



  • 外文名:amongst
  • 詞性:介詞
  • 單詞發音:英[ə'mʌŋst]美[ə'mʌŋst]
  • 釋義:在;(表示範圍)在…之內;(表示位置)處在…中




Amongst Villains 唱片名
Amongst Strangers 唱片名
Amongst Others 除其他
Amongst Carvers 繪製者
Amongst Which 一其中
amongst prep 在…之中 ; 在…中間
amongst women 藍調愛爾蘭
Amongst Friends 朋友之間
amongst t 在中間


  • 1I found the letter amongst his papers.我在他的檔案中找到這封信。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Morale amongst the players is very high at the moment.此刻各選手士氣高昂。《牛津詞典》
  • 3There are signs of growing disaffection amongst voters.選民中出現日漸不滿的跡象。《牛津詞典》
  • 4This here'll take a minute. Y'all just talk amongst yourselves.馬上就好,你們先聊著。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5The children were arguing amongst themselves.孩子們在互相爭論。
  • 6Tom ran about amongst the furrows, and at last slipped into an old mouse-hole.湯姆在犁溝里跑來跑去,最後鑽進了一個廢棄的老鼠洞。
  • 7She ran about amongst the flowerbeds, and looked, and looked, but there was not one to be found.她在花間跑來跑去,找了又找,但是一朵也沒有找到。
  • 8The changes in both lifestyles and attitudes are probably most easily seen amongst younger people.生活方式和態度的變化可能在年輕人中最容易看到。
  • 9It is even believed that several such aircraft may have landed on earth and the space visitors may be living amongst us.甚至有人認為,幾架這樣的飛機可能已經降落在地球上,太空遊客可能就住在我們中間。
  • 10You are the Brother amongst my brothers, but I heed them not. I divide not my earnings with them, thus sharing my all with you.你是我弟兄的弟兄,但是我不理他們。不把我賺得的和他們平分,因此我和你分享我的一切。
  • 11While the quality of legal journalism varies greatly, there is an undue reliance amongst many journalists on interpretations supplied to them by lawyers.雖然法律新聞報導的質量良莠不齊,但在很多新聞記者中,存在過度依賴律師給他們提供詮釋的現象。
  • 12Students themselves, however, may not realize that when they graduate, they will be competing in a global labor market, and universities need to raise awareness of these issues amongst undergraduates.然而,學生自己可能沒有意識到,當他們畢業時,他們將在全球勞動力市場中競爭,而大學需要加強本科生對這些問題的認識。
  • 13The advantages of such a gas bunner am amongst others a large dynamic power range.這種氣體容器的優點尤其是大的動態功率範圍。
  • 14Amongst the knife styles we should mention the styles of Rome, Neaples, Salerno, Calabria and Corsica.在刀的風格中,我們應該提到羅馬風格,尼普爾斯風格,薩萊諾風格,卡拉布里亞風格和科西嘉風格。
  • 15Let your life come amongst them like a flame of light, unflickering and pure, and delight them into silence.讓你的生命融到他們之中吧,就像一束明亮穩定的光芒,使他們歡悅而靜謐。
  • 16You are a man amongst men.芸芸眾生中凡人一個。
  • 17XNA is the next sore point amongst VB developers.XNA是在VB開發人員當中的下一個痛處。
  • 18Apparently so, at least amongst college students.答案顯然是的,至少在大學生人群中可以肯定。
  • 19Dotted amongst the sparse trees were a dozen low mounds.在那些稀疏樹木間,有一些很矮的土堆以點狀分布。
  • 20We should just divide the money amongst ourselves," he says.有錢就應該我們自己分了。
  • 21At this age we marry in Romania. It is normal amongst we Gypsies.在羅馬尼亞,我們是在這個年紀結婚的,這在我們吉普賽人中是很正常的。
  • 22So the question is: were there any benefits amongst all this death.而問題是:在所有死傷中,有沒有什麼好處呢?
  • 23The importance level is a relative ranking amongst different workloads.重要性級別在不同的工作負載中有相應的等級。
  • 24Ralf Rangnick is still amongst the finest coaches Germany has on offer.拉爾夫·郎尼克依然是德國現役最好的教練之一。
  • 25Stream restoration projects create great sense of pride amongst residents.河流恢復項目能建立居民強烈的自豪感。
  • 26Who does not know that our most sorrowful days have been amongst our best?誰不知道我們最大的悲痛,是發生在最幸福的時候!
  • 27America is far from alone amongst developed countries in dragging its feet.美國在拖拖拉拉的已開發國家中絕不是孤立的。
  • 28We were amongst the first to say you really need to understand your epidemic.世行是首個指出‘必需要了解愛滋病流行狀況’的機構之一。
  • 29But who has the best squad amongst these four groups of extraordinary players?但是這四隻充滿巨星的球隊中,哪一支的陣容是最強的呢?


