia as a benevolent ally?但是,是否一些歐盟成員國仍可以把俄羅斯當作是一個樂善好施的盟友?
16"I promise you that I will eat them," he said, in his benevolent voice.“我答應您吃掉它。”他用和善的語氣對她說。
17A benevolent explanation is that it has leverage over its ally, Armenia.一種善意的解釋是它對盟國亞美尼亞具有影響力。
18The pleasure obtained from a benevolent act is often relevant, for example.例如,從一項樂善好施的行為中取得的樂趣就往往與之相關。
19That benevolent attitude didn't seem to mesh with Microsoft's public statements.如此仁慈的態度似乎和微軟公司公眾聲明並不融合。
20Benevolent—astonishingly so. It's one of the few perks of old age when it's there.心懷仁愛——果真如此。這是變老為數不多的好處之一。
21He took Nixon's hands in both of his and showered his most benevolent smile on him.他雙手握住尼克森的手,臉上露出最善意的微笑。
22My most benevolent theory about the updating requests is that my computers are just bored.我關於更新請求的最親切的理論就是,計算機就是感覺無聊了。
23There were other reasons as well why the world did not accept American benevolent hegemony.世界拒絕美國的仁慈霸權還有其它一些原因。
24I want them to come away from here with a faith in other people and a faith in a benevolent God.我還希望,當她們離開這裡的時候懷有對他人的信念,對仁慈的上帝的信念。
25Again, we emphasize that during the Golden Age of Atlantis, its utility had been quite benevolent.我們再次強調,在亞特蘭提斯的黃金時期,這項用途算是相當仁慈的。
26In later life, his songs were like him: benevolent,lyrical, slightly overweight, decent and well-meaning.在他後來的生活中,他的歌就象他本人,慈祥、深情、略微持重(應該是音樂上的專有名詞,不好把握)、端莊而又飽含善意。
27And even the most benevolent companies were forced to adopt a more ruthless attitude to their corporate assets.甚至連最仁慈的公司都被迫對其公司資產採取更殘酷的態度。
28To many foreigners, he represents an idealistic version of america-the hope of a more benevolent superpower.對多數外國人來說,他代表了理想的美國形象—一個樂善好施的超級大國。