



  • 作者:(美)迪克.麥卡錫                       /            等
  • ISBN:9787500104674
  • 頁數:443
  • 定價:18.60
  • 出版社:中國對外翻譯出版公司
  • 出版時間:1997-08
  • 裝幀:平裝
1. Lock.Stock and Barrel
2. Greasy Spoon &. Potluck
3. To Go in One Ear and out the Other
&. to Play by Ear
4. Doggy Bag & Eggs
5. In Hot Water & to Throw Cold Water on
6. To Hold Water & Water off a Duck's Back
7. Blow up & Blow out
8. To Pull Your Socks up & to Knock Your
Socks off
9. To Be Led by the Nose & under Your Nose
10. Poker Face & Close to One's Vest
11. The Shoe Is on the Other Foot & to Work
Hand in Glove
12. Follow One's Nose & to Pay through the Nose
13. To Keep an Ear to the Ground & up
to One's Ears
14. Sweeten the Pot & the Cards Are
Stacked against You
15. To Fly off the Handle & to Bark up
the Wrong Tree
16. Right on the Beam & to Fly by the Seat
of One's Pants
17. To Keep One's Shirt on & to Lose One's Shirt
18. A Stuffed Shirt & to Give You the Shirt
off His Back
19. To Bail out & Nose Dive
20. Up in Arms & at Arm's Length
21. To Shake a Leg & to Pull One's Leg
22. To Twist Someone's Arm & to Charge
Someone an Arm and a Leg
23. To Take Candy from a Baby & a Piece of Cake
24. Top Gun & Bottom Line
25. Just for Langhs & to Laugh up One's Sleeve
26 A Horse Laugh & the Last Langh
27. A Red Letter Day & Red Tape
28. Black Sheep & White Lie
29. Rain Check & It Never Rains but It Pours
30. To Stick to One's Guns & Shooting the Breeze
31. Green Thumb & Green Light
32. Singing the Blues & like a Bolt out of the Blue
33. As American as Apple Pie & Hot Potato
34. To Put All One's Eggs in One Basket
& to Eat Crow
35. Monkey Business & to Make a Monkey
out of Somebody
36. Hot Seat & Hot and Bothered
37. To Break Your Neck & to Stick Your Neck Out
38. Pain in the Neck & Neck and Neck
39. To Have a Heart & Cross My Heart
40. My Heart Stood Still & Heart-to-heart Talk
41. To Go Alt Out & tb Go through Hell
or High Water
42. To Go for Broke & to Go Overboard
43. To Put One's Best Foot Forward &
to Land on One's Feet
44. To Get off on the Wrong Foot & to Put
one's Foot in One's Mouth
45. Cold Feet & Jump in and Get One's Feet Wet
46. Ants in One's Pants & w Have
Butterflies in One's Stotnach
47. To Bug Someone & to Louse up
48. To Get a Foot in the Door & to Be
Dead on One's Feet
49. To Stand on One's Own (Two)Feet &
to Throw Oneself at Someone's Feet
50. To Be Swept off One's Feet & Don't Let
the Grass Grow under One's Feet
51. To Pull No Punches & Straight from
the Horse's Mouth
52. No Holds Barred & to Let One's Hair down
53. Loose Cannon & Blockbuster
54. Bomb &o Drop a Bombshell
55. Oddball & Odds and Ends
56. Peaches and Cream & Sour Grapes
57. Lemon & Go Bananas
58. To Shoot the Breeze & through the Grapevine
59. A Fish out of Water & to Teach
a Fish How to Swim
60. To Fish or Cut Bait & Cold Fish
61. To Feast One's Eyes on & to Hit
between the Eyes
62. Eyes Pop out & Not Even Bat an Eye
63. To Have (or Keep) One's Eyes Peeled &
to Pull the Wool over One's Eyes
64. To Keep One's Eye on the Ball & Eye-Opener
65. Flea Market & to Clam up
66. Baloney & Kickback
67. To Get a Kick out of & to Kick the Bucket
68. To Kick up One's Heels & to Kick off
69. At the Drop of a Hat & to Talk
through One's Hat
70. Hang on to Your Hat & to Keep
Something under Your Hat
71. To Eat One's Hat & to Eat One's Heart out
72. Nerd & Jock
73. Wimp & Turkey
74. To Throw One's Hat in the Ring &
to Go on the Stump
75. Favorite Son & Sound Bite
76. Blame Game & Negative Campaigning
77. Swing Voters & to Come out Swinging
78. Don't Change Horses in the Middle of the
Stream & Jump on the Bandwagon
79. Sleaze & Gridlock
80. Lame Duck & Golden Parachute
81. On the Fence & Maverick
82. Buddy & Sidekick
83. To Give Someone a Piece of One's Mind
& to Tell Someone off
84. Hick & City Slicker
85. To Throw to the Wolves & to Throw
the Baby out with the Bath Water
86. To Throw a Wet Blanket over Something &
to Throw a Monkey Wrench
87. To Let the Cat out of the Bag & Look like
the Cat That Ate the Canary
88. Rain or Shine & Rainy day
89. To Put on the Dog & to Go to the Dogs
90. To Let Sleeping Dogs Lie & Every Dog
Has His Day
91. To Throw a Curve & to Throw for a Loop
92. Crocodile Tears & Sob Story
93. To Cry in One's Beer & Cry Baby
94. Cloudy & in the Clouds
95. On a Cloud & under a Cloud
96. Basket Case & All Washed up
97. Smart as Intelligent & Fashionable
98. To Put on the Back Burner & to Drag
One's Feet
99. To Turn One's Back on Someone & to Get
on Someone's Back
100. Nag & to Get off One's Back
101. To Get One's Back up & to Scratch One's Back
102. Brainchild & to Pick One's Brain
103. To Give up the Ghost & Ghost Town
104. Ghost Writer & Spooky
105. To Brainstorm & Egghead
106. To Grab a Bite & Grubstake
107. Munch & Hors d'oeuvre
108. To Call the Shots & to Call One's Bluff
109. To Call up & to Call It a Day
110. To Rub Elbows & Elbow Room
lll.Shrimp &Crab
112. To Smell Fishy & to Fish for Compliments
113. Turkey & Cold Turkey
l14.Beefy & toBeefup
115. Snowball & Snow Job
116. To Break the Ice & Iceberg
117. Where's the Beef & Turkey Farm
118. Sitting Duck & Dead Duck
119. To Chicken out & Chicken Feed
120. Spring Chicken & Goose Bumps
121. To Make Hay & to Go Haywire
122. The Last Straw & to Sow One's Wild Oats
123. Belly Laugh & Knee-slapper
124. A Straw in the Wind & to Grasp at Straws
125. Trailblazer & Cutting Edge
126. Penny-pincher &. Cheapskate
127. Not All There & to Have a Screw Loose
128. Under the Weather & Down with a Bug
129. Baby Boomers & Yuppies
130. Dinks & Sandwich Generation
131. Couch Potato & Mall Rats
132. Backslider & Backslapper
133. Backseat Driver & Back-up System
134. In the Pink & Fit as a Fiddle
135. To Play BaU & on the Ball
136. Now the Ball Is in Your Court & to Start
the Ball Rolling
137. Skin-deep & That Really Gets under My Skin
138. No Skin off My Nose & to Save One's Skin
139. At the Wheel & Hell on Wheels
140. Spinning One's Wheels & Re-inventing
the Wheel
141. To Jump Right out of One's Skin & All
Skin and Bones
142. To Skin Someone Alive & Skin Game
143. One of a Kind & Top-notch
144. To Crash the Gate (or Party) & Crash Course
145. Set of Wheels & Free-wheeler
146. Wheeler-dealer & Fifth Wheel
147. Green Thumb & All Thumbs
148. Under the Thumb & to Stick out like
a Sore Thumb
149. Everything from Soup to Nuts &
Everything but the Kitchen Sink
150. To Kiss Someone or Something Goodbye
& Kiss of Death


