When I hear the music of the orchestra
It makes me dance with attitude
Pas de bourree with a pas de chat
Dancing to the music in a balletic way
The music swells so beautifully
Makes her ronde de jambe with glee
Round half-circles with her pointed foot
There is so much to do when the music takes you
The beauty of the symphony orchestra
When I hear the music of the orchestra
It inspires in me some bel canto
I sing in baritone or switch to falsetto
The music takes my voice where it should go
Om om om om om om om om om om om
Lah lah lah lah lah lah lah
Lah lah lah lah lah lah lah
There is so much to do when the music takes you
The beauty of the symphony orchestra
When I hear the music of the orchestra
It makes me think of movies
I sing and snore in my sleep
I have I must say musical dreams
Lah lah lah
Lah lah lah lah lah lah
There is so much to do when the music takes you
The beauty of the symphony orchestra
There is so much to do when the music takes you
The beauty of the symphony orchestra