英 [ˈmeləʊ] 美 [ˈmeloʊ]
adj. (顏色或光線)柔和的,溫暖的;(聲音)悅耳的,圓潤的;(酒)芳醇的,(水果)成熟香甜的;(性格)穩健的,老練的;悠閒的,怡然自得的;<非正式>(喝酒或吸毒後)輕鬆自在的,飄飄然的;(土壤)肥沃的,富饒的
v. (使)變成熟老練,(使)變平易近人;(使)變柔和;(使)(酒)變得芳醇;<美,非正式>(使)變得輕鬆平靜(mellow out)
【名】 (Mellow)(英)梅洛(人名)
mild and mellow 入口和醇 ; 進口和醇 ; 口感和醇
mellow paper 調濕紙張 ; 調溫紙張
mellow soil [土壤]
熟土 ; 疏鬆土 ; 海綿土
A glass of mellow wine 一杯美酒
mellow and thick 醇厚 ; 爽適甘厚有刺激性 ; 爽適甘厚 ; 有刺激性
mellow and normal 醇正 ; 略帶甜
mellow and brisk 醇爽
His voice was deep and mellow. 他的聲音低沉而柔和。
Mellow music and lighting helped to create the right atmosphere. 柔和的音樂和燈光襯托出了適宜的氛圍。
His voice was deep and mellow and his speech had a soothing and comforting quality. 他的嗓音深沉柔美,他的演講令人舒心寬慰。
The wine is [tastes] mellow. 酒味醇厚。
The afternoon was dragging towards its mellow hour. 下午的時光慢慢地過去,到了柔美的一刻。
Is she more mellow and tolerant? 她更平和、更寬容了嗎?
After two glasses of wine, I was feeling mellow. 兩杯葡萄酒下肚,我就飄飄然了。
A period spent working abroad had done nothing to mellow him. 他在海外工作了一段時間,卻沒有變得老練。
Until the moment everyone started telling me to mellow out, I had never been tense for a single moment in my life. 直到每個人開始叫我放鬆那一刻,我一生中還從來沒有一刻緊張過。
He was looking tolerably mellow. 他看上去還算平靜。
As soon as they had let the fowls out, in the early summer mornings, they had to take their guns and keep guard; and then again as soon as evening began to mellow, they must go once more. 在初夏的早晨,他們一放完雞,就得拿起槍來站崗;等到天色漸漸柔和下來,他們又得走了。
Let's go to a place that's more mellow. 到別的地方去吧。Michael,你剛才講什麼more mellow ?
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness! 霧氣彌散、瓜果飄香的成熟之季!
Go somewhere mellow and dimly lit. Relax. 到一處美好而幽暗的地方,放鬆。
These apples are mellow at this time of year. 每年這時節,蘋果就熟透了。
Season of mists and mellow celery, then let it be. 霧氣洋溢、西芹成熟的秋,順其自然吧。
In recent years Mr Qaddafi has appeared to mellow. 近年來,卡扎菲先生表現的愈加圓滑。
The streets haven't been this mellow in a long time. 大街小巷長久沒有這樣祥和了。
We are more mellow, patient and industrious than men. 我們比男人更加柔美、更加耐心,也更加任勞任怨。
In contrast, marriage has long been known to mellow men out. 相反,婚姻使男人變成熟則已久為人知。
Stay mellow. Your generous nature could be taken advantage of. 穩住陣腳,你可以利用好自己慷慨大方的個性。
"I don't want to call them rages, because I'm a really mellow guy," he said. 我不稱其為怒氣,因為我脾氣真的很溫和。
They took my money, of course, but they were really relaxed and mellow about it. 他們拿走了我的錢,當然,他們很放鬆,感覺一切都很正常。
Bohemians also burn sugar into their absinthe to mellow its bitter anise flavour. 波希米亞人也將糖放入苦艾酒中以減少茴香的苦味。
Balsamic vinegar is aged until it becomes dark and mellow, with a sweet-sour flavor. 陳釀的香醋至顏色黑暗,味道醇厚酸甜。