No More Sad Songs

No More Sad Songs

一首由英國女子組合Little Mix和說唱歌手Machine Gun Kelly演唱的歌曲


  • 中文名稱:悲傷無多
  • 外文名稱:No More Sad Songs
  • 所屬專輯:No More Sad Songs
  • 歌曲時長:3分45秒
  • 發行時間:2017.3.3
  • 歌曲原唱:Little Mix,Machine Gun Kelly
  • 音樂風格:pop
  • 歌曲語言:英語


歌名:No More Sad Songs
所屬專輯:Glory Days: The Platinum Edition
演唱者:Little Mix ; MGK


I keep trying nothing's working 我努力嘗試 但毫無用處
I still wanna know if you're alone 我仍然想知道 你是否孤身一人
I keep trying to put this behind me 我竭盡全力 讓一切隨風消逝
I still wanna know who's taking you home 我卻仍然想明白 誰會領你歸途
For tonight I'm going to get my mind off it 今晚我會讓自己大腦不再糾纏
Don't care that someone's got his hands all over my body 不在乎誰同我縱情貪歡
Stay out all night go where the music is loud 一夜放縱 去向音樂聲最嘈雜的地方
So I don't have to think about it I'm beggin' please don't play 所以我不必去暗自神傷 我只是請求不要再播放
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Sad songs 悲情之音
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Sad songs 傷感之歌
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Sad songs 痛苦之樂
I'm beggin' please don't play 我正請求不要播放
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Sad songs 難言情傷
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Sad songs 無聲淚流
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Sad songs 離別分手
I'm beggin' please don't play no more sad songs 我請求不要玩弄我 不會再有多的悲傷心聲了
Dancing with danger talking to strangers 與險情共入舞池 與生人高聲談笑
Don't care where I go just can't be alone 不用在乎何處所至 我只是不能孑孓一身罷了
They'll never know me like you used to know me no 他們不會像你一樣完全了解我 只是淺嘗輒止
For tonight I'm going to get my mind off it 今夜我會讓大腦擺脫過去
Don't care that someone's got his hands all over my body 不在乎誰與我調情享樂
Stay out all night go where the music is loud 春宵一度 去向音樂聲最嘈雜的地方
So I don't have to think about it I'm beggin' please don't play 所以我不會被迫迷惘 我只是請求不要再播放
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Sad songs 悲傷之音
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Sad songs 傷感之歌
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Sad songs 痛苦之樂
I'm beggin' please don't play 我正請求不要播放
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Sad songs 難言情傷
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Sad songs 無聲淚流
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Sad songs 離別分手
I'm beggin' please don't play 我請求我不要置我於囫圇之中
No more sad songs 我不會再有傷心欲絕
No more sad songs 不會再有痛徹心扉
No more sad songs 我不會再有傷心的時刻
No more sad songs 不會再有離別的流淚
No more sad songs 不會再感到難過
No more sad songs 不會再生不如死
Taste 品嘗
Of the good life can you keep pace can you 美好現實的滋味 你能跟上這風馳電掣 你能
Ride shotgun in the fast lane 在快車道上身坐前列
With your eyes wide shut 並雙眼緊閉嗎
Tell me do you have faith in me 告訴我你對我身心投入毫無顧慮
Stay 纏綿
The whole night 'til you feel the sun rays can you 這一整夜 直到你感受到黎明曙光 你能
Forget everything your man sayin' 忘記旁人的流言蜚語
And let all of our pain be the champagne 讓所有痛苦融成香檳嗎
Let me take the wheel from here 讓我帶你逃離困境
And penthouse suite chill from here 和閣樓套房 和此處的森冷寒意
Show you the realest years 向你展示不虛度的年華
Stare at the skies with you 和你一起凝視天空在的那彼岸遠方
Only got eyes for you 我眼中只有你的身影
Even when the light's off I'm visualizing you 即使燈光熄滅 我依然把你不斷描摹觀想
I see your wonder wall I get close to you 我目視你的曼妙 我不斷靠近
I watch you let it fall and get emotional 我看著你潰不成軍 我心神蕩漾
We racing past we are free at last 我們被翻紅浪 最終攀上極樂
I'm beggin' please don't play 我正請求不要播放
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Sad songs 悲傷之音
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Sad songs 傷感之歌
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Sad songs 痛苦之樂
I'm beggin' please don't play 懇求不要播放
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Sad songs 難掩情傷
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Sad songs 無聲淚流
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Sad songs 離別分手
I'm beggin' please don't play 我乞求你不要撩撥我
No more sad songs 我不會再有傷心欲絕
No more sad songs 不會再有痛徹心扉
No more sad songs 不會再有悲傷的時刻
No more sad songs 不會再有離別的淚流
No more sad songs 不會再感到難過
No more sad songs 不會再生不如死
No more 不會了
No more 不會了
No more 永遠不會
No more 不會再有
No more sad songs 這般的痛不欲生了


