- 中文名:田· 薇拉莉
- 外文名:Valerie · Tian
- 國籍:加拿大
- 星座:金牛座
- 出生地:溫哥華
- 出生日期:1989.04.21
田·薇拉莉(Valerie Tian)1989年4月21日出生於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華。
2013 Words and Pictures -------------Emily

2013 A.C.O.D--------------Kieko
2012 21 Jump Street 龍虎少年隊-----------Burns
2011 The Moth Diaries 飛蛾日記--------Charley
2010 Triple Dog 終極打賭-------------Kayla
2010 Charlie St. Cloud 查理的生與死----------Girl in Toy Store
2010 Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief 波西·傑克遜與神火之盜-----------Cute Girl 

2010 The Untitled Michael Jacobs Pilot
2010 The Boy Who Cried Werewolf --------Debbie
2009 Jennifer's Body 詹妮弗的肉體--------Chastity
2008 Dim Sum Funeral 點心葬禮-------------Emily
2008 Drillbit Taylor 大兵保鏢---------Brooke
2007 Juno 朱諾--------Su-Chin
2007 Smile (Short)
2007 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer 神奇四俠2------------New York Teen Girl #1

2007 Blue (Short) -----------Aya
2007 Anna's Storm 流星風暴 ------------Franny
2005 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 牛仔褲的夏天 ---Interview Girl #1
2005 Bob the Butler 管家鮑勃----------Sophie
2004 Wake of Death 亡魂戰場-----------Kim
2004 Chika's Bird (Short) ------------Chika
2003 X2 -----------X-Kid at Museum (uncredited)
2002 The Santa Clause 2 聖誕老人2------------Elf (uncredited)
2002 Long Life, Happiness & Prosperity ----------Mindy Lum
2014 Motive 疑犯動機 (第二季1到9) --------Officer Wendy Sung
2014 The 100 地球百子 (Season 1, Episode 3,7) ---------Girl / Kid
2012-2013 Arrow 綠箭俠(Season 1, Episode 5,11,17) ------------Morgan
2011-2012 The Secret Life of the American Teenager 青春密語(第四季13,14,17,18,22;第五季3) ------------Wendy
2010 Shattered 雙面警探 (Season 1, Episode 8) ------------Liz
2007 Aliens in America (Season 1, Episode 4,6) ---------Nicole
2007 Bionic Woman 生化女戰士 (Season 1, Episode 5) --------Aoki
2007 The L Word 拉字至上 (Season 4, Episode 8) ---------Dierdre
2006 Three Moons Over Milford (Season 1, Episode 1) -----------Martine
2006 Whistler (Season 1, Episode 4) -----------Kimmy
2006 Broken Trail (Season 1, Episode 1,2) --------Ging Wa 'aka' #5
2004 The Days (Season 1, Episode 3) --------Pretty Girl
2003 Black Sash (第一季1,2,3,5,6) ------Claire Rodgers
《 Knights of Impossingworth Park 》 (2005) ...Christine