2008年卡萊姆羅為CD唱片《Alexander S. Bermange音樂劇曲目第一輯》錄製了一首歌曲,這張匯集了26位西區明星的全新錄音的唱片,於2008年11月由Dress Circle唱片公司出版發行。2009年他應邀參與新的音樂劇專輯《藍鳥》的錄製,該劇作者為Gareth Peter Dicks。《藍鳥》描寫的是二戰時期的故事,他在其中扮演一名美國士兵Ben Breagan,與多位西區明星共同錄製了這張唱片,其中共收錄有24首曲子,於2009年9月14日發行。
2011年3月5日,《真愛不死》首演結束,新卡司上任,Ramin繼續留任The Phantom一角,與Celia Graham (飾演Christine), David Thaxton (飾演Raoul) 等演員合作演出。2011年8月27日,Ramin在倫敦西區最後一場《真愛不死》的The Phantom任期結束。
2011年10中下旬,Ramin在英國舉辦個人演唱會,主題為《魅影之夜》("A Night with the Phantom"),10月13日、22日、29日,依次在布里斯托、曼徹斯特、伯明罕、南安普頓舉行。
2011年11月至2012年3月,Ramin在倫敦西區音樂劇《悲慘世界》飾演主角冉阿讓。2013年1月27日,在百老匯《歌劇魅影》25周年,Ramin與 John Owen-Jones (約翰·歐文-瓊斯), Peter Joback (彼得約貝克), Hugh Panaro (休·帕納羅) 和 Sierra Boggess (席亞拉·波姬絲) 共同演唱歌劇魅影的主題曲和《夜之樂章》(The Music of the Night).
Ramin將於2014年3月1日起在百老匯復排版《悲慘世界》中飾演冉阿讓,演員包括:Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Caissie Levy (Fantine), Andy Mientus (Marius), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Nikki M. James (Eponine).
Ramin的新專The Road To Find Out - 'East' 於2014年4月7日起接受預定。該專輯是The Road To Find Out系列的第一張('East', ‘North’, ‘South’ and ‘West’)。專輯曲目包括 ‘Oh What A Beautiful Morning’ (Oklahoma!), 'Empty Chairs at Empty Tables’ (Les Miserables), ‘Losing’ & ‘Broken’.
Softly Softly, Kill a Monkey - Monkey Allen (Annex Theatre, Toronto)
Columbia House - Shervin (Annex Theatre, Toronto)
Back of the Net - Hadley (Annex Theatre, Toronto)
Lost in Yonkers - Jay Kurntiz (Annex Theatre, Toronto)
The Spa (電視劇) ... Costas Kleovolou
The Rain (短片)...Sam
Life's Too Short (電視劇) ... Scientologist (S01E05)
Rope (短片) ... Adam
The Phantom of the Opera (電影). ..Christine's Father
Flipside (短片)... Paul
The Morning Show
George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight
Show People with Paul Wontorek
Miss World 2011 Final
The Michael Ball Show (TV series)
BBC Breakfast (TV series)
Loose Women (TV Series)
CBS News Up to the Minute (TV series)
The Alan Titchmarsh Show (TV series)
The Road To Find Out - East
英語 歌曲4首
發布於 2014-04-07
英語 歌曲12首
發布於 2012-04-09
Ramin: "I have a huge love for country and bluegrass, I love rock 'n' roll and I love what I'm doing, so it was how to balance all that...I didn't want to be just a theatre star putting out an album. It was only when they started talking about writing and bringing in other writers that I gotinterested. I wanted to have lived the songs. I wanted an album that was like a diary."
WRIST: “It’s of two crosses which together look like “J" and “H", the initials of my two boys, Jaiden and Hadley. I liked the idea of a cross of protection; the thought that they are protected when I am not around."
SHOULDER: “I wanted something that depicted my family history so I carry them with me and [the tattoo artist] suggested going down the Maori route but without any of thetribal stuff as it doesn’t pertain to me… it is the negative space that tells the story; my lifeline and those of my family with a bit of design symbolizingunity and protection… it’s only half done…"
FOREARM#1: “I was born in Iran,so I speak Farsi… I had a Farsi saying done… it says: ‘Without others yes,without you never.’ That is for my boys and my family, too."
FOREARM#2: “I grew up in Canada…so on the inside of my forearm I have a Canadian maple tree with six birdsflying around it. Each bird represents someone who is close to me: mythree nephews, my two boys and my half-brother."
BICEP#1: “On the inside of my arm I have a massive, beautiful angel overlookingeverything."
BICEP#2: "…a set of four eyes on the inside of my bicep; one for each of my boys, my wife and myself. I took close-up photos of each of them to [the tattoo artist]… they look too good actually. Sometimes it looks like Ireally do have eyes on my arms."
LEFT WRIST: Maori flower
Bessy (Guitar)
Kayla (Banjo)
Gloria (Banjo)
Ramin Karimloo與好友Hadley Fraser在2010年夏天成立樂隊Sheytoons進行歌曲創作。“Sheytoons” 一詞來源於波斯語,意為“爬下魔鬼之驢” (a Farsi expression meaning "climb down from the Devil's donkey".)
樂隊成員包括(不在同一時間): Rosalie Craig - vocals, Tom Deering - keyboards, Nick Pini - bass, Graeme Fox - drums, Jess Murphy/Sonya Cullingford - fiddle, Joe Huby/Harry Cargill - banjo.
樂隊成員包括: Steve Young - acoustic guitar, Sergio Ortega - lead guitar, banjo and mandolin, Chip Bricker - keyboards, Staley Rogers - Bass, Coleman Smith - fiddle, Dennis Harper - drums.