《Studies in Philosophical Realism in Art, Design and Education》是2016年出版的圖書,作者是[美] 克萊頓·克里斯坦森。
- 外文名:Studies in Philosophical Realism in Art, Design and Education
- 作者:[美] 克萊頓·克里斯坦森
- 出版時間:2016年
- ISBN:9783319429045
《Studies in Philosophical Realism in Art, Design and Education》是2016年出版的圖書,作者是[美] 克萊頓·克里斯坦森。
be. In his book, Stathis Psillos gives a comprehensive study which restores the intuitive plausibility of scientific realism. He shows that throughout the 20th century, scientific realism has been challenged by philosophical positions from all angles: from reductive empiricism, to instrumentalism and ...
new philosophical positions. Thus, Russell is seen to have embraced and then abandoned, amongst others, neo-Hegelianism, Platonic realism, phenomenalism and logical atomism, before settling finally on a form of neutral monism that philosophers have generally found to be incredible. H...
dualism, post-modern anti-realism, and classical theism are incisively analyzed by reason for their coherence of meaning. Those who have questions about knowledge and certainty, faith and reason, the existence of God and the problem of evil, will find critical insight throughout this study in ...
a critical survey of the foundations of the art of historical linguistics, and its interaction with its subject matter, language change. He takes as his background some of the major philosophical issues which arise from these considerations, such as ontology, realism and conventionalism, and ...
the Fiction of Improvement shows how the fiction of Mary Leadbeater, Charles Bardin, Martin Doyle, and William Carleton attempted to lure Irish peasants and landowners away from popular genres such as fantasy, romance, and 'radical' political tracts as well as 'high' literary and philosophical ...
——Zhang Qing (Museum of Art Documents in New China, 2001, Heilongjiang Education Press)閱讀胡志穎的作品給人一種東方虛化境界的感受,而他對整個畫面的光滑的處理又提醒我們面對一個物質的實存空間。畫布、畫板以及材料的色彩、形態、質感把我們所體驗到的虛化境界懸隔在物質空間之外。——趙冰(《當代藝術》...
後現代主義與教育(Postmodernism and Education)相對主義和實在主義(Relativism and Realism)教師教育:哲學的問題(Teacher Education:Philosophical Issues)教育研究中的價值:哲學的問題(Values in Educational Inquiry:Philosophical Issues)·政治哲學、社會哲學和道德哲學 教育機會均等:哲學的問題(Equality of Educational ...
出版專著《科學的工具:科學反實在論的復興》(The Instrument of Science: Scientific Anti-Realism Revitalised)、《機率》(Probability)、《波普爾的批判理性主義》(Popper’s Critical Rationalism: A Philosophical Investigation)等。在《哲學與現象學研究》(Philosophy and Phenomenological Research)、《不列顛科學...
“I believe sanity and realism can be restored to the teaching of Mathematical Statistics most easily and directly by entrusting such teaching largely to men and women who have had personal experience of research in the Natural Sciences.”"In scientific subjects, the natural remedy for dogmatism ...
後現代主義與教育(Postmodernism and Education)相對主義和實在主義(Relativism and Realism)教師教育:哲學的問題(Teacher Education:Philosophical Issues)教育研究中的價值:哲學的問題(Values in Educational Inquiry:Philosophical Issues)·政治哲學、社會哲學和道德哲學 教育機會均等:哲學的問題(Equality of Educational ...
J.-J. Yuann,26-27 July 2010,“Whose STS? Which Rationality? The Philosophical Significance of East Asian STS Studies” in The 1st International Conference:Applied Ethics and Applied Philosophy in East Asia,Kobe University.(Symposium in preparation)56.苑舉正,二〇一〇年8月11-14日,“...
for art destination in the Western philosophical ideas and cultural values, just like what his colleagues done at that time, but found the true art destination from his inner self and own life for the issue of art ontology. He used to go to enjoy the game of life with heartily art free...
59-82.“Rationality, Morality and the Symbol of Sin in Langdon Gilkey’s Shantung Compound” inSins, Vices and Virtues: Essays in the Cultural, Political and Philosophical Reflections of Moral Categories, eds. Jacek Mydla and David Schauffler (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press,2013), 77-85.
C.FreeLaw:EugenEhrlich(18621922)andHermannU.Kantorowicz(18771940)Criticisms 1.Ihering 2.Ehrlich 3.Duguit 4.JurisprudenceofInterests 5.FreeLaw Chapter9.PsychologicalTheoryofLaw Theory Criticisms Chapter10.AmericanRealistTheoriesTheories A.PhilosophicalFrameworkofAmericanRealism:John Dewey(1859-1952)and William...
7. Debatable Lands: Variety of Form and Genre in the Early Victorian Novel Ⅰ. Post-Aristocratic: Bulwer-Lytton, Disraeli,and Kingsley Ⅱ. Post-Aristocratic: Thackeray versus Dickens 8. Alternative Fictions Ⅰ. The Sensation Novel Ⅱ. Fairy Tales and Fantasies 9. High Realism Ⅰ. Two Novels ...
Louis Lambert, The Exiles, and Seraphita are three titles from the “Philosophical Studies” of Honoré de Balzac’s magnum opus, The Human Comedy, which includes about 100 linked stories and novels. The three works included in this volume are thematically connected by their engagement with the ...
and Phenomenological Research、American Philosophical Quarterly、Analysis、Australasian Journal of Philosophy、Philosophical Studies等國際頂級哲學期刊上發表論文多篇,相關研究在國際哲學界引發諸多討論與回應,並被收錄於Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy、Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy、Oxford Bibliographies in ...
3.《自由社會的科學》(Science in a Free Society,London: New Left Books,1978.)中譯本,1990年上海譯文出版社出版,蘭征譯;4.《實在論、理性主義與科學方法(哲學文集,第一卷)》(Realism,Rationalism,and Scientific Method: Philosophical Papers,Volume 1,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1981);5...
In recent decades, discussions about the nature of law have been significantly enriched by greater philosophical sophistication and by interdisciplinary work. This collection contains canonical and the best cutting-edge scholarship in the field. It will be a valuable resource for both student and schola...
and social realms, agential realism is at once a new epistemology, ontology, and ethics. The starting point for Barad's analysis is the philosophical framework of quantum physicist Niels Bohr. Barad extends and partially revises Bohr's philosophical views in light of current scholarship in physics...
that their work constitutes a distinct, hitherto neglected tradition, which he calls revelationism, and which differs in important ways from modernism and realism. For these four theorists and filmmakers, the cinema is an art of mass enlightenment because it escapes the limits of human sight and ...
2017《語境與邏輯結果》,《哲學研究期刊》(‘Context and Logical Consequence,’ Journal of Philosophical Research, 42: 399-411(AHCI)(DOI: 10.5840/jpr20171011116))2017《普遍化平凡性結果與必輸賭注契約論證》,《邏輯學研究》,10(3): 75-100。(CSSCI)2017《從“三階段分析”看實質蘊涵怪論——...
Institute for Advanced Study, the Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, and All Souls College, Oxford. He has been elected to membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the British Academy,the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and the American Philosophical ...
“What Is in the Cloud? —A Critical Engagement with Thomas Metzger on ‘the Clash between Chinese and Western Political Theories,’” boundary 2, vol. 34, no. 3, 2007.“From Modest Realism to a Democratic Conception of Science” (Review Essay),International Studies in the Philosophy of ...