- 外文名:adventitious
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˌædvenˈtɪʃəs]
- 美式發音:[ˌædvenˈtɪʃəs]
- 屬性:英語單詞
附加音 附加音(adventitious sound)是2018年公布的呼吸病學名詞。定義 呼吸音以外的由於肺或胸膜病變所致的異常聲音。性質特異,伴隨呼吸音出現,包括囉音和胸膜摩擦音。出處 《呼吸病學名詞》第一版。
偶發隔膜 偶發隔膜(adventitious septum)是2012年公布的微生物學名詞,出自《微生物學名詞》第二版。定義 不受核分裂控制而形成的隔膜。出處 《微生物學名詞》第二版。
adventitious embryon reproduction 不定胚生殖 multiple pregnancy de-embryon 多胎妊娠減胎 multiple pregnancy de-embryon operation 多胎妊娠減胎術 雙語例句 Objective To find proper nursing methods of multiple pregnancy de-embryon ...
附屬芽 附屬芽(adventitious bud)是1996年公布的動物學名詞。公布時間 1996年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《動物學名詞》第一版。
1.Sian Liu#, Chunxia Yang#, Ling Wu, Heng Cai, Huogen Li, Meng Xu*. The peu-miR160a−PeARF17.1/PeARF17.2 module participates in the adventitious root development of poplar. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2020, ...
1.Li YH, Zou MH, Feng BH, Huang X, Zhang Z, Sun GM (2012) Molecular cloning and characterization of the genes encoding an auxinefflux carrier and the auxin influx carriers associated with the adventitiousroot formation...
epicotyl length increased.隨著播種深度的增加,黎小豆的出苗率和幼苗生長量呈降低趨勢,而上胚軸長度則呈增加趨勢。Epicotyl segments were the optimal explants for adventitious buds regeneration.上胚軸是再生不定芽的最佳外植體類型。
Results There were significant difference in different length of adventitious bud, difference between the multiplication and radication of culture media.結果不同高度的不定芽之間有顯著差異,不同的增殖與生根培養基之間有顯著差異。
Bai ZC, Zhang J, Ning X, Guo HL, Xu XM, Huang XH, Wang YC, Hu ZB, Lu CM, Zhang LX and Chi W*. 2020. A kinase-phosphatase-transcription factor module regulates adventitious root emergence in Arabidopsis root-...
Capsula ovoidea. Semina numerosa.Perennial herb, rhizome short, with filiform adventitious roots; leaves 7-12, fleshy, 5-7 × 3-4 cm, pale green-yellowish, obovate, obtuse with rounded apex, base cuneate, upper sur...
1. The major-effect quantitative trait locus CsARN6.1 encodes an AAA ATPase domain-containing protein that is associated with waterlogging stress tolerance by promoting adventitious root formation.The Plant Journal,2018, 93, ...
3.HUANG Chun-mei,ZENG Li-hui,WU Jin-shou,MA Ying,LAI Zhong-xiong.(2005).Leat Culture and the Cytological Observation of the Fomation of Adventitious Buds in Siraifia grosvenorii.Journal of Jilin Agricultural Uniuersity...
7.Baque MA, Moh SH, Lee EJ, Zhong JJ, Paek KY*. Production of biomass and useful compounds from adventitious roots of high-value added medicinal plants using bioreactor. Biotechnol Adv 2012, 30: 1255-1267.8.Xu JW,...
4.Shiping Liu, Jirong Wang, Lu Wang,Xiaofei Wang, Yanhong Xue, Ping Wu, Huixia Shou* (2009) Adventitious root formation in rice requires OsGNOM1 and is mediated by OsPINs family.Cell Research, 19:1110-1119.IF 8....
Bobin Liu, Lin Wang, Jin Zhang, Jianbo Li, Huanquan Zheng, Jun Chen and Mengzhu Lu. Wuschel-Related Homeobox Genes in Populus Tomentosa: Diversified Expression Patterns and a Functional Similarity in Adventitious Root ...
Xuan W, Zhu FY, Xu S, Huang BK, Ling TF, Qi JY, Ye MB, Shen WB*. The heme oxygenase/carbon monoxide system is involved in the auxin-induced cucumber adventitious rooting process. Plant Physiol, 2008, 148: 881...
16. Kimberly A. Pickens, (Max) Z.-M. Cheng and Stephen A. Kania. 2006. Effects of colchicine and oryzalin on callus and adventitious shoot formation of euphorbia pulchurrima ‘Winter rose’™ HortScience 41: ...
K. Li, Z. Liu, L. Xing, Y. Wei, J. Mao, Y. Meng, L. Bao, M. Han, C. Zhao, D. Zhang*.(2019). miRNAs associated with auxin signaling, stress response, and cellular activities mediate adventitious root ...
Adventitious shoot regeneration from in vitro leaves of Formosan sweetgum ( Liquidambar formosana L.). HortScience 2007, 42(3): 731-723 (SCI)Plant regeneration of pansy ( Viola wittrockiana ) 'Caidie' via petiole-derived...
Miao, Chuan-shu Zhu, Yu-qi Yang, Min-xing Feng, Zhi-qing Ma, Jun-tao Feng, Xing Zhang*,Elicitation and in situ adsorption enhanced secondary metabolites production of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook. f. adventitious root ...
, She Xiao-Ping, Huang Chen, Song Tu-Sheng. The dynamic distribution of NO and NADPH-diaphorase activity during IBA-induced adventitious root formation. Physiologia Plantarum, 2007, 130: 240-249 3. She Xiao-Ping, Huang...
(19) Linear energy transfer dependence of the effects of carbon ion beams on adventitious shoot regeneration from in vitro leaf explants of Saintpaulia ionahta, International Journal of Radiation Biology, 2006, 第 1 作者...