《Rethinking Law as Process》是2011年James MacLean出版的圖書,作者是James MacLean。
- 外文名:Rethinking Law as Process
- 作者:James MacLean
- 出版時間:2011年8月24日
- 出版社:James MacLean
- 頁數:224 頁
- ISBN:9780415575409
- 定價:150 美元
- 裝幀:Hardcover

《Rethinking Law as Process》是2011年James MacLean出版的圖書,作者是James MacLean。
Rethinking Law and Development 《Rethinking Law and Development》是Routledge出版的圖書
《Rethinking Criminal Law》是2000年Oxford Univ Pr出版的圖書,作者是Fletcher, George P. 內容簡介 This is a reprint of a book first published by Little, Brown in 1978. George Fletcher is working on a new edition which will be published by OUP in three volumes, the first of which is ...
Study on China's Criminal Law Response to Anti-Money Laundering in Light of International Evaluation...Wang Xin Rethinking the Purpose of Criminal Punishment...Wang Shizhou Articles On the Method of Searching for Guiding Cases: on the Basis of Trial Experience...Zhang Qi The Legislative Models ...
111 Oppositional Voices: Women as Writers and Translators of Literature in the English Renaissance 112 Rethinking Translation: Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology 113 Sitting Translation 114 Teaching Translation and InterpretingTraining, Talent and Experience 115 The Experience of the Foreign: Culture and ...
1. Shen Wei, Rethinking the New York Convention - A Law and Economics Approach (Cambridge: Intersentia 2013).2. Shen Wei, The Anatomy of China’s Banking Sector and Regulation (Wolters Kluwer 2014).3. 沈偉:《國際經濟秩序是如何形成的——法律、市場和全球化》,法律出版社2014年版。譯著 1. ...
Study on China's Criminal Law Response to Anti-Money Laundering in Light of International Evaluation Rethinking the Purpose of Criminal Punishment Articles On the Method of Searching for Guiding Cases: on the Basis of Trial Experience The Legislative Models and Practicing Experiences of the Business M...
RethinkingofTheoryandPracticeofSentencestandardizationinChina QiWenyuanLiLiang489 讓毒品法庭更有效:從文獻中取得的經驗德布拉?考勒著孟祥微譯490 MakingDrugCourtsMoreEffective:LessonsfromtheLiterature DeborahKoetzle509 運用DNA證據避免不公正之案例研究理察?李蕭山?洛著郭理蓉譯530 ACaseStudyoftheApplicationofDNA...
Ioanna Kuiuradi Rethinking the Philosophy of Law 卡羅爾·古爾德:人權框架下的多元化、民主及對話 Carol C.Gould,Diversity,Democracy and Dialogue in a Human Rights Framework 張偉仁:中國古典法學理論與傳統法制的發展 Wejen Chang,Classical Chinese Jurisprudence and Development of Chinese Legal System 羅伯特...
and the force of law, rethinking Latour's work on technology, the image, and referential scientific inscriptions, among others, and placing them within the ambit of legality. The book also captures and deepens the contrast between the modern legal institution and the value of law as a mode ...
15 給僱主的問題 / 16 遠景 / 進一步閱讀 / 索引 / 作者簡介 理察·斯金德(Richard Susskind),大英帝國勳章獲得者, 倫敦大學法律系榮譽教授,牛津網際網路研究中心教授,英國皇家首席大法官IT法律顧問,英國計算機和法律學會會長。著有暢銷書:The End of Lawyers: Rethinking the nature of legal services ...
in Search of an Act The worldwide David—versus—Goliath Copyright Debate and its Potential Impact on Copyright Law and Practice in China and Japan What Is a Copyright Work?How to define&judge a word?Rethinking of Copyright Institution for the Digital Age 中國著作權法發展的曲折道路 ...
3.Anjali Chaudhry & Lynda Jiwen Song (2014), Rethinking psychological contracts in the context of organizational change: The moderating role of social comparison and social exchange, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 50, 3, 337-363. (SSCI cited)4.Lynda Jiwen Song, Xiujuan Zhang, & Joshua ...
2、Towards A Thick Description Of Chinese Family And Political Culture: Confucianism, Socialism And Liberalism in China,Frontiers of Law in China, 2014, vol.3.3、Living Originalism as a Platform for Persuasion? Frontiers of Law in China, 2016, vol.4.4、Personal Data Protection: Rethinking the...
A New Model of Creative Innovation in Emerging Economies:Rethinking Stages of Development 休閒消費與媒介功能的調適 略論媒介產業中的文化創意 影響中國廣告業產業模式的要素分析 數位化時代的全球傳播 Globalization,Migration into Urban Centers,and Cross-cultural Training 國內視頻網站發展現狀分析及監管對策研究 ...
Rethinking the Design, Again Estimating Aggregate Cost Common Usage Scenarios Memory Consumption Exploring Another Alternative Design Implementing Eventual Consistency.Is It the Team Member’s Job?Time for Decisions Implementation Create a Root Entity with Unique Identity Favor Value Object Parts Using Law ...
System after the Crisis…Zhang Xuean,Jin Wenjie International Tax Law Rethinking China's Recent Practice in Tax Treaties from the Perspective of Taxation on Cross-Border Income Derived from the Leasing of Equipment -- Begin with Pan-American Sat 作者簡介 陳安,廈門大學法學院教授、博士生導師 ...
Rethinking the Occupational Culture of Seafaring:Challenges in the New Era of Cultural Diversities 加強北部灣經濟區的生態功能區建設 廣東海洋法治文化建設考察 中國海防文化戰略淺議 海洋文化軟實力研究初探 海洋管理 欄目主編:王琪 我國海洋人才政策的供需矛盾及其原因分析 美國聯邦海岸帶政策及其借鑑 中國東海區...
2014年,和唐毅南合作,提出用高階矩和生滅過程分析股市指數的方法,發現馬科維奇(1990年諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者)提出的均值-方差理論不足以刻畫金融市場的不穩定性,3-5階矩在金融危機爆發前和危機中會暴漲上千倍,比席勒(2013年諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者)提出的幅度變動法和經濟物理提出的冪律(power law)能更好...
4、“Rethinking the ‘Reeducation-through-Labor’ system of China: Does it impose prohibited or permitted forced labor?”, in Hong Kong Law Journal, SSCI, Vol. 38, Part 3, 2008, pp. 831- 864. 3、“Personal Application of the Right to Work in the Age of Migration”, in Netherlands ...
Courts in Eutopia, 邁向烏托邦-重新想像國際法(菲利普·阿洛特新著研討會)Towards Utopia-Rethinking International Law Workshop, University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany, August 19-20, 2017 International Law Riddles in Constitutions: Legal Expertise, Founding Moments, and the Constitutional Silence on ...
主編的著作有《重新思考比較法大師》(Rethinking the Masters of Comparative Law)和《檔案:現代知識的工件》(Documents:Artifacts of Modem Knowledge)等,精通中文、日文、法語和斐濟語。目錄 導論私人治理、全球市場與擔保法律技術 全球金融治理的視窗 為什麼要從事全球市場治理的人類學研究 法律—社會視野中的法律...
Rethinking on Definition of Administrative Responsibility Subjects Remodeling the Community Ethics and Construction of the Harmonious Community The Research on the Compulsory Education of the Resources Allocation between the Urban and Rural Regions in China Study on Educational Integration in Sichuan Urban-...
14. Fedoroff NV, Battisti DS, Beachy RN, Cooper PJ, Fischhoff DA, Hodges CN, Knauf VC, Lobell D, Mazur BJ, Molden D, Reynolds MP, Ronald PC, Rosegrant MW, Sanchez PA, Vonshak A, Zhu JK. 2010. Radically rethinking agriculture for the 21st century. Science 327:833-834.15. Zheng ...
TradeLawHeZhipeng,CuiYue(30)ReconsiderWTOinGlobalEraLuNan(67)FromGATTtoWTO:GlobalizationandChangesinLegalOrder YuShengfeng(92)GlobalizationofFTA—DevelopmentandDilemmaofMIAinWTO HuangZhijin(104)TheChoiceofChinaintheUnificationofInternationalMaritimeCargoTransportLegalSystemZhangYongjian(132)RethinkingIntellectual...
): Law and Economics of Regulation, Cham: Springer, 159–181; ‘Critical Legal Orientalism. Rethinking the Comparative Discourse on Chinese Law’, 67 (2019) American Journal of Comparative Law 775–824; ‘Legal Reasoning: Arguments from Comparison’, 102 (2016) Archives for Philosophy of Law ...
11. “A Good Multi-polar or A Bad One?”, “Rethinking the International Monetary System – Moving towards a multi-polar currency system, The 6th Asia-Europe Editors’ Roundtable, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), Bangkok, Oct. 13, 2012.12. “What Contributed to the Bubbles in the Late ...