Tailgates & Tanlines

Tailgates & Tanlines

Tailgates & Tanlines是美國鄉村歌手Luke Bryan於11年8月9日發行的個人第三張錄音室專輯。這張專輯的銷量和口碑都屬於鄉村專輯中的極佳水平,為Luke後來第四張專輯Crash My Party的成功鋪平了道路。


  • 中文名稱:暫無
  • 外文名稱:Tailgates & Tanlines
  • 專輯語言:英語
  • 專輯歌手:Luke Bryan
  • 專輯時長:47:43
  • 曲目數量:14
  • 發行時間:2013-8-9
  • 音樂風格:Country
  • 唱片公司:Capitol Nashville
  • 製作人:Mark Bright,Jeff Stevens
  • 唱片銷量:美國約為2,300,000張


Luke Bryan,美國鄉村創作歌手。出道前曾為Travis Tritt和Billy Currington等鄉村歌手創作歌曲。2006年年底正式以歌手身份出道,歌手生涯首單All My Friends Say引發熱議,當時諸多音樂人看好Luke的前途。到15年3月份,Luke已發行六張Spring Break EP、一張Spring Break合輯和四張錄音室專輯,成為美國當紅鄉村歌手之一。
Tailgates & Tanlines


在第二張專輯的三支單曲相繼取得成功後,Luke的人氣大漲。在11年他依照兩年一專的速度,發布了他的第三張專輯Tailgates & Tanlines。
專輯的首支單曲為Country Girl (Shake It for Me)。這首歌於11年5月14日發行,在當時並沒有太大的反響,而這歌在Billboard Country Airplay榜上最高排名也只有第四。結果後來在Luke不斷的宣傳下,這首歌到現在反而成為了Luke銷量最高的單曲並廣為傳唱,毫不誇張地說,當年許多人就是在這首歌的影響下開始喜歡Luke的。
這張專輯共收錄了13首歌曲外加一首Bonus Track,其中有8首歌Luke本人參與了創作,因此本專是比較好地表達了Luke心中所想的。
專輯裡另一首膾炙人口的歌曲是Drunk On You。這首歌屬於典型的Luke式情歌:通過較動感的曲調錶達很深的感情,後來的Roller CoasterI See You等都是這類歌曲的典範。
這張專輯開啟了Luke個人的首輪巡演——Dirt Road Diary Tour(該巡演詳細情況可前往Luke Bryan百科查看),此輪巡演不僅幫助Luke積累了強大的人氣,更幫助Luke在13年的鄉村學院獎(ACMs)上斬獲年度藝人的稱號,Luke也當場哭泣。


1."Country Girl (Shake It for Me)" [首支單曲]
2. "Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye" [第四支單曲]
3. "Drunk on You" [第三支單曲]
4. "Too Damn Young"
5. "I Don't Want This Night to End" [第二支單曲]
6. "You Don't Know Jack"
7. "Harvest Time"
8. "I Know You're Gonna Be There"
9. "Muckalee Creek Water"
10. "Tailgate Blues"
11. "Been There, Done That"
12. "Faded Away"
13. "I Knew You That Way"
14. "That Don't Just Happen" (Bonus Track)


1.American Songwriter:80分
Tailgates & Tanlines is, for the most part, exactly what the title implies: a soundtrack for fun and sun, along with an instantaneous cure for the summertime blues. However, it’s the moments when Bryan digs deeper, such as on Radney Foster’s emotionally-charged “I Knew You That Way” and the somber “You Don’t Know Jack,” warning against the dangers of alcohol abuse, when he really shines. These brief instants trump the fluffier material and hint at the kind of greatness Bryan is capable of delivering on future albums.
2.All Music Guide:70分
He's not flashy yet he's not boring, he's laid-back and assured, a modern guy who knows his roots but is happy to be in the present, and it's hard not to smile along with the guy as he sings.
3.Slant Magazine:40分
Had Bryan taken more risks of that sort with his song selection and writing, Tailgates & Tanlines might have been an interesting album. But there's no appreciable ambition here. Bryan's performances are workmanlike, as is Jeff Stevens's slick production, so there's nothing on the album to make it stand out from the rest of the Music Row assembly line. It's never more than competent.


