- 中文名:伏海蛟
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:煤與煤層氣地質、煤層氣/頁岩氣資源評價
- 任職院校:中國地質大學(武漢)
2012.7- 2013.3 中國石化勘探南方分公司研究院科員
2013.3- 2014.9 北京旭日昌盛科技有限公司項目長
2017.7 - 至今 中國地質大學(武漢)資源學院副教授
2005.9-2009.6 中國地質大學(北京)礦產普查與勘探博士研究生畢業,工學博士學位
2009.9-2012.6 中國地質大學(北京)礦產普查與勘探碩士研究生畢業,工學碩士學位
2021.10- 2022.10 中國地質學會-非常規油氣地質專業委員會會員
2021.11- 至今 國家自然科學基金評審專家
2022.9 -至今 新疆煤田地質局煤層氣研發中心 煤層氣勘探開發高級顧問
2020.12- 2022.6 英文SCI期刊《Geofluids》客座副主編
2021.6 -2023.5 中文核心期刊《煤田地質與勘探》青年編委
- 1、國家自然科學基金面上項目:準南地區中低階煤煤層氣差異富集的本源菌群驅動機制研究,4217020846,(2022.01-至今),負責人,在研。
- 2、國家自然科學基金青年項目:準南米泉地區低煤階煤次生生物氣藏形成機制研究,41902173(2020.1-至今),負責人,在研。
- 3、中國石油科技創新基金研究項目:五峰-龍馬溪組頁岩裂縫脈體成岩環境演化與裂縫發育主控因素研究,2019D-5007-0107(2010.1-至今),負責人,在研。
- 4、新疆維吾爾自治區科技計畫項目:準南地區煤層氣中異常高CO2的形成機理及地質意義,2020D01A97(2020.1-至今),負責人,在研。
- 5、十三五油氣重大科技專項:準噶爾、三塘湖盆地中低煤階煤層氣富集規律與主控因素, 2016ZX05041(2016.1-2018.12),主要技術骨幹,結題。
- 6、橫向課題:新疆中低煤階煤層氣地質評價標準與重要參數評價模型研究,(2018.2-至今),負責人,結題。
- 7. 橫向課題:中低煤階煤樣品的等溫吸附-解吸與孔徑分析實驗研究,(2019.5-至今),負責人,結題。
- 8、傑出人才培育基金:低煤階煤層氣差異性賦存規律及地質主控因素研究,(2017.7-至今),負責人,結題。
- 9、優秀導師基金:準噶爾盆地南緣煤層氣成藏地質特徵及甜點區預測2652016122(2016-2017),負責人,結題。
- 10、地質調查局戰略選區項目:準東地區低煤階煤層氣成藏條件與控制因素研究XQ2015-06-02(2014-2015),主要技術骨幹,結題。
- 1、Haijiao Fu, Detian Yan, Chenpeng Yao, et al. Pore structure and multi-scale fractal characteristics of adsorbed pores in marine shale: A case study of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi shale in the Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Earth Sciences, 2021, accetped. (T3)
- 2、Haijiao Fu, Detian Yan, Shuguang Yang, et al. A study of the gas-water characteristics and their implications for the CBM accumulation modes in the southern Junggar Basin, China. AAPG Bulletin, 2021, 105(1):189-221 (T1)
- 3、Fu H, Yan D, Yang S, Wang X, Zhang Z, Sun M. Characteristics of in situ stress and its influence on coalbed methane development: A case study in the eastern part of the southern Junggar Basin, NW China. Energy Science Engineering. 2019;00:1–15.(T3)
- 4、Haijiao Fu, Dazhen Tang, Zhejun Pan,et al.A study of hydrogeology and its effect on coalbed methane enrichment in the southern Junggar Basin, China, (in press; preliminary version published online Ahead of Print 13 July 2018): AAPG Bulletin, doi: 10.1306/06071817190.(T1)
- 5、Haijiao Fu, Dazhen Tang, Ting Xu, et al. Preliminary research on CBM enrichment models of low-rank coal and its geological controls: A case study in the middle of the southern Junggar Basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2017, 83: 97-110.(T2)
- 6、Haijiao Fu, Dazhen Tang, Ting Xu, et al. Characteristics of the pore structure and fractal dimension of low-rank coal: A case study of Lower Jurassic Xishanyao coal in the middle of the southern Junggar Basin, NW China. FUEL, 2017, 193: 254-264. (T2)(高被引論文)
- 7、Haijiao Fu, Dazhen Tang, Hao Xu, et al. Abrupt changes in reservoir properties of Low-rank coal and its control factors for methane adsorbability, Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30: 2084-2094.(T2)
- 8、Haijiao Fu, Dazhen Tang, Hao Xu, et al. Geological characteristics and CBM exploration potential evaluation: A case study in the middle of the southern Junggar Basin, NW China, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 557-570.(T2)
- 9、Haijiao Fu, Xiangzeng Wang, Lixia Zhang, et al. Investigation of the factors that control the development of pore structure in lacustrine shale: A case study of block X in the Ordos Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2015, 26: 1422-1432.(T2)
- 10、Haijiao Fu, Xiangzeng Wang, Lixia Zhang, et al. Geological controls on artificial fracture networks in continental shale and its fracability evaluation: A case study in the Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2015, 26: 1285-1293.(T2)
- 11、伏海蛟,湯達禎,許浩等。緻密砂岩儲層特徵及氣藏成藏過程,斷塊油氣田,2012,19(1):47-50.
- 12、伏海蛟,湯達禎,許浩等。巴喀油田構造特徵及其油氣成藏意義,特種油氣藏,2012,19(2):33-36.
- 13、伏海蛟,湯達禎,許浩等。巴喀油田下侏羅統八道灣組沉積特徵及油氣地質意義,新疆地質,2012,30(3):325-328.
- 14、伏海蛟,湯達禎,許浩等。準南中段煤層氣富集條件及成藏模式研究,煤炭科學技術,2015,43(9):94-98.
- 15. 楊曙光,伏海蛟,王剛等。準南地區煤層氣選區評價體系及有利區預測,新疆地質,2021,39(2):292-296.
- 1、Liwei Zhang, Detian Yan, Shuguang Yan, Hassan Nasi Mangi, Haijiao Fu , Effects of sequence stratigraphy on coal characteristics and ch4 adsorption capacity of the low-rank coal in santanghu basin, china. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2020. 103467.
- 2、Guoqing Li, Detian Yan, Xingguo Zhuang, Zheng Zhang, Haijiao Fu, Implications of the pore pressure and in situ stress for the coalbed methane exploration in the southern Junggar Basin, China . ENGINEERING GEOLOGY. 2020. 262. 105305.
- 3、Shida Chen, Dazhen Tang, ShuTao, Hao Xu, Pengfei Ren, Haijiao Fu. In-situ stress, stress-dependent permeability, pore pressure and gas-bearing system in multiple coal seams in the panguan area, western guizhou, china. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2018, 49, 110-122.
- 4、Shida Chen, Dazhen Tang, ShuTao, Hao Xu, Haijiao Fu. In-situ stress measurements and stress distribution characteristics of coal reservoirs in major coalfields in china: implication for coalbed methane (CBM) development. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2017, 182, 66-84.