SensAble Technologies Inc

SensAble Technologies公司成立於1993年,是3D可觸摸(力反饋)解決方案和技術領域中的開發商。



大中華區合作夥伴為搜維爾,其解決方案和技術不僅使用戶能夠看到並聽到螢幕計算機套用,還可以對該套用進行實際“感應”。SensAble公司從二十世紀九十年代由行業先鋒Thomas Massie 和 Kenneth Salisbury博士在麻省理工學院建成的大學研究部門演化而來。SensAble Technologies公司目前已擁有32項專利許可和6000多個安裝在世界各地的系統,其觸覺技術廣泛套用於諸多領域,包括外科手術模擬和中風康復、義齒整形、設計玩具和鞋類,以及研究和機器人套用領域。此外,公司將其自身研發的3D建模解決方案、觸覺設施和開發者工具包套用於醫療、牙科、設計和生產公司,以及教育和研究機構等。 SensAble 公司於2007年創建了SensAble Dental子公司,致力於牙科行業中的集成式數位化解決方案。
生產商正在尋求縮短整個觸覺式產品設計和製造時間的技術; 醫療和牙科行業產品的商業化需要結合觸覺技術,如外科手術規劃、模擬和訓練,以及特定患者植入和修復的3D建模; 大學研究中心和項目部也需要在更加廣泛的套用領域內採用觸覺反饋技術。


Founded in 1993, SensAble Technologies is a leading developer of 3D touch-enabled (force feedback) solutions and technology that allow users to not only see and hear an on-screen computer application, but to actually 'feel' it.?The company evolved from undergraduate research done at MIT in the 1990s by industry pioneers Thomas Massie and Dr. Kenneth Salisbury. With 32 patents granted and over 6,000 systems installed worldwide, SensAble Technologies' haptic technology is being used in applications ranging from surgical simulation and stroke rehabilitation, to dental restorations, to designing toys and footwear; as well as a range of research and robotic applications.
The company markets its own 3D modeling solutions as well as its haptic devices and developer toolkits to medical, dental, design, and manufacturing companies; educational and research institutions; and OEMs.?
In 2007, the company created the SensAble Dental division, focused on delivering integrated digital solutions for the dental industry.
Market Drivers
As haptics comes of age, SensAble's expanded market presence is being driven by simultaneous trends of:
Manufacturers seeking to shorten time to market through haptically-enabled product design and manufacturing processes; The commercialization of medical and dental products incorporating haptics, such as surgical planning, simulation and training, and 3D modeling for patient-specific implants and prosthetics; University research centers and projects that incorporate haptic feedback into an increasingly broad range of applications.
The company was founded in 1969 by Bill Polhemus in Grand Rapids, MI. In early 1971 Polhemus moved to the Burlington, VT area. Polhemus has been developing 3D tracking solutions for over 30 years. We have an ongoing commitment to delivering the best solutions. We pride ourselves on providing the highest quality 3D motion tracking systems for motion capture, scanning and overall tracking applications.




Sensable - PHANTOM Premium 1.5/6DOF/HF
Sensable PHANTOM Omni Developer Kit-10 Pack Educational Offer
Sensable - Phantom Premium 1.5/HF
Sensable - PHANTOM Premium 1.5/6DOF
SensAble PHANTOM Omni Developer Kit
Sensable - FreeForm Concept System
Sensable - Phantom Desktop
Sensable - Phantom Premium 3.0
Sensable - Phantom Premium 1.5


