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  • 外文名:knuckle
  • 英式音標:[ˈnʌkl]
  • 美式音標:[ˈnʌkl]
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞


英 [ˈnʌkl] 美 [ˈnʌkl]


  • n. 關節;指關節;指節;膝關節;肘
  • vi. 開始認真工作
  • vt. 用指關節敲打
複數:knuckles 第三人稱單數:knuckles 現在分詞:knuckling 過去式:knuckled 過去分詞:knuckled


steering knuckle:轉向關節
knuckle down:屈服;開始認真工作
knuckle pads:指節墊;指拐墊


  • If you rap it with your knuckle, you hear the thwack of gypsum rather than the ring of cold metal. 如果用指關節擊之,你能聽見石膏的悶響,而非冷冰凍的金屬發出的鳴響。youdao
  • The finger is still crooked to this day, bent at the bottom knuckle a full 45 degrees outward from his other fingers. 直到今天,他的手指仍然是彎曲的,底部的指關節與其他手指呈45度角向外彎曲。youdao
  • Kivell and Schmitt think this suggests the independent evolution of knuckle-walking behavior in the two African ape lineages. 凱威爾和施密特認為這表明了在兩個非洲類人猿譜系中關節行走行為的獨立進化。youdao
  • The subjects were asked to use their free right hand point with a baton to the location of each knuckle and fingertip of their left hand. 實驗對象被要求用他們空出來的右手拿著一根指揮棒,指出他們左手每個指關節和指尖的位置。youdao
  • I'm going to have to knuckle down to some serious study. 我得開始認認真真地學習了。《牛津詞典》
  • He gets you to your destination without turning the trip into a white-knuckle experience. 他會將你安然無恙地送達你的目的地。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • As my younger son would say, fudge knuckle. 就像我小兒子說的,胡說八道。youdao
  • You might play some games—you might play like checkers and these kinds of—knuckle bones games, that you can still see. 你可能會玩一些遊戲——你可能會玩跳棋之類的——抓骨遊戲,你仍然可以看到。youdao
  • He refused to knuckle under to the enemy. 他拒絕向敵人投降。youdao
  • Knuckle: You bet! I finally cracked it! 納克:當然!我終於成功了!youdao
  • Or as my younger son would say, fudge knuckle. 或者像我的小兒子會說的一樣,胡說八道。youdao
  • Even if times get tough, they don't knuckle under. 即使面臨困難的時候,他們也不屈服。youdao
  • Rose: Hey Knuckle, you look really happy! What's up? 羅斯:你好,納克,你看起非常開心!發生什麼了嗎?youdao
  • We will discuss the effective method for knuckle pain. 我們將探討膝關節疼痛有效治療途徑。youdao
  • Wainwright rubbed a knuckle along the surface of his chin . 溫賴特的一個手指關節在下巴上搓來搓去。youdao
  • Stirrup wheel knuckle support assembly using caliper brakes. 斯蒂勒普輪蹄支持裝配使用剎車卡鉗。youdao
  • Knuckle shopping bag designed by Leo Burnett Lisbon AD agency. Leo Burnett Lisbon廣告公司設計的扣指購物袋。youdao
  • This white-knuckle improvisation was evident across Wall Street, too. 這種充滿刺激的即興行為也明顯影響到華爾街。youdao
  • It started with prizefighting, illegal elsewhere in an era of bare-knuckle boxing. 它開始於職業拳擊,在其他地方裸拳拳擊還是非法的年代。youdao
  • Choose a close friend to help you through the white-knuckle times of this journey. 找個好朋友一起戒菸有助於度過這難熬的過程。youdao
  • Then again, it's not a barn-burning, knuckle-dragging multimedia ultimate weapon either. 再者,它也不是一個高發熱,單一化的多媒體終極武器。youdao
  • If you rap it with your knuckle you hear the thwack of gypsum rather than the ring of cold metal. 如果用指關節擊之,能聽見石膏的悶響,而非冷冰凍的金屬發出的鳴響。youdao
  • Right click control the knuckle (telescope) Angle, left click control the slewing and topping Angle. 用滑鼠點擊控制關節(望遠鏡)的角度,左鍵控制迴轉和一流的角度。youdao
  • Supporters of the knuckle-walking origin think we and African apes evolved from a common knuckle walking ancestor. 支持拳步起源的人認為,我們和非洲猿來自一個共同的拳步行走的祖先。youdao
  • This bag was designed by Leo Burnett with a brass knuckle printed on the handle to give a more masculine impression. 這個購物袋的設計師是LeoBurnett,金屬的手柄給人以更為陽剛的印象。youdao
  • You might play some games, - you might play like checkers and these kinds of — bones, bone knuckle bones games, that you can still see. 玩遊戲,比如西洋跳棋-,抓骨遊戲,現在還能看到。youdao
  • Tim Wakefield Tim Wakefield on the DL right now throws a lot slower, because he has that tricky knuckle ball, he doesn't need to throw as fast. 現在受傷停賽的,投的很慢,因為他有一個很難處理的指節球,他不需要扔的很快。youdao


