- 外文名:Kneel
- 詞性:動詞
- 英式音標:[niːl]
- 美式音標:[niːl]
《Kneel》是Lglesias創作的網路小說,發表於晉江文學網。作品簡介 這大概是一篇腦洞很大的文。關於Loki二公主的現代生活(逆襲復仇者們)。跟雷神和復聯或許會扯上關係。好吧,關鍵是文荒了。大部分的復聯和雷神同人都是嫖Loki,Tony ,...
Kneel[綜]是一部同人類型網路小說,作者是潤吾雨。內容簡介 23章已更新~app上不顯示更新的話,可以點進章節列表~CP:洛基 洛基第一次看到小小的克萊爾,開口的第一句話是:Kneel。十年之後的克萊爾高冷地看著想爬上床的洛基:Kneel。...
《Kneel At Your Feet》是Belinda Carlisle演唱的歌曲,由Belinda Carlisle、Charlotte Caffey、Thomas Caffey作曲,CAFFEY, CHARLOTTE、CAFFEY, TOM、CARLISLE, BELINDA作詞,收錄於專輯《A Woman And A Man》。歌曲歌詞 Lyrics:Charlotte ...
(2) 同本義 [kneel]跪,拜也。——《說文》跪,兩膝拄地所以拜也。——《說文通訓定聲》仲宣跪而稱曰。——《文選·謝莊·月賦》(樂羊子)一年來歸,妻跪問其故。——《後漢書·列女傳》秦王色撓,長跪而謝之。——《戰國策...
霧男 《霧男》是連載中的一部漫畫 ,作者是KNEEL。內容簡介 霧男 作品目錄 1話
跽,漢語三級字,讀作跽(jì),部首是足,長跪,挺直上身兩膝著地。現代釋義 基本字義 跽jì ⒈ 長跪,挺直上身兩膝著地。基本詞義 ◎ 跽 jì 〈動〉(1) 長跪。長時間雙膝著地,上身挺直 [prostrate;kneel for a long time]...
長跪,拼音cháng guì,古代的一種禮節,古時席地而坐,坐時兩膝據地,以臀部著足跟。跪則伸直腰股,以示莊敬。讀音 拼音:cháng guì 英文:kneel on one's stomach 解釋 古時席地而坐,坐時兩膝據地,以臀部著足跟。跪則...
내 아래 다 kneel 在我之下 全都屈膝投降 Yuh celebrate we gon' elevate No pressure We ain't gonna taste failure 능력치 보면 동공 확장해 只要你看過我的能力值 定會瞳孔地震 여기저기서 ...
《On The Cross》是The Used演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Artwork(Deluxe)》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 We were taught to kneel and bow our heads I tried simply standing up instead Heard rumors of transparent legs And walks for days and ...
And never kneel I will never kneel to any of you Checkpoint I flex like You next boy When I spit oil Nitro The jet fuel I'm class a you f zero When I pass they go That's my hero See a dime on the curve...
Let us kneel (Kneel and pray)At the old (All our way)We got to kneel (Kneel and pray)At the Old (All our way)Just kneel (Kneel and pray)At the Old (All our way)He will (Hear us) and he (Give us) ...
And kneel and say an "ave"There for me And I shall hear The soft you tread above me And all my grave Shall warmer and sweeter be Then you will kneel And whisper that you love me And I shall sleep in peace U...
And I kneel 'cause I want you some more I want the lot of what you got And I want nothing that you're not Everywhere you go you shout it You don't have to be shy about it Some things you shouldn't get ...
silence surrounding my words I am longing for more and you open your hand As I grab what you give me I am covered in blood Simple song are you simple And I laugh while I'm dancing And I cry while I kneel ...