《Screen Cover》是一款Android平台的套用。
- 軟體名稱:Screen Cover
- 軟體平台:Android
- 軟體大小:1.08M
《Screen Cover》是一款Android平台的套用。
《Screen Cover》是一款Android平台的套用。套用介紹 本套用會在螢幕上顯示一個不透明條形區域,可以拖拽和拉伸,用於遮擋視頻中的字幕,真正起到看片練聽力學英語的目的。本套用中會顯示廣告。反感廣告者請勿下載,下載請勿因為廣告打一星...
《150 screen free activities for kids》是一本圖書,作者是Asia Citro。內容簡介 With the one-of-a-kind projects in 150+ Screen-Free Activities for Kids, your family will rediscover the spirit of imaginative play! These ...
《Smile Best~selfcover collection~》是由西村由紀江於2011年7月6日發行的專輯。專輯曲目 (1) 未定 (2) 未定 (3) Saison Concerto (4) Farandole (5) Screen (6) やさしさ (7) 木漏れ日の中で (8) 幻想の夜曲 (9)...
可以列出 一張專輯, 歌曲 錄音 用一個手指 CoverWall free is the best way to see, chose and play your music library. It choose 35 album randomly from your device, and display it in a matrix, like the Mac OS scr...
(2) 同本義 [cover;screen] 掩,斂也。小上曰掩。——《說文》 掩練帛,廣終幅。——《儀禮·士喪禮》。注:“裹首也。” 掩薄草渚。——《史記·司馬相如傳》 空正掩日。——《周髀算經》 掩口胡盧而笑。——《聊齋...
2010 Smoke Screen 迷霧疑雲(TV Movie) ---Hallie (uncredited)2010 The Boy Who Cried Werewolf 哭泣的狼孩(TV Movie) ---Katrina Sands 2010/I Confined ---Careese Neys 2008 8.5 Hours ---Fiona 2005 When Jesse Was Born...
(4) 掩蔽 [hide from view;cover]千呼萬喚始出來,猶抱琵琶半遮面。——唐· 白居易《琵琶行(並序)》(5) 又如:遮囂(掩飾;隱瞞);遮堂(屏門);遮說(曲為說辭,以為掩飾);遮障(遮擋;遮蔽);遮蒙(覆蓋;蒙住);遮隔(...
screen saver when used in an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch stand. As such, it's the perfect music player to use in combination with your car kit -- but of course, don't operate while driving. The cover shuffle ...
There are various rules of screen printed pictures of thegridlines. Be able to meet the original photo theme, contrast soft, elegant atmosphere, while you can adjust the screen contrast transfer video to cover up defects...
網目調 halftone,screen tone:陽圖positive image:陰圖negative image:分色color separation:計算機照相排版系統 computerized phototypesetting system:文字排版:text composition拼版:make-up曬版printing down:...
覆蓋面罩;掩蓋”。雙語例句 He pledged never enveil the secret.他保證永不公開秘密。同近義詞 vt. 覆蓋面罩;掩蓋 coverup,screenfrom
Windows Media Player becomes a full-featured DVD player when combined with a DVD decoder (MPEG-2 decoder) with features such as full-screen video playback controls, DVD chapter listings, and integrated cover art.For ...
- Added three soft button display options for Android 4.4 on Settings > Player > Screen > Soft buttons. - Added folder hiding feature which allows excluding specific folders from the video folder list while ke...
*Manga Classics editions feature classic stories, faithfully adapted and illustrated in manga style, and available in both hardcover and softcover editions. Proudly presented by UDON Entertainment and Morpheus Publishing.作者簡介 ...
V-T If someone wallpapers a room, they cover the walls with wallpaper. 貼牆紙於