- 外文名:adsorb
- 詞性:動詞
- 英式發音:[ədˈzɔːb; ədˈsɔːb]
- 美式發音:[ədˈzɔːrb,ədˈsɔːrb]
- 釋義:吸收,吸附;使併入,同化;理解,掌握;使全神貫注;減輕(打擊、碰撞等)作用;耗費;承受,對付
吸附量是指單位面積的表層中所含溶質的物質的量與同量容積在溶液本體中所含溶質物質的量的差值。名稱:吸附量;比吸附量;adsorbance;amount adsorbed 單位面積的表層中所含溶質的物質的量與同量容積在溶液本體中所含溶質物質的量的差值...
ADSORBSIA™ 鈦基介質可以方便地去除飲用水中的砷,且節約成本。產品分類 陶氏工業級苦鹹水膜元件 陶氏半導體級膜元件 陶氏DOW其他膜元件 陶氏低能耗膜元件 陶氏食品級膜元件 陶氏苦鹹水膜元件 陶氏自來水膜元件 陶氏DOW抗污染膜 陶氏...
(7)國際合作:Water Treatment Demonstration Project to Reduce Amount of Arsenic from Drinking Water in China Using ADSORBIATM Arsenic Removal Media(Dow Agreement Number 219065)(8)橫向合作:黃樟素加氫合成二氫黃樟素、新洋茉莉...
(3)Fang Li, etc..Novel ball-milled biochar-vermiculite nanocomposites effectively adsorb aqueous As(Ⅴ). Chemosphere260 (2020) 127566;(SCI收錄,JCR一區,IF=5.778)(4)Le Hou, Fang Li*, etc.. Hyperspectral-based ...
(25)Shuangxi Nie, Shuangfei Wang, Chengrong Qin, Shuangquan Yao, et al. Removal of hexenuronic acid by xylanase to reduce adsorbable organic halides formation in chlorine dioxide bleaching of bagasse pulp. Bioresource ...
Lizhen Bai, Zuopeng Li, Ying Zhang, Ting Wang, Runhua Lu, Wenfeng Zhou, Haixiang Gao,Sanbing Zhang*, Synthesis of water-dispersible graphene-modified magnetic polypyrrole nanocomposite and its ability to efficiently adsorb ...
Li, Zuopeng; Zhang, Ying; Wang, Ting; Lu, Runhua; Zhou, Wenfeng;Gao, Haixiang;Zhang, Sanbing, Synthesis of water-dispersible graphene-modified magnetic polypyrrole nanocomposite and its ability to efficiently adsorb Methyle...
The results showed that lacunaris polyester can adsorb mycelial cell of XN1 and retain high flocculating activity for long time.研究發現,利用多孔聚酯泡沫可吸附固定XN1菌絲細胞,且能較長時間保持高的活性。The abundance ...
4.XuanGuo, Fusheng Li, YuukiTozaki, Residual adsorbability of GAC and BAC columns for removal of 17β-estradiol and natural organic matter,第62回日本全國水道研究發表會演講概要集, pp.732-733, 2011. (大阪)社會工作經驗 ...
Y.; Pang, X. B.; Sheng, H.; Li, Y.; Ji, H. W.; Song, W. J.; Chen, C. C.; Ma, W. H.*; Zhao, J. C.* Inverse Kinetic Solvent Isotope Effect in TiO₂ Photocatalytic Dehalogenation of Non-adsorb...
Xueping*. Li, kecheng. Removal of hexenuronic acid by xylanase to reduce adsorbable organic halides formation in chlorine dioxide bleaching of bagasse pulp. Bioresource Technology, 2015, (196): 412-417 (1區,IF 5.615)...
Moreover, the inner liner may adsorb the collision or earthquake shaking on the cinerary casket, to prevent the collapse or drop of cinerary casket. 最後,以內襯體吸收骨灰罈受外力碰 撞或地震搖晃所產生的搖晃力,以形成...
[7]2015年,Removal of hexenuronic acid by xylanase to reduce adsorbable organic halides formation in chlorine dioxide bleaching of bagasse pulp+Bioresource Technology,196:413-417.(SCI 1區收錄,IF=4.494),第三;[8]2015年,...
To wear the health neckcloth, it is able to refresh himself and wake brain, also can adsorb greater part of smoke in the occasion with much smoke, playing protecting function to people in deed.配帶這種健康領帶,不僅...
7、Haijiao Fu, Dazhen Tang, Hao Xu, et al. Abrupt changes in reservoir properties of Low-rank coal and its control factors for methane adsorbability, Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30: 2084-2094.(T2)8、Haijiao Fu, ...