《Jupiter (Swallow the Moon) [Remix]》是Jewel演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Greatest Hits》專輯中。
- 外文名:Jupiter (Swallow the Moon)
- 所屬專輯:Greatest Hits
- 歌曲原唱:Jewel
- 發行日期:2013年2月1日
《Jupiter (Swallow the Moon) [Remix]》是Jewel演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Greatest Hits》專輯中。
The Swallow and the Other Birds 燕子和其他的鳥 Precious Hands 寶貴的雙手 第三章 智慧箴言 Words of Wisdom Sand and Stone 沙子和石頭 The Shipwreck of Simonides 西莫尼狄斯遇難記 The Old Woman and the Doctor 老太婆與醫生 Flower in the Desert 沙漠之花 The Crow that Wanted to Be Swan 想變成...
The Ass and the Lapdog The Ass in the Lion’s Skin The Hen and the Swallow The Partridge and the Fowler The Monkey and the Camel The Mole and His Mother Mercury and the Man Bitten by an Ant The Imposter The Man and the Lion The Snake and Jupiter The Kid on the Housetop Bat, the...
TheFishesandtheCormorant 28 5.埋金的人和他的朋友/ TheBurierandHisComrade 34 6.狼和牧羊人/ TheWolfandtheShepherds 38 7.蜘蛛和燕子/ TheSpiderandtheSwallow 44 8.斑鳩和公雞/ ThePartridgeandtheCocks 48 9.被割去耳朵的狗/ TheDogWhoseEarsWereCropped 51 10.牧羊人和國王/ TheShepherdandtheKing ...
《那些給我勇氣和智慧的寓言故事:中英對照》是2017年北京航空航天大學出版社出版的圖書。圖書目錄 TheTwo Bags 兩隻口袋 1 TheGoods and the Ills 善與惡 2 TheTravellers and the Plane Tree 旅人和法國梧桐 4 The Bee and Jupiter 蜜蜂與朱庇特 6 Jupiter and theMonkey 朱庇特和猴子 ...
Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and Momus 86 驢子和他的鈴鐺/The Ass and His Bell 87 驢和戰馬/The Ass and The Charger 90 驢和哈巴狗/The Ass and Lapdog 91 驢和騾子/The Ass and the Mule 93 驢的腦子/The Ass's Brains 94 狼和馬/The Wolf and the Horse 95 狼和鶴/The Wolf and the ...
1 The Fox and the Grapes狐狸與葡萄 2 The Goose That Laid the GoIden Eggs下金蛋的鵝 3 The Cat and the Mice貓與鼠 4 The Mischievous Dog淘氣的狗 5 The Bat and the WeaselS蝙蝠與黃鼠狼 6 The Spendthrift and the Swallow敗家子與燕 7 The Cat and the Birds貓與烏 8 Mercury and the ...
龜兔賽跑/The Hare and the Tortoise 鷹、貓和野豬/The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow 鷹和鳶/The Eagle and the Kite 鷹和狐狸/The Eagle and Fox 鷹和甲蟲/The Eagle and the Beetle 鷹和寒鴉/The Eagle and the Jackdaw 朱庇特和綿羊/Jupiter and the Sheep 朱庇特和猴子/Jupiter and the ...
1 The Fox and the Grapes狐狸與葡萄 2 The Goose That Laid the GoIden Eggs下金蛋的鵝 3 The Cat and the Mice貓與鼠 4 The Mischievous Dog淘氣的狗 5 The Bat and the WeaselS蝙蝠與黃鼠狼 6 The Spendthrift and the Swallow敗家子與燕 7 The Cat and the Birds貓與烏 8 Mercury and the ...
ASwallowAnd ASpider 燕子與蜘蛛 ACOuntryman AndAHawk 鄉下人和鷹 The TailOfTheSphinx 斯芬克斯的尾巴 ManAndBird 人與鳥 TheManPluckingTheGoose 拔鵝毛的人 The Sheep And The Shep Herd 羊與牧人 TheSagaciousRat 精明的老鼠 The Monkey AndTheSpectacles 猴子和眼鏡 TheAnt 螞蟻 The OwlAndThe Ass 貓頭鷹與...
A star might not gobble a Jupiter whole when it moves close enough, but it could surely swallow a canapé like proto-Earth. 即便離得足夠近,恆星也無法整口吞下木星大的行星,但它要吞下地球這么大的行星肯定是小菜一碟。Etymonline pushes the date for the parents of brittle even further back, ...