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2019.12~2020.12,加拿大勞倫森大學(Laurentian University)訪問學者;





1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,2023.01-2026.12,在研,主持;
2. 黃土與第四紀地質國家重點實驗室主任基金,2022.06-2024.05,在研,主持;
3. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金(高新技術),2021.01-2023.12,在研,主持;
4. 寧夏科技廳重點研發計畫,2021.06-2022.12,在研,主持;
5. 科技部國家重點研發計畫,2016.07-2021.06,結題,子課題負責人;
6. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金,2016.01-2017.12,結題,負責人;
7. 橫向課題,2018.05-2019.05,結題,負責人;
8. 橫向課題,2020.01-2020.08,結題,負責人,


近五年,以第一/通訊作者在國內外地學期刊Geophysical Research Letters, JGR: Solid Earth, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Applied Geochemistry, Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, Ore Geology Reviews, Environmental Science & Policy,《地球科學進展》《礦物岩石》等發表論文16篇。
  • 第一及通訊作者論文:
[1] Lin, X., Chang, H., Cicchella, D., Wu, Q., Meng, G., Yaqoubi, A., 2023. Statistical self-similarity of detrital zircon U-Pb ages reveals sedimentary provenance: a case study from the Chinese Loess Plateau. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 253, 107277.
[2] Lin, X., Cicchella, D., Hong, J., Meng, G., 2022. A test of the hypothesis that syn‐collisional felsic magmatism contributes to continental crustal growth via deep learning modeling and principal component analysis of big geochemical datasets. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 127(2), e2021JB023002. (Nature Index)
[3] Lin, X., Lin, S., Cicchella, D., Yao, W., Pan, H., Cheng, Z., Meng, G., 2022. Locating terrane boundaries in South China with big geochemical data mining. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 236, 106977.
[4] Lin, X., Chang, H., Wang, K., Zhang, G., Meng, G., 2020. Machine learning for source identification of dust on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(21), e2020GL088950. (Nature Index)
[5] Lin, X., Hu, Y., Meng, G., Zhang, M., 2020. Geochemical patterns of Cu, Au, Pb and Zn in stream sediments from Tongling of East China: compositional and geostatistical insights. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 210, 106457.
[6] Lin, X., Meng, G., Pan, H., Cheng, Z., Yao, W., Cheng, X., 2019. Continental-scale stream sediment geochemical mapping in southern China: an insight into surface processes and tectonic framework. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 207, 106362.
[7] Lin, X., Meng, G., Chang, H., Zhang, M., Fu, Y., 2019. Formation of geochemical anomalies in loess-paleosol sequence at the Dahu Gold Mine, central China: a clastic-hydromorphic-gaseous dispersion model. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 200, 201-212.
[8] Lin, X., Wang, X., Zhou, J., et al., 2019. Concentrations, variations and distribution of molybdenum (Mo) in catchment outlet sediments of China: conclusions from the China Geochemical Baselines Project. Applied Geochemistry, 103, 50-58.
[9] Lin, X., Wang, X., Zhang, B., Yao, W., 2014. Multivariate analysis of regolith sediment geochemical data from the Jinwozi gold field, north-western China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 137, 48-54.
[10] Lin, X., Zhang, B., Wang, X., 2014. Application of factor analysis and concentration–volume fractal modeling to delineation of 3D geochemical patterns: a case study of the Jinwozi gold field, NW China. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 14, 359-367.
[11] 林鑫, 劉浩, 梁利鵬, 何江華, 2016. 北秦嶺及周緣花崗岩地球化學特徵與構造環境分析. 礦物岩石, 36(4), 74-85.
[12] 林鑫, 周軍, 張兵, 2012. 基於主成分分析的化探異常圈定新方法—以新疆西準噶爾地區1:50000岩屑數據為例. 地質找礦論叢, 27(4), 516-521.
  • 其他通訊作者論文:
[1] Wang, K., Deng, L., Shangguan, Z., Chen, Y., Lin, X*., 2021. Sustainability of eco-environment in semi-arid regions: Lessons from the Chinese Loess Plateau. Environmental Science & Policy, 125, 126-134.
[2] Lei, W., Cicchella, D., Liu, T., Yang, S., Zhou, Y., Hu, B., Liu, Y., Lin, X*., 2021. Origin, distribution and enrichment of selenium in oasis farmland of Aksu, Xinjiang, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 223, 106723.
[3] 常海欽, 付亞龍, 林鑫*, 張苗苗, 孟剛剛, 2019. 流域盆地化學風化強度空間分布及控制因素研究:以長江和珠江為例. 地球科學進展, 34(1), 93-102.
[4] 付亞龍, 常海欽, 林鑫*, 孟剛剛, 張苗苗, 2019. 金屬活動態測量在沖積平原覆蓋區隱伏礦的試驗研究---以安徽無為龍潭頭硫鐵礦為例. 物探化探計算技術, 41(185), 401-411.
[5] 孟剛剛, 張苗苗,林鑫*, 付亞龍, 常海欽, 2020. 銅陵礦集區水系沉積物中主成礦元素空間分布模式---基於變差函式的分析. 物探化探計算技術, 42(189), 84-94.
  • 其他合作作者論文:
[1] Wang, X., Zhang, B., Lin, X., Xu, S., Yao, W., Ye, R., 2016. Geochemical challenges of diverse regolith-covered terrains for mineral exploration in China. Ore Geology Reviews, 73, 417-431.
[2] Zhang, B., Wang, X., Chi, Q., Yao, W., Liu, H., Lin, X., 2015. Three-dimensional geochemical patterns of regolith over a concealed gold deposit revealed by overburden drilling in desert terrains of northwestern China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 164, 122-135.
[3] Wang, D., Wang, T., Yan, J., Lin, X., 2018. Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of early Palaeozoic igneous rocks of the western south Qilian belt, central China. International Geology Review, 60, 844-864.


1.Journal of Geochemical Exploration副主編;
2.Guest Editor of Water (Potentially Toxic Elements in Water, Air, Soil, Stream Sediments, and Crops);


