《Two Thumbs》是由Kiiara錄唱的一首歌曲,被收錄在Kiiara於2020年10月9日發行的錄音室專輯《Lil Kiiwi》。
- 外文名:Two Thumbs
- 所屬專輯:Lil Kiiwi
- 歌曲原唱:Kiiara
- 歌曲語言:英語
《Two Thumbs》是由Kiiara錄唱的一首歌曲,被收錄在Kiiara於2020年10月9日發行的錄音室專輯《Lil Kiiwi》。
Right in two Angels on the sideline Baffled and confused Father blessed them all with reason And this is what they choose Monkey killing monkey killing monkey Over pieces of the ground Silly monkeys given thumbs They forge a blade And then theres one bound to divide it Right in two Right in...
As big as my two thumbs.這個王做的布丁 放進許多葡萄乾 還放進了一塊大奶油 就像我的兩個拇指那么大 The king and queen did eat thereof,And noblemen beside;And what they could not eat that night,The queen next morning fried.王后吃了該吃的那份 吃了身邊貴族們的那份 還吃了那天晚上不該吃的...
有理由相信,《衝鋒車》會成為今年的《紅VAN》,片中絕不賣帳的港人港味,真的要俾two thumbs up!(明報周刊評)意念有趣、情節奇趣、對白風趣,港式地道風味crossover歐洲式黑色幽默的另類警匪片,荒謬瘋狂天馬行空別開生面,並不忘向90年代港產片最強大賊組合致敬,劉浩良初試啼聲踏出可喜可賀第一步。陽剛...
而且,僅僅是在他們舉行第二場正式演唱會後,當地的一個獨立小廠牌Two Thumbs就宣告有意幫樂隊發行首張EP。巧合的是,當年Dundee恰好迎來了了第一次大型音樂節,The View也被列在了表演樂隊名單上!而且不僅僅是這樣,現場觀眾的反應更是為之瘋狂。“就好像是上天有意安排,”peter說,“我們之前讀過關於The ...
黃子華:玩愛情、嘔K歌、搞爛gag。Two thumbs up!謝君豪:棟篤笑般的對白,鬼馬誇張卻不做作的演繹,《戀愛輕飄飄》讓觀眾親身體驗一次既浪漫感動又活潑生鬼的微妙愛之旅程。雷頌德:這是《好心分手》最特別、最有神采的一個版本。梁榮忠:飄忽的音樂旅程 100%的戀愛經驗 劉玉翠:故事好真、D歌好冧、好啱feel…...
TOP 87 Two thumbs up!非常好!TOP 88 Hold your tongue!不要再說!TOP 89 Take a nose dive直線下降 TOP 90 No-show失約;不來 TOP 91 Put up with something忍受 TOP 92 Bean brain蠢材;沒腦筋 TOP 93 Big-mouth口沒遮攔;大嘴巴 TOP 94 Red-hot紅得發紫;搶手 TOP 95 Hardcore!很難的課程;帥...
Hey, what has two thumbs and pulled up the sky 誰用兩隻手指拉升起整個天空 When you were waddling yay high?就在你蹣跚著大聲讚嘆的時候?This guy!這個傢伙!When the nights got cold, who stole you fire from down below?又是誰在夜晚寒冷時從下面偷來火種?You're looking at him, yo!你就看著...
Supplementary Reading Two Thumbs up Chapter 25 Insurance Training and Education -- In the U. S.Supplementary Reading Gnu Surprise Chapter 26 New Trends in Insurance Industry Supplementary Reading 1 Hurricane Ahead, But Lower Insurance Supplementary Reading 2 Testing the Waters Appendix Glossary of Key ...
《Midnite Lover》是Shaggy演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Boombastic Hits》專輯中。。歌曲歌詞 It's a blockbus ter hits Midnite attraction a definite double feature Yeah two thumbs up Two thumbs up two thumbs up Siskel and Ebert say so Let them know Shaggy as the lead role Bim Midnite attraction ...
song They get to fusion the didgeridoo vibes with the song very smoothly So this is a cool tune where you don't feel the didgeridoo like an uncomfortable sound beh Here And when you listen to it you can imagine yourself travelling Travelling in a journey to arnhemland Two thumbs up ...
With two thumbs I'm the half without a stone And my heart is a hollow With a space for your own Or whatever you want to do with it And I'm blaming all beauty upon you From the birds at my feet To the break dancing boys And their boomboxes beat beat beat I'm sorry I'm crying...
For stickin' by me, I had to give you two thumbs up And that's why Chorus:The more they talk about our love The more they make it obvious the more they seem so envious How can they talk about our love?When they don't know one thing about (Us)And then they just runnin' they ...
For stickin' by me I had to give you two thumbs up And that's why The more they talk about our love The more they make it obvious The more they seem so envious How can they talk about our love When they don't know one thing about us And then they just runnin' they mouths All...
Two thumbs up 和家人一起看了3次DVD so like a rose 購買並用兩次香水 Weather dancer 購買並用兩次季節瓶(就是買了就可以變天氣的)Movin'on up 你升職啦~~Office overlord 一個在電腦房工作的小人技能達到了8級 Cooking captain 一個在廚房工作的小人技能達到了8級 Workshop warrior 一個在工作間工作的...
Be All Thumbs 笨手笨腳,不能勝任 Beat around / about the Bush 拐彎抹角(浪費時間),旁敲側擊 Behind the Eight-ball 受到挫折,不順心 Below the Belt 暗箭傷人 Beyond the Pale 出格,越軌 Bite the Bullet 咬緊牙關應對,硬著頭皮應付 Black Sheep 害群之馬,敗類 Blow off Steam 發泄,釋放壓力 B...
《100 Bad Days》是AJR演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於2019年1月30日發行的專輯《100 Bad Days》中。歌曲歌詞 Remember when we all got drunk I ended up with two broke thumbs Oh my God I felt so dumb, lucky me I wrote a song and no one knows I played a show and no one showed Oh my God I ...
4They gave Lavalle the thumbs-up sign.他們給拉瓦列做了一個豎起大拇指的手勢。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》5All visitors must sign in on arrival.來客均須簽到。《牛津詞典》6It's a sure sign of economic recovery.這是經濟復甦的確切跡象。《牛津詞典》7I had no choice but to sign the contract.我別...
all thumbs all wet along for the fide ambulance chaser antsy A—ok an alTn and a leg as...as all get out as lS as the crow flies ASAP ask for it at the drop of a hat awesome B back off back out back,put something on the back burner back at/to square one backseat driver ...
◆1971年“Doomwatch”在“By the Pricking of My Thumbs... ”一集中扮演Botting ◆1970年《三十分鐘劇院》(Thirty-Minute Theatre)在“The Year of the Crow”一集中扮演陰謀家(Conspirator)◆1969年《童話天地》(Jackanory)中扮演黑人牧師(The Black Vicar)◆1969年《偵探》在“ Put Out the Light”...
1968 《顫刺的預兆》/《拇指一豎》/《煦陽嶺的疑雲》(By the Pricking of My Thumbs)1969 《萬聖節前夜謀殺案》/《萬聖節前夜的謀殺案》/《萬聖誕派對》(Hallowe'en Party)1970年代 1970 《天涯過客》/《法蘭克福機場怪客》(Passenger to Frankfurt)1971 《復仇女神》/《復仇的女神》(Nemesis)1971 《...
Marple: By the Pricking of My Thumbs --- (2006)末路愛神/維納斯 Venus --- (2006)Walking with Shadows --- (2006)請叫我庫布里克 Colour Me Kubrick: A True...ish Story --- (2005)百萬英鎊/百萬小富翁 Millions --- (2004)邱吉爾的好萊塢歲月/邱吉爾的好萊塢年代/邱吉爾的好萊塢歲月 Churchill: The...
145. Set of Wheels & Free-wheeler 146. Wheeler-dealer & Fifth Wheel 147. Green Thumb & All Thumbs 148. Under the Thumb & to Stick out like a Sore Thumb 149. Everything from Soup to Nuts & Everything but the Kitchen Sink 150. To Kiss Someone or Something Goodbye & Kiss of Death ...
Till a quarter till two With nothing to do baby I twiddle my thumbs and wait Killing time Waiting on you What should I do I'll be sitting here waiting Killing time Waiting on you What should I do I'll be sitting here waiting I look inside your mirror I'll hope that you see clearer...
Dear boys and girls, parents and teachers, ladies and gentlemen: In spite of Professor Mina's past achievements, today he feels some uneasiness. He strongly regrets going to grade school without anyone teaching him to learn by heart the "two string of symbols of the Mina's phonetic alphabet....