《The Wireless Data Handbook》是1999年出版的圖書,作者是Derose, James F。
- 外文名:The Wireless Data Handbook
- 作者:Derose, James F
- 出版時間:1999年10月
- 頁數:416 頁
- ISBN:9780471316510
《The Wireless Data Handbook》是1999年出版的圖書,作者是Derose, James F。
《Wireless Internet Handbook》是2003年出版的圖書,作者是Furht, Borko。內容簡介 Wireless applications are definitely the next big thing in communications. Millions of people around the world use the Internet every day - to stay in touch with remote locations, follow the stock market, keep up with ...
The Handbook of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks 《The Handbook of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks》是一本圖書,作者是Ilyas, Mohammad
《Telecommunication Transmission Handbook》是1998年出版的圖書,作者是Freeman, Roger L.。內容簡介 A complete hands-on guide to designing and implementing all types of telecommunications transmission systems.For more than 23 years, Telecommunications Transmission Handbook has been the guide to designing and ...
Handbook of Algorithms for Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing 《Handbook of Algorithms for Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing》是CRC Pr I Llc出版的圖書,作者是Boukerche, Azzedine (EDT)
crisis. The Power of Unfair Advantage is an essential handbook for every manager who is responsible for introducing a new product or service and every entrepreneur and would-be who plans to start a company. Unfair advantage is here to stay -- learn how to lasso its power, rise above the ...
劉國瑞(K. J. Ray Liu),華裔美國人,美國國家工程院院士,美國科學促進會會士,美國國家發明家科學院院士,馬里蘭大學帕克分校傑出大學教授,Origin Wireless創始人兼董事長和首席技術官(CTO)。劉國瑞於1983年獲得台灣大學學士學位;1987年獲得密西根大學碩士學位;1990年獲得加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校博士學位;1990年...
ARRL《業餘無線電手冊》被全球無線電愛好者奉為聖典,無論是無線電愛好者,還是電子工程師和技術人員,都能從該書中找到值得信賴的理論、標準和實踐指導。本手冊自20世紀20年代首次出版以來,每年出版一次,每一版都緊跟技術套用發展的最前沿。本書譯自《The ARRL HANDBOOK》第85版。本書是業餘無線電愛好者的必備...
2. Qiang-Sheng Hua and Francis C.M. Lau. Joint Link Scheduling and Topology Control for Wireless Sensor Networks with SINR Constraints. Handbook of Research on Developments and Trends in Wireless Sensor Networks: From Principle to Practice, IGI Global, pages 184-208, 2010. [Download]In Journals...
無線隨意網路(英語:Wireless ad hoc network,縮寫為WANET),又稱無線臨時網路,是一種分散式的無線網路系統。其重要特點為網路拓撲結構的動態性,核心問題在網路通信效率和節點能量消耗之間的合理平衡。簡介 無線隨意網路英文為Wireless ad hoc network,ad hoc源自拉丁文,原意是臨時、專用、特設的。它被稱為ad ...
K. Yu, C. Rizos and A. Dempster, “GNSS Reflectometry for Ocean and Land Applications,”Remote Sensing Handbook, (Prasad S. Thenkabail, editor), Taylor & Francis, to appear K. Yu, I. Sharp and Y. J. Guo,Ground-Based Wireless Positioning, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2009; a Chinese version ...
無線網路,像是Bluetooth、ZigBee或是Zwave。這類系統常稱為無線網路控制系統(Wireless Networked Control System)。問題及對策 網際網路的出現、發展,以及網路控制系統的出現吸引了許多研究者的關注。不過網路控制系統在一些重要的議題上也有不少挑戰。其中比較有深入研究的包括新的控制策略、系統致動器的運動學、通訊的...
WAP方式是(Wireless application protocol(無線套用協定)的簡稱,是開發行動網路上類似網際網路套用的一系列規範的組合。它將使新一代的無線通信設備可靠地接入Internet和其他先進的電話業務。由於無線網路系統和固定網路系統不一樣,加上移動終端的螢幕和鍵盤都很小,所以WAP不適於採用HTML(超文本標識語言),而需採用...
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications副編輯 (SCI二區)EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking副編輯 Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering副編輯 Springer Handbook of Cognitive Radio領域編輯 International Journal of Big Data Intelligence專刊編委 代表論著 [PIEEE]Zhi...
[109] Peng,G.C. and Baptista Nunes, J.M. (2016)“Multidimensional and Interrelated Barriers and Risks Affecting Long-Term ERPSuccess in Chinese State-Owned Enterprises”, In Martins, J.T. and Molnar, A.(editors) Handbook of Research on Innovations in InformationRetrieval, Analysis, and ...
1. Chapter 11: Wireless Network Security, Computer and Information Security Handbook. Morgan Kaufmann, May 2009. ISBN-13: 978-0-12-374354-1 2. Chapter 13: RFID Security, Computer and Information Security Handbook. Morgan Kaufmann, May 2009. ISBN-13: 978-0-12-374354-1 3. Public Key ...
[3] A. G. Constantinides and Xiaojian Xu, Two-Dimensional IIR Filters, Circuits and Filters Handbook, (Ed. W. K. Chen), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1995, pp.2762-2812.Peer Reviewed Journal Papers:[4] Xiaofei Li and Xiaojian Xu, “Scattering and Doppler Spectral Analysis for Two-...
[10]Taotao Wang, Dongyan Huang, and Shengli Zhang, Chapter 2: Consensus Algorithm Analysis in Blockchain: PoW and Raft, Chapter in Handbook of Wireless Blockchain: Principles, Technologies and Applications, Wiley-IEEE, 2021.[9]Qing Yang, Hao Wang, Xiaoxiao Wu, Taotao Wang, Shengli Zhang, ...
1.Y. M. Wuand W. C. Chew,High frequency techniques for antennas, Book Chapter in: Numerical Modeling in Antenna Engineering: Handbook of Antenna Technologies, Springer-Verlag, DOI:10.1007/978-981-4560-75-7, Online ISBN978-981-4560-75-7,Springer Singapore, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd...
3.D. H. Werner, M. D. Gregory, Z. H. Jiang, D. E. Brocker, Optimization Methods in Antenna Engineering, Handbook of Antenna Technologies, Springer, pp 1-47, United States, 2016.4.Z. H. Jiang, and T. Yue, D. H. Werner, Metamaterial-enabled and Microwave Circuit ...
- Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization (2013)- IEE Proceedings on Communications (2001)- IEEE Communication Letters (2002)- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (2010)- IEEE Transaction on Communications (2001)- IEEE Transaction on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits...
[1]《Handbook of Antenna Technologies》,“Frequency Selective Surfaces”發表論文 2018 [1].Huan Yi,Shi-Wei Qu, Kung Bo Ng, Chun Kit Wong, and Chi Hou Chan, "Terahertz Wavefront Control on Both Sides of the Cascaded Metasurfaces," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 66, no...
Editor, Handbook on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 1999-2002.Editor, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 1997 - 2004.Guest Co-Editor, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 2006.Guest Co-Editor, Int'l Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering,...
2WavesoftheElectromagneticSpectrum 3ProducingVisibleLight 4IntegratingTechnology:WirelessCommunication Chapter4Light 1ReflectionandMirrors 2RefractionandLenses 3Color 4IntegratingLifeScience:SeeingLight 5UsingLight InterdisciplinaryExploration:TheMagicoftheMovies ReferenceSection SkillsHandbook Think...
[8]Peng, G.C. and Nunes, J.M.B. (2015). “Multidimensional and interrelated barriers and risks affecting long-term ERP success in Chinese state-owned enterprises”. In: Molnar, A. and Martins, J. (editors), Handbook of Research on Innovations in Information Retrieval, Analysis, and ...
截至2024年5月,陳志寧已撰寫、主編和出版《Broadband Planar Antennas:Design and Applications》 《UWB Wireless Communication》《Antennas for Portable Devices》《Antennas for Base Station in Wireless Communications》《Handbook of AntennaTechnologies》等英文專著7本,主編出版《Handbook of Antenna Technologies》天 ...
[18] P. Li, H. Zhang, W. Li, J. Chen, J. Zhang, X. Song, and R. Shibasaki, “User demographic characteristics inference based on big GPS trajectory data,” in Handbook of Mobility Data Mining, Elsevier, 2023, pp. 75–93.[19] Y. Jin, P. Li, Z. Chen, S. Bharule, N. ...