《living to love you》是一首德國唱作人Sarah Connor的歌,收錄在她的第四張錄音室專輯《Naughty But Nice》(2005)中。由Rob Tyger和Kay Denar作詞作曲,它作為專輯的主打歌在2004年11月8日發行。歌曲選錄了Célion Dion的1997的單曲《我心永恆》。
單曲成為在德國和瑞士的第一名,康納成為在德國單曲榜的連續第三和綜合第四。因此,她成為上世紀80年代中期以來,完成這個的第一個德國藝術家。《living to love you》是2004年暢銷單曲的第39名和2005暢銷單曲的第35名。
生完寶寶的Sarah經過了一年多的休息之後,又回到了歌迷中間。在3月7日推出新單曲From Zero To Hero之後,緊接著,Sarah又馬不停蹄的在21日推出了其個人第四張專輯《Naughty But Nice》專輯所有的歌曲靈感都來自於Sarah的個人生活,同時在專輯中更多使用了吉他,歌曲經過Sarah獨特的嗓音演繹,更突顯藍調的風格。這首Living to love you 一推出市場,馬上就贏得了無數的好評。歌曲延續了她一貫的情歌路線,其情感唱腔收放自如。
Sarah Connor是來自德國的女歌手,曾獲德國樂壇最高榮耀的Echo音樂獎“最佳流行搖滾女歌手”大獎及Goldene Europe音樂獎“最成功女歌手獎”。Sarah Connor14歲時開始在教堂唱詩班擔任演唱,並在學校演唱音樂劇,15、16歲便以試唱帶向各大音樂廠牌投石問路。2001年春季,Sarah Connor推出處女單曲“Let's Get Back To The Bed Boy”,歌曲強勢占領德國排行榜亞軍,並揮軍直入歐陸各國排行榜TOP 10;第二首單曲“French Kissing”轉而釋放靈魂樂的性感魅力,同年底Sarah Connor改走情歌路線,推出感人戀曲“From Sarah With Love”,成績益發耀眼,光在德國就賣出75萬張,歌曲輕易摘下德國榜冠軍,竄登歐洲Music & Media排行榜TOP 5;緊接著的首張大碟《Green Eyed Soul》更上一層樓,不但直襲德國專輯榜亞軍,也攻克了荷蘭、波蘭、芬蘭、葡萄牙、希臘等國排行TOP 10。如今,Sarah Connor已然躋身全球節奏藍調歌后之林。
All we had was just one summer,
two lovers strolling in the park,
but like they say,
the world keeps turning,
as the leaves were falling,
we should fall apart.
Now i'm waiting for the winter,
to build my castle out of ice,
and deep inside is massive building,
there's a crystal lake,
of all the tears i've cried.
Baby for all my life,
don't you know that it's true,
I'm living to love you,
so Baby don't think twice,
if you feel what I feel,
trust your heart and do what I do,
'cause I'm living to love you,
I'm living to love you.
When you're gone it's not forever,
'cause you're remaining in my heart,
so tell me why i feel this aching,
every time I think of you,when we're apart.
Baby for all my life,
don't you know that it's true,
I'm living to love you,
so Baby don't think twice,
if you feel what I feel,
trust your heart and do what I do,
I'm living to love you.
I admit that from time to time,
I'm feeling insecure and think I'm gonna lose my mind,
don't let it show, no, oh no no no noo no!
I don't think I'll ever understand,
that our love should never have a happy end,
so I'm really gonna try my best,
to let you know... (to let you know, whoooa...)
Baby for all my life,
don't you know that it's true (I've been knowing it's true),
I'm living to love you (I've been living to love you),