Weather-read and write 怎樣描述天氣和相應活動

《Weather-read and write 怎樣描述天氣和相應活動》是遵義市銀河國小提供的微課課程,主講教師為郭溯。


  • 中文名:Weather-read and write 怎樣描述天氣和相應活動
  • 類 別:微課
  • 提供學校:遵義市銀河國小
  • 主講教師:郭溯




Step 1 Warm-up 1、Enjoy the photos John's father took in Beijing. These photos show us the weather in Beijing. 2、Brain storming: review the words of weather. 【設計意圖:在課堂一開始便創設整節課的主體情境,在熱身環節欣賞天氣圖片,聆聽描述天氣的句子,通過頭腦風暴激活已學的知識,活躍課堂氣氛。】 Step 2 Pre-reading 1、Pair work: talk about the weather in Zunyi today. S1:What’s the weather like in Zunyi? (出示課件) S2:It’s windy. T: Yes, it's cool and windy. 2、Discussion: What can you do today? Review some phrasal verbs like "play football", "read a book". 3、Prediction: John's father makes the photos into postcards. One postcard flies from Sydney to Beijing. Look at the icons on the map and answer: what's the weather like in Beijing/Zunyi? How about the weather in Sydney? Guess. Conclusion: Different city, different weather. 【設計意圖:為短文閱讀前作讀前的鋪墊;通過談論天氣談論活動,為閱讀和書寫名信片掃清語言障礙; 通過預測活動,激發學生的閱讀欲望和興趣。】 Step 3 While-reading Task1. Read, watch and listen 1、Q: What's the weather like in Sydney? Tip1: Listen carefully, find out the key sentence. 2、Try to ask a "yes or no" question about the weather in Sydney. Look at these sentences: what should we pay attention to when writing the sentences? (1) Big letter first (2) Space between words (3) Don't forget the punctuation. Task2. Read and answer Q1: Is the water cold in Sydney? Q2: Can John’s dad swim outside? Tip 2: Underline the key sentences. A1:No, it isn’t. Learn the sentence: The water is warm. A2:Yes, he can. Learn the sentence: I can swim outside. Pay attention to the new words: swim, fly a kite, love. Task3. Listen and repeat Tip 3: Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Listen→Imitate→Read in a group→Read freely Task4. Read the letter in reply 1、How many questions does John's father ask? How does John answer these questions? Here is the letter in reply. Qs: What's the weather like in Beijing in the morning? What's the weather like in Beijing in the afternoon? What's the weather like in Beijing in the evening? 2、Fill the activities in the chart. Conclusion: One day, different weather. 【設計意圖:在讀中環節的第一個任務是邊讀邊看邊聽並回答,滲透聽音技巧;第二個任務是讀一讀回答問題,滲透閱讀習慣,並在解決問題的過程中學習相關句型的朗讀;第三個任務是聽錄音跟讀,引導學生關注語音、語調;第四個任務是閱讀回信,這是一個在原教材的基礎上增加的自編文本,目的是再次鞏固閱讀技巧,學習鞏固怎樣表達天氣和相應的活動。】 Step 4 Post-reading 1、Enjoy the photos taken in Sydney. You know, the postcards are photos, now let's enjoy the photos. These photos show us the weather in Sydney and the activities. Conclusion: One city, different weather; Different weather, different activities. 【設計意圖:通過欣賞明信片背面的悉尼照片,再次熟悉天氣和相應活動的表達方式】 2、talk about the photos taken in Zunyi: the weather and the activities. I also take many photos here in Zunyi, would you like to have a look? S: It's ________ and _________ in Zunyi, I can _________________. 【設計意圖:通過在主體情境裡自然出現的一個真實情景,讓學生練習口頭表達天氣與相應活動,非常貼近學生生活。】 3、Complete the dialogue. We know John's father is in Sydney now. One day, he is one the phone with John. Now please complete the dialogue. 【設計意圖:通過補全自然延伸的情境中John和father的電話對話,再次鞏固了天氣和活動的相關表達。】 4、Write a letter in reply. We know John's father is in Sydney now. Do you want to go to Sydney? Suppose you are in Sydney now, the schoolmaster in Zunyi send a postcard to you. Look, here it is. Please read and reply. Hi, my dear student: How are you? It’s hot and sunny in Zunyi. I can swim outside. Is it cool and windy in Sydney? Can you fly your kite? Love, Mr Xu 【設計意圖:通過閱讀嵌入貼近學生生活的情境中的文本,並要求學生寫回信,很大程度上鍛鍊了學生捕捉信息的能力和書面表達能力,這樣的拓展達到了使學生靈活運用的目的。】


