1. Lynda Jiwen Song, Yuanyuan Wang, Meng Zhong, Hui Meng, Jiewen Shi. The Impact of Previous LMX Relationship on Current LMX Relationship: A Social Cognitive Model of Transference, Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2015, 9 (1): 44–63.
2。Yan Zhang, Lynda Jiwen Song, Anne S. Tsui, & Pingping Fu (2014), Employee Responses to Employment-Relationship Practices: The Role of Psychological Empowerment and Employee Traditionality, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35, 6, 809–830. (SSCI cited)
3.Anjali Chaudhry & Lynda Jiwen Song (2014), Rethinking psychological contracts in the context of organizational change: The moderating role of social comparison and social exchange, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 50, 3, 337-363. (SSCI cited)
4.Lynda Jiwen Song, Xiujuan Zhang, & Joshua B. Wu (2014), A multilevel analysis of middle manager performance: The role of CEO and top manager leadership, Management and Organization Review, 10, 2, 275–297. (SSCI cited)
5.Amy Y. Ou, Anne S. Tsui., Angelo J. Kinicki, David A. Waldman, Zhixing Xiao, & Lynda Jiwen Song (2014), Humble Chief Executive Officers’ Connections to top management team integration and middle manager responses, Administrative Science Quarterly, 34-72. (SSCI cited)
6.Diether Gebert, Sabine Boerner, Eric Kearney, James E King, Kai Zhang and Lynda Jiwen Song (2014), Expressing religious identities in the workplace: Analyzing a neglected diversity dimension, Human Relations, 67(5), 543-563. (SSCI cited).
7.Lynda Jiwen Song, Edward Qing Lu, Kelly Z. Peng, Chi-Sum Wong, & Weiku Wu (2013). The effect of leader positive affectivity on team member turnover intention and team OCB, Frontiers of Business Research in China,7(3), 311-332.
8.John W. Medcof, & Lynda Jiwen Song (2013). Exploration, Exploitation and Human Resource Management Practices in Cooperative and Entrepreneurial HR Configurations, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(15), 2911-2926. (SSCI cited).
9.Peter J. Peverelli, Lynda Jiwen Song, Zhiqiang Sun, Jianfeng Yu (2011). Networks of Inclusions: A Chinese Entrepreneur Building Social Capital, Frontiers of Business Research in China, 5(1), 121-143.
10.Lynda Jiwen Song, Emily G. Huang, Kelly Z. Peng, Kenneth S. Law, Chi-Sum Wong, & Zhijun Chen (2010). Differential Effects of General Mental Ability and Emotional Intelligence on Academic Performance and Social Interactions. Intelligence, 38, 137-143. (SSCI cited).
11.Kenneth S. Law, Lynda Jiwen Song, Chi-Sum Wong, & Donghua Chen (2009). The Antecedents and Consequences of Successful Localization. Journal of International Business Studies, 40, 1359-1373. (SSCI cited).
12.Lynda Jiwen Song, Anne S. Tsui, & Kenneth S. Law (2009). Unpacking employee responses to organizational exchange mechanisms: The role of social and economic exchange perceptions. Journal of Management, 35: 56-93. (SSCI cited).
13.James D. Werbel, Lynda Jiwen Song, Shifu Yan (2008). The influence of external recruitment practices on job search practices across domestic labor markets: A comparison of the United States and China. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 16(2), 93-101. (SSCI cited.)
14.Liangding Jia, Lynda Jiwen Song, Chaoping Li, Rongjun Cui, Yongxia Chen (2007). Leadership and job-related attitudes of employees: An empirical study of managers under Chinese context on the mediating effects of reciprocity and trust, Frontiers of Business Research in China, 1(4), 574-605.
15.Yan Zhang, Anne S. Tsui, Lynda Jiwen Song, Chaoping Li, & Liangding Jia. (2008). How do I trust thee? The employee-organization relationship, supervisory support and middle managers' trust in the organization, Human Resource Management (SSCI cited), 47(1), 111-132.
16.Lynda Jiwen Song & James Werbel. (2007).Guanxi as impetus? Career exploration in China and the United States, Career Development International, February, 12(1), 51-67.
17.Weiku Wu, Yi Liu, Lynda Jiwen Song, & Jun Liu. (2006). Effects of organizational leadership on employee commitment: The moderating role of emotional intelligence, Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, 7(2), 283-306.
18.Joshua B. Wu, Peter W. Hom, Lois E. Tetrick, Lynn M. Shore, Liangding Jia, Chaoping Li, & Lynda Jiwen Song (2006). The norm of reciprocity: Scale development and validation in the Chinese context, Management and Organization Review, 2(3), 377-402.
19.Kai Zhang, Lynda Jiwen Song, Rick D. Hackett, & Peter Bycio. (2006) Cultural boundary of expectancy theory-based performance Management: A Commentary on DeNisi and Pritchard’s Performance Improvement Model, Management and Organization Review, 2(2), 279–294.
20.Kenneth S. Law, Chi-Sum Wong, & Lynda J. Song. (2004). The construct and criterion validity of emotional intelligence and its potential utility for management studies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89 (3), 483-496. (SSCI cited.)
2.Peter J. Peverelli & Jiwen Song. (2012). Chinese Entrepreneurship – a Social Capital Approach. Springer.
3.Lynda Jiwen Song, Junfeng Wu, & Jing Zhou. (2012).Understanding creativity and innovation in Chinese organizations, in: Xu Huang and Michael Harris Bond (Eds.), The Handbook of Chinese Organizational Behavior: Integrating Theory, Research, and Practice. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
4.Peter J. Peverelli & Lynda Jiwen Song (2012) Social capital as Networks of Networks: The Case of a Chinese Entrepreneur, in: Van Gelder, M & Masurel, (Eds.), Entrepreneurship in Context. London: Routledge.
5.Jiwen Song,Organizational control mechanisms and employee outcomes: Processes and configuration,新華出版社,2009年3月。
6.Anne S. Tsui, Lynda Jiwen Song, & Jingyu Yang. (2007). Organizational culture and employee responses in Hong Kong schools: Comparing dimensional and configuration Approaches. In Neider, L., & Schriesheim, C. (Eds.). Research in management: International perspectives, Vol. 6,25-55. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
7.Rick D. Hackett, Jiing-Lih Farh, Lynda Jiwen Song, & Laurent, M. Lapierre. (2003) LMX and organizational citizenship behavior: examining the links within and across Western and Chinese samples. In G. B. Graen (Ed.). Dealing with Diversity. Information Age Publishing, 219-264.
1. Jiwen Song & Joshua B. Wu (2008). CEO Leadership Behaviors and Top-level Manager Support. To be presented at 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 8-13, in Anaheim, California.
2. Robert C. Liden, Pingping Fu, Jun Liu, Jiwen Song, & Lan Li (2008). CEO Values, Leadership, and Middle Level Manager Behaviors: A Longitudinal Multilevel Test. To be presented at 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 8-13, in Anaheim, California.
3. Jiwen Song, Kai Zhang, & Chaowei Zhu (2008). An Inductive Study on the Innovative Corporate Culture in the P. R. China. To be presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Berlin. (SSCI cited.)
4. Jiwen Song, Anne S. Tsui, Jun Liu, & Yang Wang (2008). Inertia to Change? The Moderating Role of Traditionality on the Relationship between CEO leadership styles and Middle Manager Responses. To be presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Berlin. (SSCI cited.)
5. Jiwen Song, Chi-Sum Wong, Kenneth S. Law, Emily G. Huang, & Zhijun Chen (2008). Effects of General Mental Ability and Emotional Intelligence on Self-assessed Career-related Abilities. To be presented at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Berlin. (SSCI cited.)
6. Zhang Kai, Ji Ting, Jiwen Song, & Jiao Changquan (2007). Organizational commitment mediates the relationship between organizational climate and turnover intention. Presented at 2007 International Conference of Management (ICM2007) in Wuhan, China.
7. Emily Guohua Huang, Kenneth S. Law, Lynda Jiwen Song & Zhijun Chen. (2007). Differential effects of general mental ability and emotional intelligence on academic performance and peers’ liking. Presented at 2007 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 3-8, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
8. Lynda Jiwen Song. (2006). Organizational control mechanisms and managerial responses, presented at the 2006 Academy of Management Meeting in Atlanta.
9. Joshua B. Wu, Peter Hom, Lynda Jiwen Song, Lynn Shore, Lois Tetrick, Chaoping Li, Liangding Jia, (2006). The Norm of Reciprocity: Construct Validation of a Chinese Scale, presented at the 2006 Academy of Management Meeting in Atlanta.
10. Weiku Wu, Yi Liu, Jiwen Song, & Jun Liu. (2006). The moderating role of emotional intelligence on the relationship between organizational leadership and employee commitment, presented at the 2006 Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) in Nanjing.
11. 賈良定,宋繼文, 李超平, 崔榮軍, 陳永霞,領導風格與員工工作態度:互惠和 信任的中介作用的實證研究,首屆(2006)中國管理學年會。Chinese Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2006年12月8-10日,北京。
13. 陳永霞、賈良定、李超平、宋繼文、張君君,變革型領導、心理授權與員工的組織承諾:中國情景下的實證研究”, IACMR第二次年會(The International Association for Chinese Management Research,中國管理學研究國際學會,南京,2006年6月15-18日)的宣讀論文。
14. Lynda J. Song & James Werbel. (2005). Guanxi as Impetus? Career Exploration in China and the United States, presented at the 2005 Academy of Management Meeting in Hawaii.
15. Lynda J. Song, Kenneth S. Law, Chi-Sum Wong, & Donghua Chen. (2004). Effective Human Resource Practices and Successful Localization in P. R. China, presented at the 2004 Academy of Management Meeting in New Orleans.
16. James Werbel, Lynda J. Song, & Shifu Yan. (2004). The Influence of Labor Markets on Job Search Practices, presented at the 2004 Academy of Management Meeting in New Orleans.
17. Lynda, J. Song, Anne Tsui, Elf Xi. (2003). Effects of organizational culture, human resource management, and leadership on employee attitudes: Qualitative and quantitative studies in a Hong Kong family business, presented at the 7th Eastern Management Conference in Shanghai.
18. Rick Hackett, Jiing-Lih Farh, Lynda J. Song. (2003). The LMX-OCB relationship revisited: A quantitative and qualitative review, presented at the 2003 Academy of Management Meeting in Seattle.
19. James Werbel, Lynda J. Song, & Shifu Yan. (2003). Comparative Study of Career Exploration in China and USA, presented at the 2003 Academy of Management Meeting in Seattle.
20. Anne S. Tsui, Lynda J. Song, & Jingyu Yang. (2002). Organizational culture in Hong Kong schools: A multi-level and multi-perspective analysis, presented at the Third Asia Academy of Management Conference in Bangkok, Thailand.
21. Kenneth S. Law, Lynda J. Song, & Chi-Sum Wong. (2002). Emotional intelligence as an intelligence facet: Construct validation and its predictive power of job outcomes, presented at the 2002 Academy of Management Meeting in Denver.
22. Lynda J. Song, & Kenneth S. Law. (2002). Effects of collectivism and leader-member exchange on contextual performance: A field study. presented at the XXV International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP) in Singapore.
23. Lynda J. Song. (2002). Subordinate’s social Capital and Its Effect on LMX in China, presented at the International Conference on Business in Hawaii.
1.英文期刊Evidence-based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship 編輯顧問委員會成員(Editorial Advisory Board)。
2.英文期刊Management and Organization Review(SSCI)與Asia Pacific Journal of Management SSCI), Journal of Managerial Psychology(SSCI)編輯委員會成員(Editorial Review Board)。
5.英文期刊Human Resource Management (SSCI) 評審人。
6.英文期刊Career Development International評審人。
7.英文期刊 Frontiers of Business Research in China評審人。
9.國際管理學年會Academy of Management Conference(AOM)評審人。
10.中國管理國際年會International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR)評審人。