The Power of Less(2009年Hyperion出版的圖書)

The Power of Less(2009年Hyperion出版的圖書)

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《The Power of Less》是Hyperion出版的圖書,作者是Leo Babauta


  • ISBN:9781401309701
  • 作者:Leo Babauta
  • 出版社:Hyperion
  • 出版時間:2009年1月1日
  • 頁數:192
  • 定價:USD 16.95
  • 裝幀:Hardcover
A blueprint for taking our lives back from the clutter, noise and unnecessary work that fills a modern day. Babauta lays out simple, concise steps for growth through increased productivity and teaches readers the art of living simply. He encourages the reader to place limits on themselves, his tips include: Focus only on the three most essential projects on your plate. Limit ...(展開全部) A blueprint for taking our lives back from the clutter, noise and unnecessary work that fills a modern day. Babauta lays out simple, concise steps for growth through increased productivity and teaches readers the art of living simply. He encourages the reader to place limits on themselves, his tips include: Focus only on the three most essential projects on your plate. Limit oneself to one large goal at a time. And keep emails to just five sentences. Babauta's lessons enable readers to do less, be more effective, get more done and simplify their lives. 里奧‧巴伯塔,現居關島,擁有六個孩子,是個作家,也是個素食主義者。作者在一年半前成立“禪習慣”部落格,忠實記錄他如何利用少的力量,達成自我目標、健康養生和簡單幸福生活的歷程。不到半年,“禪習慣”躍居全球熱門部落格前50名,超過2萬人訂閱,且平均每月點閱率超過1360000次。


