"Old Money"這首歌是Lana Del Rey, Dan Heath, Robbie Fitzsimmons寫的一首歌,Dan Heath製作,這首歌無論是旋律和歌詞都有了進步,這首歌改編自Nino Rota的 "What Is a Youth"(or "Love Theme From Romeo and Juliet"),歌曲旋律簡單幾乎只有人聲在演唱,並伴隨著鋼琴和弦樂合奏。歌曲曲譜
Lana說:“I wrote this lovelorn lament of a lost lover of being on the corner of Hollywood and vine, like i was channeling something, it's really my oldest track on the record because it's a song that's been in the works for about five years, it was called Methamphetamines at first and what's funny is, i had to talk to my publishing company because i didn't know at the time that i was referencing a melody from the original score for Romeo and Juliet from i think the 60's and it was so similar that you know, half of the publishing didn't proceed to seek for an approval. It actually almost didn't make the record but I'm thankful now that it did. It's just the most beautiful."(轉自維基百科)
Blue hydrangea, cold cash, divine, 八仙花藍,老鈔已舊,時光雖逝,神聖永恆 Cashmere, cologne and white sunshine. 絲滑羊絨,古龍水香,和煦日光 Red racing cars, sunset in vine, 車水馬龍,藤影餘暉 The kids were young and pretty. 美好青春似留昨日 Where have you been? Where did you go? 你在哪裡,身處何方? Those summer nights seem long ago, 多年前仲夏之夜,是否記起 And so is the girl you used to call, 記憶中她的容顏,模糊不清 The Queen of New York City. 當年你曾與她坐擁紐約城的繁華 But if you send for me you know I'll come, 縱別多年,一通電話,我就出現 And if you call for me you know I'll run. 一封信至,我會奔向你 I'll run to you, I'll run to you, I'll run, run, run. 我會奔向你,即便會耗盡生命 I'll come to you, I'll come to you, I'll come, come, come. 我會奔向你,用盡所有力氣 The power of youth is on my mind, 青春寶貴,現在心有餘而力不足 Sunsets, small town, I'm out of time. 日落晚霞,狹小城鎮,我已回不去那段舊時光 Will you still love me when I shine, 若我風光依舊,你是否會依然愛我 From words but not from beauty? 若我無精緻容貌,你是否會聽我吐露真言? My father's love was always strong, 我的父親對愛不減 My mother's glamor lives on and on, 我的母親風韻猶存 Yet still inside I felt alone, 至今沒人看見我內心空洞 For reasons unknown to me. 孤獨空洞無理由四面襲來 But if you send for me you know I'll come, 縱別多年,一通電話,我就出現 And if you call for me you know I'll run. 一封信至,我會奔向你 I'll run to you, I'll run to you, I'll run, run, run. 我會奔向你,即便會耗盡生命 I'll come to you, I'll come to you, I'll come, come, come. 我會奔向你,用盡所有力氣 And if you call I'll run, run, run, 若你需要,我會立刻出現 If you change your mind I'll come, come, come. 若你願回心轉意,我會不顧一切奔向你 Blue hydrangea, cold cash, divine, 八仙花藍,老鈔已舊,時光雖逝,神聖永恆 Cashmere, cologne and hot sunshine. 絲滑羊絨,古龍水香,灼熱日光 Red racing cars, sunset in vine, 車水馬龍,藤影餘暉 And we were young and pretty. 我們美好青春似留昨日
Old Money採樣了60年代英國電影《羅密歐與朱麗葉》主題曲《What Is A Youth》,像是Video Games、Bel Air和Ride的合體。在早期清唱小樣Methaphetamines中,Lana則在自拍錄影帶中致敬了貓王。這首小情歌存在意義很明確,就是在你情緒低落的時候,可以翻出來聽聽,而且朗朗上口,一下子就能跟著音樂哼起來。最後那首爵士調調The Other Women是翻唱自Nina Simone,Lana有個紋身就是Nina,Lana還把這首歌列入她自己最愛播放表之中,現在拿出來翻唱,既是致敬,又展示了自己的品味。