大阪大學工學研究科留學,導師是吉田敏臣教授,分別於1990年3月獲工學碩士學位、1993年3月獲工學博士學位。留日期間,在國際生物工程刊物Biotechnology and Bioengineering、World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology、Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering等發表學術論文10餘篇,發表的有關論文被國際同行在SCI收錄刊物引用。1993年4月起在
代表性成果1--新穎生物反應器設計、操作與放大。獲2004年度教育部科技進步(自然科學)一等獎(第一完成人),2002年度日本生物工學會授予的Young Asian Biotechnologist Prize。
代表性成果2--生物反應調控及機制研究。獲2010年度上海市科技進步(自然科學)二等獎(第一完成人),2009年度韓國生物技術與生物工程學會授予的Research Exchange Award。
在生物化學工程領域Biotechnology & Bioengineering等SCI期刊已發表論文212篇,論文已被SCI他人引用2730篇次;Google引用5800篇次、h指數42。在IBS2008/2012, Pacifichem2010, IUMS2011, APBioChEC系列會議(Plenary Lecture 2次), YABEC系列會議(Plenary Lecture 2次)等國際學術會議做大會/主題和特邀報告50次。
1. Xu YN, Xia XX, Zhong JJ*. Induced effect of Na on ganoderic acid biosynthesis in static liquid culture of Ganoderma lucidum via calcineurin signal transduction. Biotechnol Bioeng, 2013, 110(7): 1913-1923.
2.Tan GY, Bai LQ*, Zhong JJ*. Exogenous 1,4-butyrolactone stimulates A-factor cascade and validamycin biosynthesis in Streptomyces hygroscopicus 5008. Biotechnol Bioeng, 2013, 110(11): 2984-2993.
3.Dong HW, Fan LQ, Luo ZC, Zhong JJ, Ryu DDY*, Bao J*. Improvement of ethanol productivity and energy efficiency by degradation of inhibitors using recombinant Zymomonas mobilis (pHW20a-fdh). Biotechnol Bioeng, 2013, 110(9): 2395-2404.
4.Fan C, Qi K, Xia XX, Zhong JJ*. Efficient ethanol production from corncob residues by repeated fermentation of an adapted yeast. Bioresour Technol, 2013, 136: 309-315.
5.Wang JL, Gu T, Zhong JJ*. Enhanced recovery of antitumor ganoderic acid T from Ganoderma lucidum mycelia by novel chemical conversion strategy. Biotechnol Bioeng, 2012, 109(3): 754-762.
6.Xu YN, Zhong JJ*. Impacts of calcium signal transduction on the fermentation production of antitumor ganoderic acids by medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum. Biotechnol Adv, 2012, 30: 1301-1308.
7.Baque MA, Moh SH, Lee EJ, Zhong JJ, Paek KY*. Production of biomass and useful compounds from adventitious roots of high-value added medicinal plants using bioreactor. Biotechnol Adv 2012, 30: 1255-1267.
8.Xu JW, Xu YN, Zhong JJ*. Enhancement of ganoderic acid accumulation by overexpression of an N5 terminal truncated 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase gene in basidiomycete Ganoderma lucidum. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2012, 78(22): 7968-7976.
9.Zhou X, Zhong JJ*. Quantitative influence of endogenous salicylic acid level on taxuyunnanine C biosynthesis in suspension cultures of Taxus chinensis. Biotechnol Bioeng, 2011, 108(1): 216-221.
10.Dong HW, Bao J*, Ryu DDY*, Zhong JJ*. Design and construction of improved new vectors for Zymomonas mobilis recombinants. Biotechnol Bioeng, 2011, 108: 1616-1627.
11.Wang XY, Xu YQ, Lin SJ, Liu ZZ, Zhong JJ*. Novel antiphytopathogenic compound 2-heptyl-5-hexylfuran-3-carboxylic acid, produced by newly isolated Pseudomonas sp. strain SJT25. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, 77: 6253-6257.
12.Yong YC, Zhong JJ*. A genetically engineered whole-cell pigment-based bacterial biosensing system for quantification of N-butyryl homoserine-lactone quorum-sensing signal. Biosens Bioelectron, 2009, 25: 41-47.
日本學術振興會Research Fellowship;1997年獲上海市科協青年優秀科技論文獎 、國家教委與國家人事部頒發的“全國優秀留學回國人員”稱號 、入選Who's Who in the World及Who's Who in Science & Engineering;1998年獲
長江學者獎勵計畫”特聘教授國務院政府特殊津貼 (1998 年 ) ,“上海市新長征突擊手” (1999 年 ) ,
國家傑出青年科學基金 (2002 年 ) ,
上海市化學化工學會莊長恭獎( 2004 年),“新世紀百千萬人才工程”國家級人選( 2006 年)。
曾受邀擔任美國化工學會生物工程學會 (Society for Biological Engineering, AIChE) 國際顧問。任 9 本國外SCI學術期刊的編委或主編等職,包括 Process Biochemistry(Elsevier) 主編;Biotechnology & Applied Biochemistr 主編;Biotechnology and Bioengineering(Wiley) 副主編;Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (Springer) 副主編。2012年10月起任亞洲生物技術聯合會(AFOB)秘書長。