



  • 中文名:王滔滔 
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:區塊鏈技術及其套用(目前主要研究興趣),無線通信與網路,深度強化學習
  • 任職院校:深圳大學


王滔滔博士於2015,2008,2004 年分別獲得香港中文大學信息工程系博士、北京郵電大學信號與信息處理專業碩士和電子科技大學電子信息工程專業學士學位。於2015-2016年在香港中文大學網路編碼研究所作博士後研究員。於2016年開始在深圳大學信息工程學院(現電子與信息工程學院)擔任助理教授,2019年聘為特聘副研究員,2021年晉升為長聘副教授。
主要研究領域為區塊鏈技術及其套用,人工智慧中的深度強化學習技術,無線網路與通信。作為項目主持人,現已經獲得國家級科研項目1項、省部級科研項目3項,市及其他類型項目8項。在IEEE Trans.、ICC、ICASSP、中國科學等國內外重要學術期刊和會議上發表論文40餘篇,持有申請或已授權的國家發明專利超過20項,已授權的美國專利1項。長期擔任多個IEEE Transactions國際刊物和重要會議的審稿人,曾擔任IEEE CIC ICC 2019、IEEE ICCC 2020技術委員會成員,IEEE TENCON 2020 副編輯。
2011年獲得香港政府博士獎學金計畫(Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme),2011年獲得北京郵電大學優秀碩士畢業論文,2012年獲得微軟亞洲研究院明日之星獎,2016年獲得SCI期刊IEEE WCL優秀審稿人獎,2016入選深圳市海外高層次人才(孔雀計畫項目)。2019年獲得佛山中科院產業創新團隊計畫總計超過2000萬的經費資助。2020年參與的創業項目PNC物理層網路編碼獲得第十二屆中國深圳創新創業大賽深港澳高校賽區決賽第二名(runner-up)及深圳市決賽網際網路行業三等獎。兩項區塊鏈領域的研究工作分別獲IEEE CPSCom 2021會議的最佳論文獎和最佳學生論文獎。




區塊鏈技術 Blockchain:
[12]Chuan Ma, Jun Li, Ming Ding, Long Shi, Taotao Wang, Zhu Han and H. Vincent Poor, "When Federated Learning Meets Blockchain: A New Distributed Learning Paradigm," IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 26-33, Aug. 2022. 【中科院SCI一區期刊,影響力因子9.809】
[11]Lihao Zhang, Taotao Wang*, Soung Chang Liew, "Speeding up Block Propagation in Bitcoin Network: Uncoded and Coded Designs," Computer Networks, vol. 207, pp. 108791, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2022.108791.【中科院SCI二區期刊,影響力因子4.474】
[10]Taotao Wang, Dongyan Huang, and Shengli Zhang, Chapter 2: Consensus Algorithm Analysis in Blockchain: PoW and Raft, Chapter in Handbook of Wireless Blockchain: Principles, Technologies and Applications, Wiley-IEEE, 2021.
[9]Qing Yang, Hao Wang, Xiaoxiao Wu, Taotao Wang, Shengli Zhang, Naijin Liu, "Secure Blockchain Platform for Industrial IoT with Trusted Computing Hardware," IEEE Internet of Things Magazine (IoT-M), vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 86-92, Dec. 2021.
[8]Lihao Zhang, Taotao Wang*, and Soung Chang Liew, "Speeding Up Block Propagation in Bitcoin Network: A Cut-through Relaying Scheme," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Physical and Social Computing, Dec. 6-8,2021. 【Best Student Paper Award】
[7]Xiumei Deng, Jun Li, Long Shi, Zhe Wang, Hui Wang, Taotao Wang, "On Dynamic Resource Allocation for Blockchain Assisted Federated Learning Over Wireless Channels," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Physical and Social Computing, Dec. 6-8,2021. 【Best Paper Award Runner-up】
[6]Taotao Wang, Chonghe Zhao, Qing Yang, Shengli Zhang and Soung Chang Liew, "Ethna: Analyzing the Underlying Peer-to-Peer Network of Ethereum Blockchain," IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), vol. 8 no. 3, pp. 2131-2146, July-Sept. 2021.【中科院SCI二區期刊,影響力因子5.213】
[5]Qing Yang, Hao Wang, Taotao Wang, Shengli Zhang, Xiaoxiao Wu, and Hui Wang, "Blockchain-based Decentralized Energy Management Platform for Residential Distributed Energy Resources in a Virtual Power Plant," Applied Energy (AE), vol. 294, pp. 117026, July 2021. 【中科院SCI一區期刊,影響力因子8.848】
[4]Taotao Wang, Soung Chang Liew, and Shengli Zhang, "When Blockchain Meets AI: Optimal Mining Strategy Achieved By Machine Learning," International Journal of Intelligent Systems (IJIS), vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 2183-2207, May 2021.【中科院SCI一區期刊,影響力因子10.312】
[3]Taotao Wang, Xiaoqian Bai, Hao Wang, Soung Chang Liew, and Shengli Zhang "Game-Theoretical Analysis of Mining Strategy for Bitcoin-NG Blockchain Protocol," IEEE Systems Journal (ISJ), to appear, pp. 1-12, 2020. 【中科院SCI二區期刊,影響力因子3.987】
[2]Taotao Wang, Soung Chang Liew, and Shengli Zhang, "PubChain: A Decentralized Open-Access Publication Platform with Participants Incentivized by Blockchain Technology," 2020 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC): Blockchains and Finance Technology, pp. 1-12, 20-22 Oct. 2020.
[1]張勝利,王滔滔,楊晴,王暉;高性能許可公鏈;深圳大學學報理工版, 2020,37(3):227-233.
人工智慧與機器學習 AI and Machine Learning:
[6]Taotao Wang, Soung Chang Liew, andShengli Zhang, "When Blockchain Meets AI: Optimal Mining Strategy AchievedBy Machine Learning," InternationalJournal of Intelligent Systems (IJIS), vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 2183-2207, May2021.【中科院SCI一區期刊,影響力因子10.312】
[5]MohamedElwekeil, Taotao Wang*, and ShengliZhang, "Deep Learning for Environment Identification in VehicularNetworks," IEEE Wireless CommunicationsLetters (WCL), vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 576-580, May 2020.【中科院SCI二區期刊,影響力因子3.546】
[4]Taotao Wang, Lihao Zhang, Soung ChangLiew, "Deep Learning for Joint MIMO Detection and Channel Decoding," IEEE PIMRC, 8-11 Sept. 2019.
[3]YulinShao, Soung Chang Liew, Taotao Wang,"AlphaSeq: Sequence Discovery with Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks andLearning Systems (TNNLS), vol. 99, pp. 1-15, Dec. 2019. 【中科院SCI一區期刊,影響力因子11.683】
[2]YidingYu, Taotao Wang, Soung Chang Liew,"Deep-Reinforcement Learning Multiple Access for Heterogeneous WirelessNetworks," IEEE Journal on SelectedAreas in Communications (JSAC), vol.37, no.6, pp. 1277-1290, Jun., 2019. 【中科院SCI一區期刊,影響力因子9.302,谷歌引用128次】
[1]MohamedElwekeil, Shibao Jiang, Taotao Wang*,and Shengli Zhang, "Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for LinkAdaptations in MIMO-OFDM Wireless Systems," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (WCL), vol. 8, no. 4 pp.665-668, Jun 2019. 【中科院SCI二區期刊,影響力因子3.546】
無線通信與網路 Wireless Communications and Networking:
[11]Taotao Wang, S. C. Liew, S. U. Shakeel,"Rate-Diverse Wireless Network Coding Over Parallel Subchannels," IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM),vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 4891-4904, Aug. 2020. 【中科院SCI二區期刊,影響因子5.646】
[10]Taotao Wang, Long Shi, Kui Cai, LiningTian, and Shengli Zhang, "Non-Coherent NOMA With Massive MIMO," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (WCL),vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 134-138, Feb, 2020. 【中科院SCI二區期刊,影響力因子3.546】
[9]Taotao Wang,Long Shi, Shengli Zhang, HuiWang, "Gaussian Mixture Message Passing for Blind Known InterferenceCancellation," IEEE Transactions onWireless Communications (TWC), vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 4268-4282, Jun., 2019. 【中科院SCI一區期刊,影響力因子6.394】
[8]Taotao Wang, Qing Yang, Kun Tan,Jiansong Zhang, Shengli Zhang, Soung Chang Liew, "DCAP: Improving theCapacity of WiFi Networks with Distributed Cooperative Access Points," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC),vol. 17, no.2, pp. 320-333, Feb., 2018.【中科院SCI二區期刊,影響力因子4.474】
[7]ShengliZhang, Chongtao Guo, Taotao Wang,Wei Zhang, "ON-OFF Analog Beamforming for Massive MIMO," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology(TVT), vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 4113-4123, May, 2018.【中科院SCI二區期刊,影響力因子5.539】
[6]Taotao Wang, Ttiejun Lv, Hui Gao,Shenli Zhang, "Joint Multiple Symbol Differential Detection and ChannelDecoding for Noncoherent UWB Impulse Radio by Belief Propagation," IEEE Transactions on WirelessCommunications (TWC), vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 293-306, Jan, 2017.【中科院SCI一區期刊,影響力因子6.394】
[5]Taotao Wang, Soung Chang Liew, LongShi, "Optimal Rate-Diverse Wireless Network Coding," IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM),vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 2411-2426, Jun., 2017.【中科院SCI二區期刊,影響力因子5.69】
[4]Taotao Wang, Soung Chang Liew, "Frequency-AsynchronousMultiuser Joint Channel-Parameter Estimation, CFO compensation and ChannelDecoding," IEEE Transactions onVehicular Technology (TVT), vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 9732-9746, Dec. 2016. 【中科院SCI二區期刊,影響力因子5.539】
[3]Taotao Wang, Soung Chang Liew, "Jointchannel estimation and channel decoding in physical-layer network codingsystems: An EM-BP factor graph framework," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), vol. 13, no. 4,pp. 2229-2245, Apr. 2014. 【中科院SCI一區期刊,影響力因子6.394】
[2]Taotao Wang, Titejun Lv, Hui Gao,Yueming Lu, "BER Analysis of Decision-Feedback Multiple Symbol Detectionin Noncoherent MIMO Ultra-Wideband Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), vol. 62, no. 9,pp. 4684-4690, Jun. 2013. 【中科院SCI二區期刊,影響力因子5.539】
[1]TiejunLv, Taotao Wang, and Hui Gao,"Decision-feedback Multiple Symbol Detection for Differential Space-timeBlock Coded UWB Systems," SCIENCECHINA Information Sciences, 56(4): 1-10 (2013). 【中科院SCI二區期刊,影響力因子3.304】


[2]廣東省自然科學基金-面上項目,“基於深度強化學習的智慧型無線網路媒體訪問控制協定研究”,2020A151501****, 結題
[3]廣東省自然科學基金-博士啟動,“物理層網路編碼的疊代聯合多參數估計、多參數補償和信道解碼研究”, 2017A03031****,結題.
[5]深圳市海外高端人才科研啟動項目, 結題.
[7]橫向項目,“大數據區塊鏈技術研究與開發”,元素徵信, 結題.
[8]橫向項目,“頻譜協同仿真系統與SDR軟體開發”, 中國空間技術研究院錢學森實驗室,結題.
[10]騰訊“犀牛鳥”-深圳大學青年教師科研基金項目, “具有高速數據轉發能力的區塊鏈網路結構及通信協定研究”,在研.


[1]. 基於時間反轉多天線系統的空時預均衡方法和設備,2013.11.27,中國,N201010572161
[2]. 多用戶多輸入多輸出下行鏈路預編碼方法及系統,2013.06.05,中國,N201010504800
[3]. Cooperative phase tracking in distributed multiple-input multiple-output system, US Patent Publication No.: US9295016 B2. (美國專利)


1. TPCMember for IEEE CIC ICC 2019
2. AssociateEditor for IEEE TENCON 2020
3. TPCMember for IEEE ICCC 2020
4. ReviewEditor for Frontiers in Communications and Networks


