


  • 中文名:黃行康
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生日期:1977年2月
  • 性別:男


在Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Electrochimica Acta, Journal of Power Sources等電化學發表10多篇SCI收錄文章,被引用130次,H因子為7。主要研究成果集中於高功率鋰電池用的二氧化錳、不同晶型二氧化錳的控制合成;高功率高電壓鋰離子電池正極材料錳酸鋰系列;以及高容量矽合金負極的合成及套用。
1996.9-2000.7 山東科技大學2000.9-2003.6 浙江工業大學2003.9-2007.6 廈門大學2007.9-2009.9 福建南平南孚電池有限公司與廈門廈門大學聯合博士後2009.9-至今 福建師範大學2012.5-至今 威斯康星大學密爾沃基分校


1. 鋰離子電池正極LiMyCo1-yO4的製備及電化學性能, 教育廳,2010-2012年,第一2. 納米電極材料LiCoMnO4的製備及其在鋰離子電池中的套用研究,科技廳,2011-2014年,第一3. LiCoMnO4/Li4Ti5O12鋰離子電池的基礎及套用研究,教育廳(傑青項目),2011-2014年,第一
代表性論文1 Huang, X.K.; Yue, H.J.; Attia, A.; Yang, Y., Preparation and properties of manganese oxide/carbon composites by reduction of potassium permanganate with acetylene black. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2007, 154 (1), A26-A33. (引用次數: 29次)2 Huang, X.K.; Lv, D.P.; Yue, H.J.; Attia, A.; Yang, Y., Controllable synthesis of a- and b-MnO2: cationic effect on hydrothermal crystallization. Nanotechnology 2008, 19 (22), 225606. (引用次數: 23次)3 Huang, X.K.; Attia, A.; Yue, H.J.; Lv, D.P.; Yang, Y., Preparation and electrochemical properties of Co3O4-coated layered manganese oxide by a novel coating method. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 2009, 13 (5), 697-703.4 Huang, X.K.; Zhang, Q.S.; Chang, H.T.; Gan, J.L.; Yue, H.J.; Yang, Y., Hydrothermal Synthesis of Nanosized LiMnO2-Li2MnO3 Compounds and Their Electrochemical Performances. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2009, 156 (3), A162-A168.5 Huang, X.; Lv, D.; Zhang, Q.; Chang, H.; Gan, J.; Yang, Y., Highly crystalline macroporous b-MnO2: Hydrothermal synthesis and application in lithium battery. Electrochimica Acta 2010, 55 (17), 4915-4920.6 Huang, X.K.; Zhang, Q.S.; Gan, J.L.; Chang, H.T.; Yang, Y., Hydrothermal synthesis of a nanosized LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode material for high power lithium-ion batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2011, 158 (2), A139-A145.7 Huang, X.; Lin, M.; Tong, Q.; Li, X.; Ruan, Y.; Yang, Y., Synthesis of LiCoMnO4 via a sol-gel method and its application in high power LiCoMnO4/Li4Ti5O12 lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 2012, 202, 352-356.8 Yue, H.J.; Huang, X.K.; Lv, D.P.; Yang, Y., Hydrothermal synthesis and electrochemical performance of Li1.59H0.41MnO3 as a cathode material for lithium-ion battery. Electrochemical and Solid State Letters 2008, 11 (9), A163-A166.9 Yue, H.J.; Huang, X.K.; Yang, Y., Preparation and electrochemical performance of manganese oxide/carbon nanotubes composite as a cathode for rechargeable lithium battery with high power density. Materials Letters 2008, 62 (19), 3388-3390.10 Yue, H.J.; Huang, X.K.; Lv, D.P.; Yang, Y., Hydrothermal synthesis of LiMn2O4/C composite as a cathode for rechargeable lithium-ion battery with excellent rate capability. Electrochimica Acta 2009, 54 (23), 5363-5367.11 Lv, D.P.; Huang, X.K.; Yue, H.J.; Yang, Y., Sodium-Ion-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis of g-MnO2 and Its Electrochemical Performance. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2009, 156 (11), A911-A916.12 Lv, D.; Wen, W.; Huang, X.; Bai, J.; Mi, J.; Wu, S.; Yang, Y., A novel Li2FeSiO4/C composite: Synthesis, characterization and high storage capacity. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2011, 21 (26), 9506-9512.


