《The China continental scientific drilling project》是2015年科學出版社出版的圖書。
- 中文名:The China continental scientific drilling project
- 作者:Da Wang
- 出版社:科學出版社
- 出版時間:2015年3月1日
- 頁數:388 頁
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:精裝
- ISBN:9787030435927
《The China continental scientific drilling project》是2015年科學出版社出版的圖書。
The China ContinentalScientific Drilling Project:CCSD-1 Well Drilling Engineering and Construction 著作權頁 Foreword Ⅰ Foreword Ⅱ Preface Authors and Translators 1 Background 2 Drilling Engineering Design 3 Well Site and Drilling Equipment 4 Construction Situation 5 Hard Rock Deep Well Core Drilling ...
綜上所述,中國大陸科學鑽探工程(Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling)不僅研究地球固體圈層的組成與結構,還研究地下生物圈與水圈;不僅重塑地球演化的過去,還可以觀測現在,探索未來;不僅解決科學理論問題,還具有重大實際意義;不僅涉及地球科學,還包括生物學、物理學和化學等,是一項多學科的大科學工程。*10....
ICDP(International Continental Scientific Drilling Program)成立於1996年2月,德國、美國和中國作為第一批成員,成為ICDP的發起國,總部設在德國波茨坦,已有15個成員國。在ICDP成立之前,世界各國都已經有了科學鑽探的探索。如美國的莫霍面計畫(Mohole project)、深海鑽探計畫(Deep Sea Drilling Project,DSDP),...
《白堊紀松遼盆地松科1井大陸科學鑽探工程》是2016年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是王成善。內容簡介 “白堊紀松遼盆地大陸科學鑽探工程”是由國際大陸科學鑽探計畫(ICDP,International Continental Scientific Drilling Program)和中國科技部國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973 計畫)項目“白堊紀地球表層系統重大地質事件與溫室...
8.Liang Jinlong, Ding Xing, Sun Xiaoming, Zhang Zeming and Sun Weidong. 2009.Nb/Ta Fractionation Observed in Eclogites from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project.Chemical Geology268:27-40.(SCI收錄,影響因子3.531).9.Liang Jinlong, Sun Weidong and Sun Xiaoming. 2008. Amphibole ...
Q.Xuexiang , J C. Grimmer, X Zhiqin. Ultrahigh-pressure texture inheritance during retrogression: Evidence from magnetofabrics in eclogites and ultramafic rocks (Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling project). Tectonophysics,2009, 475: 267-278.Qixuexiang,Li Haibing,Wu Cailai,Yang Jingsui Zhang...
[5]Zou C.C., Pan L.Z. and Niu Y.X. et. al., 2007. Well log images for core location and reorientation: Application to the main drill hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 18(Special Issue):1-3 (SCI-E檢索)[6]Zou C...
5. Su Shangguo, Liu Juhn G, You Zhengdong. Petrologic study of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic cores from 100 to 2000 m depth in the main hole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project, eastern China. International Geological Review, 2005, 47(11): 1144-1159 6. Su Shangguo, ...
5. 謝榮厚,詹秀春 . 水泥生料的偏振化能量色散X射線螢光光譜分析. 中國建材. 2002,No.5: 46-48 6. Liqiang Luo, Xiuchun Zhan, Qing Sun. Fluid Geoanalysis in the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project [J] . Geostandards & Geoanalytical Research . 2004, 28(2): 325 – 331 7. ...
曾任國際大陸科學鑽探計畫(International Continental Drilling Program)科學顧問組成員,教育部科學技術委員會委員,中國科學(D輯)編委,科學通報特約編輯和自然科學進展編委,國家傑出青年基金評審委員會委員等。人物評價 高山是一個才華橫溢、高尚而又親厚的人。他是大陸地殼成分和演化、電漿質譜方法建設方面的國際...
He L, Hu S., Huang S., Yang W., Wang J., et al., 2008. Heat flow study at the Chinese Continental ScientificDrilling site: Bore hole temperature, thermal conductivity, and radiogenic heat production. J. Geophys. Res. Vo 何麗娟,汪集暘.2007.沉積盆地構造熱演化研究進展:回顧與展望.地球...
3) Chemical geodynamics of continental subduction-zone metamorphism: Insights from studies of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) core samples - Tectonophysics - 200909 - 475: 327-358 4) Introduction to tectonics of China - Gondwana Research - 201303 - 23: 1189-1206 5) Zircon ...
Q Liu, Q Liu, T Yang, Q Zeng, J Zheng, Y Luo, Ning Qiu, H Xu, Z Jin (2009), Magnetic study of the UHP eclogites in the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 114, B02106. DOI: 10.1029/2008JB005917. (SCI論文2區Top, IF= 3...
He,L.J.,Hu S.B.,Huang S.P.,Yang W.C.,Wang J.Y.,Heat flow study at the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling site: Bore hole temperature, thermal conductivity, and radiogenic heat production, J. Geophys. Res.,Hu Shengbiao, Fu Minxi. Yang Shuchun. Yuan Yusong. & Wang Jiyang, ...
24. Wang, Q.* , Burlini, L., Mainprice, D., Xu, Z.Q., 2009. Geochemistry, petrofabrics and seismic properties of eclogites from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling boreholes in the Sulu UHP terrane, eastern China . Tectonophysics , 475, 251-266.25. Xu, Z.Q., Wang, Q.*...
Y., Tang, Q., Liang, J., Zhang, Z., Shen, K., Wang, F., Ling, M.X. and Zartman, R.E., 2011. Channelized fluids in subducted continental crust: constraints from δD–δ18O of quartz and fluid inclusions in quartz veins from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project. Inte...
1. Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project – II.Oxygen isotope and fluid inclusion distributions through vertical sections. - Contrib Mineral Petrol - 2006 - 2006 2. Making continental crust through slab melting: Constraints from niobium-tantalum ...
27. Liang J L, Ding Xin, Sun X M, Z.M. Zhang, H. Zhang, W.D. Sun*, 2009. Nb/Ta fractionation observed in eclogites from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project. Chemical Geology, 268 (1-2): 27-40 28. XU Li, SUN Xiaoming*, ZHAI Wei, LIANG Jinlong, LIANG Yeheng,...
Zhu YF. 2008. K- and Si-rich glasses in harzburgite from Damaping, north China. Island Arc, 17: 560-576 Zhu YF, Massonne HJ, Theye T., 2007. Eclogites from the Chinese continental scientific drilling borehole, their petrology and different P-T evolutions. Island Arc, 16(4): 508-...
58). Wang W, Chen R-X, Chen F, Zheng Y-F (2010) Isotopicdisequilibrium in ultrahigh-pressure and retrograde metamorphism of eclogiteand gneiss from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling in the Sulu orogen,China: evidence from mineral Nd-Sr-O isotopic composition. International Journal of ...
Zhang, G.X., Dong, H.L., Xu, Z.Q., Zhao, D.G., and Zhang, C.L. (2005) Microbial Diversity in Ultra-High-Pressure Rocks and Fluids from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project in China. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71(6), 3213-3227.Zhang, G.X., Dong, H....
Yuan Gao, Chengshan Wang*, Pujun Wang, Youfeng Gao, Yongjian Huang, Changchun Zou. Progress on Continental Scientific Drilling Project of Cretaceous Songliao Basin (SK-1 and SK-2). Science Bulletin, 2019, 64(2): 73-75.Yuan Gao, DangPeng Xi, ZuoHuan Qin, PengFei Ma, Chengshan Wang, ...
4.Tong L., Jahn B.M., Iizuka Y. & Xu Z., 2007. Assemblages and textural evolution of UHP eclogites from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling main hole. International Geology Review 5.Tong L. & Wilson C.J.L., 2006. Tectonothermal evolution of the ultrahigh temperature metapelites ...
Li Q, Zheng F, Cheng X, Xiang R, 2008. Planktonic foraminifer stable isotope results from IODP Hole U1322B. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 308: 1-6 (online).專著 Wang, P., Li, Q., Li, C.-F., 2014. Geology of the China Seas. Elsevier,Amsterdam,687p. ISBN...
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