《Molecular Virology》是一本圖書
- 外文名:Molecular Virology
- ISBN:9780470679357
- 裝幀:平裝
《Molecular Virology》是一本圖書
Molecular Virology 《Molecular Virology》是一本圖書 內容簡介 Methuen
《Molecular Virology: Molecular and Medical Aspects of Disease-Causing Viruses of Man and Animals》是一本圖書 內容簡介 This book was written during a period when the technologies of genetic engineering were being applied to the study of animal virus...
《醫學分子病毒學綱要》是2005年復旦大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是聞玉梅。內容簡介 This book provides a key for students to open the door to medical molecular virology, and therefore it only introduces the important themes of medical molecular virology. Questions are included between sections in all ...
《Principles of Molecular Virology》是Academic Pr出版的圖書,作者是Alan J. Cann 內容簡介 The fourth edition of the hugely successful Principles of Molecular Virology takes on a molecular approach, presenting the principles of virology in a clear and concise manner. This work explores and explains...
《Principles of Molecular Virology》是Academic Press出版的圖書,作者是Alan J. Cann 內容簡介 Principles of Molecular Virology, Fourth Edition provides an essential introduction to modern virology in a clear and concise manner. It is a highly enjoyable and readable text with numerous illustrations that ...
of molecular virology, International Conference on Medical Virology, P62, Beijing , China,Oct. 19-22, 1998 41. 甲病毒用作基因工程載體的研究進展,國外醫學(微生物學分冊),1998,21(2): 5-11 42. 檢測狂犬病毒中和抗體的快速螢光灶抑制試驗(RFFIT)的建立, 中國生物製品學雜誌,1998,11(...
1988-1991:美國賓夕法尼亞大學Wistar研究所分子病毒學博士後/ Postdoctoral Fellow, Molecular Virology, Wistar Institute, University of Pennsylvania 1986-1988:美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院兒科系費城兒童醫院傳染及免疫科臨床醫學博士研究員M..D.Fellow, Division of Infectious Diseases, Children's Hospital of ...
前身:MDPI前身是於1996年成立的國際分子多樣性保護組織(Molecular Diversity Preservation International),其主要工作為收集交流化合物樣品,永久收藏具有歷史價值的樣品等。現狀:MDPI於2010年6月正式更名為MDPI(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute,多學科數字出版機構),擁有200多種開放獲取期刊,涵蓋科學、...
SECTION 3 Genetics and Virology CHAPTER 7 Genetic Analysis in Molecular Biology CHAPTER 8 Viruses in Molecular Biology SECTION 4 DNA Metabolism CHAPTER 9 DNA Replication CHAPTER 10 DNA Damage and Repair CHAPTER 11 Recombination CHAPTER 12 Transposons and Other Mobile Elements SECTION 5 RNA Synthesis ...
劉輝宇博士1961年生於湖南省益陽縣。1984年畢業於衡陽醫學院(現為南華大學醫學院),獲醫學學士學位。1999年在日本群馬大學預防醫學和病毒學系完成醫 學博士(醫學生物化學專業)學位。美國及加拿大博士後。2003年起為美國生物化學和分子生物學學會會員。 現 在美國HAMNER健康醫學研究院內分泌研究部任研究員(Research ...
Molecular basis associated with replication of duck H5N1 influenza viruses in a mammalian mouse model. Journal of Virology, 2005, 79: 12058–12064 41. Guobin Tian, Suhua Zhang, Yanbing Li, Zhigao Bu, Peihong Liu, Jinping Zhou, Chengjun Li, Jianzhong Shi, Kangzhen Yu, Hualan Chen. ...
主持科技部攻關項目、科學院重大項目課題、重點項目,科學院院長基金,國家自然科學基金重點和面上項目,國家教委留學回國人員擇優基金等數十項,發表論著160餘篇(部),其中在Science, Molecular Ecology, Journal of Virology, BMC Evolutionary Biology, PLOS ONE, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution等25種國際SCI源...
15.Zeng S#, Wang D#, Fang L, Ma J, Song T, Zhang R, et al. Complete coding sequences and phylogenetic analysis of porcine bocavirus. Journal of General Virology. 2011; 92(Pt 4):784-8 16.Wang D, Fang L, Zhao F, Luo R, Chen H, Xiao S. Molecular cloning, expression and ...
131, 247–257.14.Wang L, Pan M, Fu Y, Zhang D. 2008. Classification of duck hepatitis virus into three genotypes based on molecular evolutionary analysis. Virus Genes, 37, 52–59.15.Ding C, Zhang D. 2007. Molecular analysis of duck hepatitis virus type 1. Virology, 361, 9–17.