When I say I love you

When I say I love you

"When I say, I love you “是歌曲For all time》中的一段歌詞,歌詞的意思為:“當我說愛你”




"When I say, I love you “是歌曲《 For all time》中的一段歌詞。


(譜寫:Michael Jackson 譯:Tara,校對:Keen)
Sun comes up on this new morning 太陽在新晨升起
Shifting shadows, a songbird sings 替去陰影,鳴禽歌唱
And if these words could have kept you happy 如果這些言語曾可使你快樂
I'd do anything 我願意做任何事情
And if you feel alone, 若你感覺孤獨,
I'll be your shoulder 我會是你依靠的肩膀
With a tender touch, 一個溫柔的撫摸
you know me so well 最懂我的人是你
Somebody once said, 有人曾說過,
it's the soul that matters 只有心靈才最重要
Baby, who can really tell, 寶貝,誰能真去分辨
When two hearts belong so well 當兩顆心如此緊密相連
Maybe the walls will tumble 也許牆會倒塌
And sun may refuse to shine也許太陽也會拒絕發光
When I say, I love you 當我對你說:“我愛你”
Baby you gotta know 寶貝,你必須知道寶貝
That's for all time 那將成為永遠
Baby you gotta know 寶貝,你必須知道
That's for all time 那將成為永遠
Moon shines down on this good evening 月光在這個美好的夜晚灑盡人間
One warm kiss in this cold night air 在夜晚的冷風中獻上一個溫暖的親吻
For this good love undeceiving 以讓這個美好的愛情覺醒
I'll go anywhere 我會去到任何地方
Just as long as you are there 只要那個地方有你的存在
Maybe the walls will tumble 也許牆會倒塌
And sun may refuse to shine 也許太陽也會拒絕發光
When I say, I love you 當我對你說:“我愛你
Baby you gotta know 寶貝,你必須知道
That's for all time 那將成為永遠
Baby you gotta know 寶貝,你必須知道
That's for all time 那將成為永遠
Oh, and on these quiet days 喔,在這些平靜的日子裡
where souls embrace, so silently, 靈魂在如此靜謐地擁抱
oh, the rain may wash away 喔,雨水也許將沖走
All these words that young lovers say... 一切情侶的甜言蜜語
Maybe the walls will crumble 也許牆會粉碎
And sun may refuse to shine 也許太陽也會拒絕發光
When I say, I need you 當我對你說:“我需要你”
Baby you gotta know 寶貝,你必須知道
That's for all time 那將成為永遠
Baby you gotta know 寶貝,你必須知道
That's for all time那將成為永遠
Say that you'll never go 說你永遠不會走
That's for all time 那將成為永遠
Baby you gotta know 寶貝,你必須知道
That's for all time 那將成為永遠
Baby you gotta know 寶貝,你必須知道
That's for all time 那將成為永遠
Baby you gotta know 寶貝,你必須知道
That's for all time 那將成為永遠
You put up your light 你點亮你的光
That's for all time 那將成為永遠
Baby, make me your man 讓我成為你的男人
That's for all time 那將成為永遠
Say that you'll never go 說你永不會離開
That's for all time 那將成為永遠
Baby, you never know 寶貝你永遠不知道
That's for all time 那將成為永遠


麥可傑克遜 小時候麥可傑克遜 小時候
身高:5英尺10英寸 (約179公分)
When I say I love you
When I say I love you


