The Ballad of John and Yoko

The Ballad of John and Yoko

《The Ballad of John and Yoko》是The Beatles演唱的歌曲,由John Lennon作詞、作曲,發行於1969年。


  • 外文名:The Ballad of John and Yoko
  • 歌曲時長:0時2分59秒
  • 歌曲原唱:The Beatles
  • 填詞:John Lennon
  • 譜曲:John Lennon
  • 音樂風格:Rock
  • 歌曲語言:英語
  • 發行時間:1969年5月30日
  • 單曲B面:Old Brown Shoe


The Ballad of John and Yoko是披頭士的一首單曲,由約翰列儂創作,署名“列儂麥卡特尼”。1969年5月,歌曲被發行為單曲。


Standing in the dock at Southampton, 站在南安普頓的碼頭上。
Trying to get to Holland or France. 想去荷蘭或法國。
The man in the mic said, "You've got to turn back". 話筒里的人聲說,“你必須回去。”
You know they didn't even give us a chance. “你知道他們甚至沒有給我們個機會。”
Christ you know it ain't easy, 老天,你知道這不容易,
You know how hard it can be. 你知道這能有多么困難。
The way things are going 事情發展的軌跡
They're going to crucify me. 他們要折磨我。
Finally made the plane into Paris, 終於上了去巴黎的飛機,
Honey mooning down by the Seine. 在塞納河過了蜜月。
Peter Brown called to say, 彼得·布朗打來電話說,
"You can make it O.K., “你們可以成功,
You can get married in Gibraltar, near Spain". 你們可以在西班牙附近的直布羅陀結婚。”
Christ you know it ain't easy, 老天,你知道這不容易,
You know how hard it can be. 你知道這能有多么困難。
The way things are going 事情發展的軌跡
They're going to crucify me. 他們要折磨我。
Drove from Paris to the Amsterdam Hilton, 開車從巴黎到阿姆斯特丹希爾頓,
Talking in our beds for a week. 在床上聊了一個星期。
The newspapers said, "Say what you doing in bed?" 報紙說,“你們在床上乾什麼?”
I said, "We're only trying to get us some peace". 我說,“我們只是想安靜一會”。
Christ you know it ain't easy, 老天,你知道這不容易,
You know how hard it can be. 你知道這能有多么困難。
The way things are going 事情發展的軌跡
They're going to crucify me. 他們要折磨我。
Saving up your money for a rainy day, 攢錢以備不時之需,
Giving all your clothes to charity. 給你所有的衣服給慈善團體。
Last night the wife said, 昨天晚上,妻子說,
"Oh boy, when you're dead “喔,好傢夥,當你死了
You don't take nothing with you 你什麼都帶不走
But your soul - think!" 除了你的靈魂——想想吧!”
Made a lightning trip to Vienna, 去維也納來一場閃電旅行,
eating chocolate cake in a bag. 吃包里的朱古力蛋糕。
The newspapers said, "She's gone to his head, 報紙說,“她已經昏了頭,
They look just like two gurus in drag". 它們看上去就像兩個嗑藥的學者”
Christ you know it ain't easy, 老天,你知道這不容易,
You know how hard it can be. 你知道這能有多么困難。
The way things are going 事情發展的軌跡
They're going to crucify me. 他們要折磨我。
Caught an early plane back to London. 坐早班機回倫敦。
Fifty acorns tied in a sack. 袋子裡綁了五十個橡果。
The men from the press said, "We wish you success, 新聞的人說:“我們希望你成功,
It's good to have the both of you back". 很高興你們兩個都回來了。
Christ you know it ain't easy, 老天,你知道這不容易,
You know how hard it can be. 你知道這能有多么困難。
The way things are going 事情發展的軌跡
They're going to crucify me. 他們要折磨我。
The way things are going 事情發展的軌跡
They're going to crucify me. 他們要折磨我。




Lennon (on guitar): "Go a bit faster, Ringo!"(這是列儂在模仿喬治哈里森的角色)
McCartney (on drums): "OK, George!"(麥卡特尼這回代替林格斯塔爾成為鼓手)
這次錄音也標誌著錄音師Geoff Emerick的回歸,在white album時他曾退出過工作。


單曲發行為AB面單曲,B面是喬治哈里森的Old Brown Shoe
UK single:#1(3周)
US top 100:#8
後來披頭士HEY JUDE單曲合集收錄了這首歌。




