



  • 外文名:socially
  • 詞性:副詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈsəʊʃəli]
  • 美式發音:[ˈsoʊʃəli]


英 [ˈsəʊʃəli] 美 [ˈsoʊʃəli]
adv. 在社會上;在社交方面;善於交際地


socially necessary labour time 社會必要勞動時間
socially adaptable 適應社會的 ; 能適應社會的
socially ad 社交上
socially interact 交際往來
socially constructed 社會建構 ; 社會上建構
socially disadvantaged 社會地位低下的
socially-engineered malware 社交引擎惡意軟體
socially deprived 受社會剝奪者
socially desirable goal 合乎社會需求的目的


  • We meet at work, but never socially. 我們上班常見面,但在社交場合從未碰見過。
  • This type of behaviour is no longer socially acceptable. 這種行為在社交中已不再合適。
  • The reforms will bring benefits, socially and politically. 這些改革措施在社會領域和政治領域均會帶來益處。
  • Indifference is also the preferred option among those who are socially lazy. 冷漠也是那些在社交上懶惰的人的首選。
  • Mutual understanding is the basis of our relationships with others and we would be socially idiotic without it. 相互理解是我們與他人關係的基礎,如果沒了相互理解,我們就會成為社交白痴。
  • Socially, it may be a good tactic to hide our true emotions, but morally it is also a breach of faith and trust. 在社交方面,隱藏真實情緒可能是一個好策略,但在道德層面,這也是對信任的違背。
  • Some companies now offer etiquette seminars for employees who may be competent professionally but clueless socially. 一些公司現在為那些專業能力強但社交能力差的員工提供禮儀培訓。
  • If someone has a great sense of humor, we reason, it means that they are happy, socially confident and have a healthy perspective on life. 如果一個人很有幽默感,我們推測,這意味著他很快樂,在社交方面很自信而且對生活有一個正確的看法。
  • They encounter boys all the time socially out of school, and through debating societies and things like that, some school activities as well. 校外的社交活動中,通過辯論社團和類似的活動,還有一些學校活動,他們總是遇到男孩。
  • More recently, as he reported in a 2012 review, Lieberman has discovered that this region may be part of a distinct network involved in socially motivated learning and memory. 最近,正如他在2012年的一篇評論中所報告的,利伯曼已發現,這塊區域可能是涉及社交動機型學習和記憶的獨特網路的一部分。
  • Elderly people easily become socially isolated. 上了年紀的人很容易變得與社會隔絕。
  • Carnivores are usually socially complex mammals. 食肉動物通常是有著複雜的社會關係的哺乳動物。
  • For socially ambitious couples this is a problem. 對在社會地位方面有野心的夫婦來說,這是個問題。
  • We have known each other socially for a long time. 我們在社交場合相識有很長時間了。
  • Children must learn socially acceptable behaviour. 兒童必須學會社會上認可的行為舉止。
  • He believes that unemployment is socially divisive. 他認為失業會引起社會不穩定。
  • Let's face it – drinking is a socially acceptable habit. 咱們來面對這個事實吧–飲酒是一種為社會所接受的習俗。
  • They were socially inferior to him. 他們在社會地位上不如他。
  • The men are very socially awkward but very bright. 這些男人不善交際,但很聰明。
  • Now, they can change their beliefs without the risk of being abandoned socially. 現在,他們可以改變他們的信念,而不用承擔被社會拋棄的風險。
  • The groups that are the largest and most socially and politically complex, we call states. 那些規模最大、在社會和政治上最複雜的群體,我們稱之為國家。
  • For lack of a better phrase, we might call this approach "factually false, but socially accurate." 由於缺乏一個更好的措辭,我們可以稱這種方法為“事實性錯誤,但社會性準確”。
  • You can do activities such as golf and tennis or take a walk with others and still be socially distant. 你可以和別人一起打高爾夫球、打網球或步行,同時仍保持社交距離。
  • Drunken driving—sometimes called America's socially accepted form of murder—has become a national epidemic. 醉駕,有時被稱為美國社會認可的謀殺形式,已經在全國範圍內泛濫。
  • Drunken driving—sometimes called America's socially accepted form of murder--has become a national epidemic. 醉駕有時被稱為美國社會接受的謀殺形式,現已成為一種全國性的流行病。
  • When seeking profits, socially responsible corporations never forget to make positive contributions to our society. 在追求利潤的同時,具有社會責任感的企業永遠不會忘記為社會做出積極的貢獻。
  • While there's an undoubted genetic basis to individual differences, it is wrong to think that socially defined groups can be genetically accounted for. 毫無疑問,個體差異有遺傳基礎,但認為社會定義的群體可以通過遺傳解釋卻是錯誤的。
  • This would be an obvious advantage to wide-ranging deer, especially to a socially dominant buck when courting several adult females during the autumn rut. 這對涉獵廣泛的鹿來說是一個明顯的優勢,尤其是在秋季發情期,它們要追逐幾隻成年雌鹿的時候。
  • The U.S. was more socially tolerant entering this recession than at any time in its history, and a variety of national polls on social conflict since then have shown mixed results. 美國社會比其歷史上任何時候都更能承受經濟衰退,從那時起,關於社會衝突的各種全國性調查顯示出了好壞參半的結果。
  • There's always a constant fear of falling behind everyone else on the socially perpetuated "race to the finish line", whether that be toward graduate school, medical school or lucrative career. 人們總是害怕在社會上持久不變的“比賽誰先衝到終點線”中落後於其他人,無論是在考入研究生院、考醫學院還是競爭高薪職業方面均是如此。


