- 外文名:balletic
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[bæˈletɪk]
- 美式發音:[bæˈletɪk]
- 釋義:似芭蕾舞的
balletically,英語單詞,主要用作副詞,作副詞時譯為“芭蕾舞一般地”。雙語例句 That has got to be done balletically.這必須如芭蕾舞一般完成。單詞釋義 芭蕾舞一般地 ...balletic象芭蕾舞的balletically芭蕾舞一般地balletomane芭蕾舞迷...是什麼意思及音標 ...balleting的意思balletically是什麼意思及音標...
21They have a balletic freeway system; snazzy shopping malls; stylish skylines.他們擁有優美的高速公路、時髦的購物商場、現代的高樓大廈。22And now I know what the proper name is for the cats eyes that are embedded in the freeway!現在我終於明白如何正確命名內嵌在高速公路上的貓眼了!23Would ...
She dances with balletic grace. 她的舞姿有芭蕾般的優雅。She moves with feline grace. 她走路時有如貓一般的優雅。She does everything with style and grace. 她凡事都做得優雅得體。He was a sinner, redeemed by the grace of God. 他是一個罪人,承蒙上主的恩寵才得以拯救。She moves with the ...
that is the burden of having to bid farewell farewell real life.完全沒有負擔的輕飄生活是不可想像的,因為告別負擔亦即離別真實的生活。單詞釋義 輕飄地 ...aethereal輕飄的aethereally輕飄地aetiological病因論的...空氣一般地 ...鬧劇一般地farcically空氣一般地aethereally芭蕾舞一般地balletically...
Dancing to the music in a balletic way The music swells so beautifully Makes her ronde de jambe with glee Round half-circles with her pointed foot There is so much to do when the music takes you The beauty of the symphony orchestra When I hear the music of the orchestra It inspires in...
And snow-white balletic grace Rouge-filmed lips procure the wish For lust and her disgrace Dusk and her embrace We shall flit through the shadows Like a dream of (were)wolves in the snow Under deadly nightshade Still warmed with the kill's afterglow Beneath the stars thy flesh bedevils me...
The tango danced balletically Is the dance we all want to see Wags loves it the best He is a howling success Ah-roo-oo-oo Here's wags the dog Ah-roo-oo-oo Howling in the moonlight Ruff-ruff-ruff ah-roo He loves to howl Roo-oo-oo Always such a delight Ah-rah-rah-rah Here's...
Maxim, Lauri also began to understand the love behind true balletic expression. There was n...(展開全部) Only love could bring understanding One moment Lauri had been a ballet student living peacefully with her aunt in Downhollow--the next, a tall, dark maitre de ballet strode...
George Antheil在1924年的Ballet Mecanique使用了大量的反覆音調,而編制上則使用多台鋼琴和敲擊樂器。Erik Satie被視為簡約音樂的先驅,他為Francis Picabia的1924年的影片“Entr' acte”做的配樂,使用了大量的phrase,它們大部分從猥褻的流行歌曲中取材而來,在排列順序上顯得任意而反覆,為了這部影片做了精彩的對比。
§ Op.11 2 Rondos on themes from the Ballet "Les Portraits"§ Op.12 Intro. and rondo on a Venetian Barcarole § Op.13 Fantaisie Héroique § Op.14 Rondo Brillante § Op.15 Vars. on a theme from the opera "The Oculist"§ Op.18 3 Rondeaux § Op.19 Intro. and Polonaise § Op....
Chapter22TheBalletofLaMerlaison 270 第二十三章約會/ Chapter23TheRendezvous 279 第二十四章小樓/ Chapter24ThePavilion 291 第二十五章博爾多斯/ Chapter25Porthos 302 第二十六章阿拉莫斯的論文/ Chapter26AramisandHisThesis 324 第二十七章阿多斯的妻子/ Chapter27TheWifeofAthos 342 第二十八章回程/ Chapter28The...
Chapter 22 The Ballet of La Merlaison 258 第二十三章 約會/ Chapter 23 The Rendezvous 266 第二十四章 小樓/ Chapter 24 The Pavilion 278 第二十五章 博爾多斯/ Chapter 25 Porthos 289 第二十六章 阿拉莫斯的論文/ Chapter 26 Aramis and His Thesis 310 第二十七章 阿多斯的妻子/ Chapter...
VIDEO CASE: The Atlanta Ballet: Thc Nutcracker PART II Planning and Advertising Three The Advertising Spiral and Brand Planning Pioneering Stage The CompetitiveStage The Rctentive Stage The Advertising Spiral Comparison of Stages The Advertising Spiral as a Managcment Dccision Tool Building Strong ...