LIT(Steve Aoki/Yellow Claw合作單曲)

LIT(Steve Aoki/Yellow Claw合作單曲)

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《LIT》是由美國音樂製作人SteveAoki與荷蘭電音組合Yellow Claw合作製作、美國說唱歌手Gucci ManeT-Pain演唱的一首歌曲,於2017年7月7日發布。



歌手:Steve Aoki/Yellow Claw/Gucci Mane/T-Pain


Yeah, boy, you gettin' that T-Pain and Aoki (Gucci)
男孩,你會見識T pain和Aoki Gucci的實力
All of y'all tryna do our sh*t, you just soundin' like karaoke (Huh?)
你們都想模仿我們的風格 但你們的歌聲聽起來平淡無奇
Long as y'all gettin' lit (Yeah)
只要竭盡全力 你們都可以名聲大噪
Yellow Claw gettin' lit (Ha)
Yellow Claw已經功成名就
Long as y'all gettin' lit, let's go
只要竭盡全力 你們都可以名聲大噪 我們開始吧
It's Gucci Mane in this bi*ch, and yeah, it's lit, hella lit
這個女孩身穿大牌 讓無數人為之傾倒
Yellow Rollie on my wrist, same color my yellow bi*ch
我的手腕戴著鑽石珠寶 無數美女都對我投送懷抱
I say I ain't got no type, but I prefer 'em super thick
我說我對美女來之不拒 但我更喜歡性感火辣的女孩
I was born for this sh*t, you too borin' for the bi*ch
我天生就是情場高手 對於美女來說你太無聊
In the foreign, motor roarin', sittin' on Forgis with a kit
開著外國豪車急速狂飆 性感美女坐在我身旁
Plus my outfit sick with it just like E-40 and the clique
我從來不會循規蹈矩 就像E 40和clique一樣
I'm so spoiled, she don't get naked, it's hard for me to tip
我傲慢自大 如果她沒有褪盡衣衫 我就很難肆意揮霍
I'm so hard, got 'em runnin' and I just put in the tip
我已經慾火焚身 我要和他們縱情歡愉 我會給足小費
They don't see me
Oh no, they don't see me
Your girl's drawers comin' down
But the hands go up to the ceilin'
I guarantee it, I guarantee it, I guarantee it, I guarantee it
我保證 我保證 我保證 我保證
I'm throwin' money in the VIP
I'm ballin' out, so you know it's me
我會縱情狂歡 你們知道這就是我
They tell me, baby you were born makin' big noise
他們告訴我 寶貝 你天生就出類拔萃
Hanging in the street, yeah
I be hangin' in the street, oh lord
我一直在街頭浪跡風雲 天啊
I guarantee it, I guarantee it, I guarantee that I'm the shit
我保證 我保證 我保證 我就是說唱大佬
If you're feelin' like me, I guarantee it's about to get lit
如果你和我感同身受 我保證你會名聲大噪
I'm tryna live, tryna hit Club Liv and spend a mil
我竭力活出精彩 肆意揮霍 盡享奢靡生活
Who wanna chill with a rich nigga?
Can't wait to pay your bills
我已迫不及待 肆意揮霍
Listen here, I just made 20 thousand disappear
聽著 兩萬美元對我來說小菜一碟
See it clear, crystal clear
看清楚了 讓你的內心如水晶般澄澈
Just like these diamonds in my ear
I'm tryna live, tryna hit Club Liv and spend a mil
我竭力活出精彩 肆意揮霍 盡享奢靡生活
Who wanna chill with a rich nigga?
Can't wait to pay your bills
我已迫不及待 肆意揮霍
I'ma put that top sh*t in your ear, listen here
我已位居榜首 請豎起耳朵聽好
I just pulled up to the front, trunk in the rear
我只是努力獨占鰲頭 將其他隊手拋之腦後
They don't see me
Oh no, they don't see me
Your girl's drawers comin' down
But the hands go up to the ceilin'
I guarantee it, I guarantee it, I guarantee it, I guarantee it
我保證 我保證 我保證 我保證
I'm throwin' money in the VIP
I'm ballin' out, so you know it's me
我會縱情狂歡 你們知道這就是我
They tell me, baby you were born makin' big noise
他們告訴我 寶貝 你天生就出類拔萃
Hanging in the street, yeah
I be hangin' in the street, oh lord
我一直在街頭浪跡風雲 天啊
I guarantee it, I guarantee it, I guarantee that I'm the sh*t
我保證 我保證 我保證 我就是說唱大佬
If you're feelin' like me, I guarantee it's about to get lit
如果你和我感同身受 我保證你會名聲大噪
Steve Aoki, Yellow Mother Fu*king Claw!!
可惡的Steve Aoki Yellow mother


