《Programming Java 2 Micro Edition for Symbian OS》是John Wiley & Sons出版的圖書,作者是Martin de Jode
- ISBN:9780470092231
- 作者:Martin de Jode
- 出版社:John Wiley & Sons
- 出版時間:2004年6月16日
- 頁數:498
- 定價:USD 50.00
- 裝幀:Paperback
《Programming Java 2 Micro Edition for Symbian OS》是John Wiley & Sons出版的圖書,作者是Martin de Jode
《Programming PC Connectivity Applications for Symbian OS》是John Wiley & Sons Inc出版的圖書,作者是McDowall, Ian E.內容簡介 The only guide for developers and power users on how to build PC connectivity applications for Symbian OS. This unique handbook provides all the information that is needed...
《Symbian OS Communications Programming (Symbian Press)》是Wiley出版的圖書,作者是Michael J. Jipping 內容簡介 A developera s guide to the Symbian OS communications architecture. The Symbian OS communications architecture is the cornerstone of Symbian OS -- enabling the combination of voice ...
《Programming for the Series 60 Platform and Symbian OS (Symbian Press)》是Wiley出版的圖書,作者是DIGIA Inc.內容簡介 The first book covering this platform, written by experts on Series 60. The Series 60 platform is a smartphone platform designed for Symbian OS. It support...
《Developing Software for Symbian OS 2nd Edition》是Wiley出版的圖書,作者是Steve Babin 內容簡介 Many problems encountered by engineers developing code for specialized Symbian subsystems boil down to a lack of understanding of the core Symbian programming concepts. Developing Software for Symbian OS ...
《Symbian OS Communications Programming》是Wiley出版的圖書,作者是Iain Campbell 內容簡介 An up-to-date insight into Communications programming at Symbian, incorporating changes introduced by the latest version of Symbian OS (Symbian OS V9), which is the basis of the new phones currently reaching the...
《Porting C/C++ to Symbian OS》是John Wiley & Sons Ltd出版的圖書,作者是M. Wilcox 內容簡介 If you want to write mobile applications without the idioms of Symbian C++, have existing software assets that you'd like to re-use on Symbian devices, or are an open source developer still waiting...
開放式程式語言(Open Programming Language ,OPL)是一種用於運行Symbian作業系統的攜帶型設備的嵌入式程式語言。用法 它可以在諾基亞9200,9300和9500 Communicator系列行動電話/個人數字助理(PDA)和索尼愛立信P800,P900,P910系列上找到。 在經典的Psion PDA(如Series 3,5 / 5mx,Series 7和netBook / netPad)...
Sun: o The HotSpot Java Virtual Machine is written in C Symbian OS: rationale: "[...] using C for all system code, from the kernel upwards." This is one of the most widespread OS's for cellular phones KDE from linux is written in C .telephone systems: I think it would be almost ...
gtest測試框架是在不同平台上(Linux,Mac OS X,Windows,Cygwin,Windows CE和Symbian)為編寫C++測試而生成的。它是基於xUnit架構的測試框架,支持自動發現測試,豐富的斷言集,用戶定義的斷言,death測試,致命與非致命的失敗,類型參數化測試,各類運行測試的選項和XML的測試報告。需要詳細了解的朋友可以參閱《玩轉...
《Mobile Python》是Wiley出版的圖書,作者是Jürgen Scheible,Ville Tuulos 內容簡介 Mobile Python is the introduction of Python programming language to the mobile space. This practical hands-on book teaches readers how to realize their application ideas on the Symbian OS. Programming on the Symbian...
2008年信息學奧賽初賽試題及答案是一整套試題以及答案解析。單項選擇題 一、單項選擇題(共10題,每題1.5分,總計15分。每題有且僅有一個正確答案)。1.在以下各項中,( )不是作業系統軟體。A.Solaris B.Linux C.Sybase D.Windows Vista E.Symbian 2.微型計算機中,控制器的基本功能是( )。A....
具有Google Android高級編程開發、iOS/iPhone深層次編程訓練、Nokia Symbian手機編程訓練以及主流的3G 智慧型手機開發。同時在課程中配置了Google Android手機的模擬器和真機、iPhone Mac蘋果電腦的開發平台以及Nokia的手機開發環境。同時也提供塞班支持,支持在6410、OMAP3等開發板企業級項目實驗、強化企業需要的各個方面人才、...