



  • 中文名:2010年公共管理國際會議論文集
  • 作者:祝小寧
  • 出版社:電子科技大學出版社 
  • 頁數:2849 頁
  • ISBN:9787564706241 
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:精裝


《2010年公共管理國際會議論文集(第6屆)(套裝上中下冊)》包括上中下三冊。Practicing public administrators and scholars worldwide are committed to serving citizens in a globalised world. Both challenges and opportunities however confront the efficient, effective, economical delivery of essential public goods and services. Fundamental resource challenges resulting from the global downturn of national economies over the past several years have added complexity and frustration to getting the job done. The phrase "doing more with less" has become all too real in many parts of the world. As the papers in these Proceedings demonstrate, the 2010 International Conference on Public Administration includes wide ranging inquiry into the challenges and opportunities to serve citizens in a diverse array of cultures, economies, and political-administrative settings.


Part One Public Administration Theory, Practice and Reform
The Circumstance, Policy and Current Situation of Contemporary Chinese Women's Participation in Political Affairs.
The Size of Government Influence on Economic Growth——Based on Chinese Provincial Panel Data Analysis
In the Bureaucratic Iron Cage: A Study of Critique of Public Administration
The Research on Chinese Governmental Scientific Research Funding System
Decomposing the Growth of China Total Expenditure on Health
Independence and Cooperation: A Perspective on the Relationship between the Private-run Non-enterprise Units and the Government
Achievements, Problems and Countermeasures of China's Equalization Reform of Basic Public Services
The Value Absence and Rebuilding of Traditional Personnel Management——-On the Transition from Traditional Personnel Management to Modem Personnel Management.
Change of Public Service on Model of Government Management
Management Approach Change of Chinese Local Government: The Way of Public Administration Innovation
Administrative Ethics Assessment and Construction in the Chinese Public Administration Reform Process
Reforming China's Public Personnel System: Creation and Challenges
New Locations of Chinese Government Functions in the Post-crisis Era——The Reflection on the Washington Consensus and New Public Management Theory
The Effect and Trend of Positive Fiscal Policy in China
On the Constitutive Elements of NEET Group in Suburb Village: Based on the Survey of Zhejiang Province
Exploring the Circumstances of Pension Insurance Coverage in China
Public Values of Trans-boundary Public Governance——-Taken ASEAN Region as a Case
Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Hypothesis of Human Nature of Administrators.
Research on Management Innovation of Non-profit Scientific and Technological Intermediary of Chinese Government
The Analysis and Control of Administrative Cost in China's Government
Study of Farmland Protection Mechanism of Local Government
Study on the Improper Conducts in the Village Committee Elections in China
The Influence of Labor Out-migration on Rural Household's Livelihood Capital in Western Rural China: An Empirical Analysis in Qinling Mountain Area
Study on the Present Situation and Improvement Countermeasures of New-type of Rural Cooperative Medical System-A Case of Yongfeng County in Jiangxi Province
Research on the Path of the Law to Resolutions of Administrative Enforcement of Urban Housing Demolition and Relocation
Empirical Analysis of Wagner's Law: In the Perspective of New Public Management (NPM)-The Case of Australia (1979-2006)
Part Two Management Issues and Innovation
Part Three Governance with Networking,Law and Partnership
Part Four Public Service Delivery Challenges and Reform
Part Five Citizenship,Institutions,Communication and Innovation
Part Six International and Global Challenges in Public Administration and Others
Part One Public Administration Theory., Practice and Reform
Administrative Theory: Changing Paradigms and Extending Boundaries
Problems of Policy Exclusion in Developing Countries: The Lesotho Experience
Low Carbon City in China: Practice and Governance Model Innovation
The Selective Centralization: The Vertical Management Reform of Central-local Relations in China
Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of China's Local Government's Decision-making Procedures
Multiple Homeownership and Housing Affordability in Urban China.
A Study on the Effect of Taxation Policy on More Than One Property in China
Establishment of Intergovemmental Cooperative Mechanism in Regional Integration——Taking Yangzi River Delta and Washington Metropolitan Area as Examples
Urban Agriculture as a Mechanism of Peasants' Urbanization: A Case Study of the Tea Industry in Hangzhou under Financial Crisis
The Evasion of Non-material Property Loss of Reservoir Immigration——Take Immigrants in Baise Hydro-junction Project in Yunnan Funing Reservoir Districts as Example
Peasant's Attitude towards Urbanization, Collective Land Reform: A Survey in 10 Villages in China
Public Service Innovation from the Perspective of"Mutual Interaction"——Summary of China's Experience
The Theory on Township's Governance: Viewpoint's Analysis and the Model-choice
A Study on the Factors Affecting the Entrepreneurial Intention of Returned Migrant Workers-Based on a Survey of 10 Labor Output Provinces in China
Systematic Innovation of Government's Public Administration in the Building of"Great People's Livelihood"
The Implementation Path and Policy Rules for Chinese Local Government's Collaboration
Technology Policy Innovation of Encouraging Intensive Utilization of Natural Resources
Personality Difference between Civil Servants and Enterprise Administrators: An Empirical Study
Research on the "Migrant Labor Shortage" Problem in China
The Analysis of Farmland Scale Management and System Innovation
Research on the Third-party Evaluation Consultation Model of National S&T Planned Projects Based on Government Functions Transformation
Urban-rural Integrated Development and Coordinated Growth from the Perspective of Public Administration-Based on Japan's Experience
Study on Development Theory and Systems Establishment for Professional Fire Technique Services Organizations
Part Two Management Issues and Innovation
Talent Management and Human Performance in the Public Sector
Part Three Governance with Networking,Law and Partnership
Part Four Public Service Delivery Challenges and Reform
Part Five Citizenship,Institutions,Communication and Innovation
Part Six International and Global Challenges in Public Administration and Others
Part One Public Administration Theory, Practice and Reform
A Model for Public Participation on the Basis of ECPs
Elephants, Ethics and Enigmas——A Practitioner's Analysis of Municipal Government Ethics and Anti-corruption Programs in U.S.A
Impact of Sowell's Constrained and Unconstrained Mindset on Public Administration Theory as Applied to Microcredit
The Vulnerable Groups' Interest Expression and Protection in Public Administration.
On the Necessity of Building of the Government's Credibility and Its Realization in China
The Influential Factors and Recommendations on the Transformation of Chinese New Generation of Migrant Workers
Government Regulation, Technology Level and Regulation Technology Failure.
Rationalizing the Relationship between Professional Association and Government in China
Rethinking on Definition of Administrative Responsibility Subjects
Remodeling the Community Ethics and Construction of the Harmonious Community
The Research on the Compulsory Education of the Resources Allocation between the Urban and Rural Regions in China
Study on Educational Integration in Sichuan Urban-rural Coordinative Development
The Research of Policy Networks on the Real Estate Macro-control for China
The New Way of Urbanization in China——Based on Analyzing Replacement of Rural Residence Patterns of Huaming Town in Tianjin, China
Civic Demand, Market Investment or Fiscal Capacity: Which Decides the Fiscal Expenditure on Generalized Culture Undertaking?——An Analysis of Provincial Panel Data in China: 2005-2007
Function Division between County and Town Level Governments: Case Study of Chengdu
Research on the Types, Characteristics and Responses of the Land-requisitioned Farmers' Family Stress-A Case Study of Beibei, Chongqing, China
Research on Related Issues about the Development of Industrial Clusters
The Equalization of Basic Public Services of Radio and Television in Rural Areas: Challenges, Opportunities and Countermeasures
Part Two Management Issues and Innovation
The Employment Effects of New Business Formation: A Regional Perspective
The Impact of Globalisation on Human Resources Management Policies and Procedures in the South African Public Service
Lean Government: Is Lean and Six Sigma too Heavy or just Right for Government?
Part Three Governance with Networking,Law and Partnership
Part Four Public Service Delivery Challenges and Reform
Part Five Citizenship,Institutions,Communication and Innovation
Part Six International and Global Challenges in Public Administration and Others.


