易成型(Easy to Shape),易導入(Easy to insert into the tissue), 濃稠及組織高親和性(Dense and homogeneous), 精準及易注射(Precise and easy injection), 適合臉部各位置(Adapted to different facial areas), 長效提供至少8個月功效期(Long-lasting proven minimum persistence of 8 months)。
2、肌膚的健康維護,尤其是兒童肌膚的維護(Champion skin health — particularly among children)
3、增強公眾對肌膚疾病的意識(Drive public awareness about skin disease)
1、 支持了超過150位具卓越能力的年輕科學家在保護、診斷、治療肌膚疾病方面發現了新的、並具顯著效果的創新性方法。(Supported the work of over 150 exceptional young scientists with the vision, drive and dedication to find new and innovative new ways to prevent, detect and treat skin disease.)
2、 撥付7,900,000.00美元資助高級皮膚病理學研究,主要針對早期診斷及降低疾病擴散性的療法、及時防護與治癒。(Committed $7.9 million to advance dermatological research — the key to earlier diagnosis, less invasive therapies and, in time, prevention and cure.)
3、 免費向12000000萬名兒童、教師及家長提供關於對安全日曬的建議,並被列為國家公共學校優等課程計畫,如“青少年及青年肌膚的美麗和安全保護”課程。(Provided free instruction in sun safety and skin health to 12 million children, teachers & parents through award-winning, national public school programs, such as The Wonders of Skin: Looking Good, Being Healthy and ASA's newest initiative for pre-teens and young teens — The Skin You're In.)
4、 在康奈爾大學威爾康奈爾醫學院成立了現代實驗室,始終保持卓越的研究課程與機制。(Established a model laboratory at, which today remains one of the finest research facilities of its kind.)威爾康奈爾醫學院
5、 在熱線電話、公眾活動、及洛克菲勒大學支持成立的網頁幫助下,讓美國人更好的了解皮膚疾病的危害,及皮膚對健康維護的不可替代性。(Helped Americans to better understand the often devastating impact of skin disease and the skin's irreplaceable role in good health through a free hotline, publications and a Web site developed with The Rockefeller University.)
6、 促請政府領導者對研究基金的撥付,(遺憾的是)目前還處於國家衛生研究院最低優先權考慮範疇。(Urged government leaders to support increased funding for research, which is today among the National Institutes of Health's lowest priorities.)
(Our accomplishments are made possible by the generous support of corporations, foundations, and, above all, individuals. Support for American Skin Association totaled over $1.9 million in 2010.
As in the past, American Skin Association continues to meet the most stringent standards of governance and financial accountability and the fiscal requirements for participation in the New York City Combined Federal Campaign, Combined Municipal Campaign, and many employee workplace giving campaigns.)