- 中文名:Li2FeSiO4
- 材料:新型的鋰離子電池正極
- 特點:天然豐富及低成本
- 源於:晶格穩定性效應
Nanocrystalline-Li2FeSiO4 Synthesized by Carbon Frameworks as Advanced Cathode Materials for Li-ion Batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2(19...
2.2.4主要合成方法 2.2.5研究進展 2.2.6發展趨勢 2.3正矽酸鹽正極材料 2.3.1概述 2.3.2 Li2FeSiO4正極材料 2.3.3矽酸錳鋰材料 2.3....
10. Hierarchical porous Li2FeSiO4/C composite with 2 Li storage capacity and long cycle stability for advanced Li-ion batteries, Z.X. Chen, S. Qiu...
4. 參與河南省科技廳-重點攻關:新型鋰離子電池材料Li2FeSiO4的製備及結構最佳化。(在研) 5. 參與863計畫:HEV用大功率鎳氫動力電池系統技術研發。(已結項) 6. ...
Shi-Gang Sun,Synthesis and electrochemical performance of porous Li2FeSiO4/C cathode material for long- life lithium-ion batteries,Journal of Alloys Compoun...
4. Hai Zhu, Xiaozhen Wu, Ling Zan, Youxiang Zhang*, Superior electrochemical capability of Li2FeSiO4/C/G composite as cathode material for Li-ion ...
Synthesis and electrochemical properties of carbon nano-tubes modified spherical Li2FeSiO4cathode material for lithium-ion batteries. J. Alloys Compd.,2012,...
(11), A911-A916.12 Lv, D.; Wen, W.; Huang, X.; Bai, J.; Mi, J.; Wu, S.; Yang, Y., A novel Li2FeSiO4/C composite: Synthesis, ...
劉興泉,男,教授,1964年4月生,四川南部人。理學博士,電子科技大學微電子與固體...Fabrication and characterization of carbon-coated Li2FeSiO4 nanoparticles ...
Du, G.P. Yin, Effects of carbon on the structure and electrochemical performance of Li2FeSiO4 cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. RSC Adv. ...