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  • 外文名:Proto
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈprəʊtəʊ]
  • 美式音標:[ˈproʊtoʊ]


英 [ˈprəʊtəʊ] 美 [ˈproʊtoʊ]
n. (Proto)人名;(意)普羅托


proto-language 祖語 ; 語言
Proto-Indo-European 原始印歐語 ; 原始印歐語系
Proto-Elamite 原始埃蘭 ; 文字
proto-oncogene 原癌基因 ; [腫瘤] 原致癌基因 ; 基因 ; 本癌基果
Proto-Punk 原型朋克 ; 原始朋克 ; 朋克 ; 前朋克
Proto-Greek language 原始希臘語
Proto-Germanic language 原始日耳曼語
proto- 原始 ; 原 ; 第一
proto-earth 原始地球


  • We speak a decimal language because an ancestral tongue, proto-Indo-European, was decimally based. 我們說的是十進制的語言,這是因為我們的始祖語言——原始印歐語——是基於十進制的。
  • The scholars referred to that source language as Proto-Indo-European. Proto-Indo-European is a reconstructed language. 學者們把這種原語言稱為原始印歐語。原始印歐語是一種重建的語言。
  • Proto-Indo-European is a reconstructed language, meaning, it is what linguists concluded a parent language of Sanskrit, Latin and Greek would have to be like. 原始印歐語是一門經過重構得出的語言,也就是說,這就是語言學家總結出梵語、拉丁語和希臘語的母系語言的樣子。
  • Hume's essays are full of proto - sociological themes. 休謨的許多論文都包含著早期社會學的思想。
  • But this is not the same as being a kind of proto-science. 但是這也並不意味著他們在處理一個科學雛形問題。
  • Taxation facilitated commerce and agriculture more than proto-feudalism. 稅收促進商業和農業超過原封建主義。
  • Right before the extinction events, the first proto-amphibians made it onto shore. 正是在此次滅絕之前,原始兩棲動物第一次爬上了陸地。
  • Platonism itself might be called proto-Gnostic, that is, Gnosticism before Gnosticism. 柏拉圖主義本身可以被稱為原始諾斯替,也就是諾斯替之前的諾斯替。
  • Yet, Proto - Indo - European is believed to be the ancestor of most European languages. 但是印歐語系被認為是大多數歐洲語言的祖先。
  • Vitamin D isn't a food per se; it is a proto-hormone that seems to interfere with cancer growth. 維生素D本身不是食品。它是一種似乎能幹擾腫瘤生長的原激素。
  • Convection within the red giant dredges the new proto-dust atoms from the core up to the surface. 紅巨星內部的對流碰撞出新的原始塵埃原子會從其核心撞到表面。
  • Taking growth-hormone injections may cause reversible joint pain, carpal tunnel, and proto-diabetes. 注射生長激素會造成可逆性關節疼痛,腕管綜合徵,以及糖尿病。
  • Is the Trial an existential investigation of the self, a proto-sci-fi yarn or a philosophical comedy? 《審判》是自我的生存調查,還是一個原科幻的奇聞漫談,還是一個哲學喜劇?
  • The proto-scientists did not spring into being as paid-up believers in modern materialism and rationality. 早期科學家不會瞬間就變成現代唯物主義和理性原理的信奉者。
  • Proto-Elamitepreceded a partially deciphered script, Linear Elamite, used in thesame area 750 years later. 原始埃蘭文字之後,大概過了750年,線形埃蘭文字成為該地區的語言,該文字目前已經部分破譯。
  • This proto-Chinglish term "pidgin" originated as a Chinese mispronunciation of the English word "business". 作為中國式英語的原型,“洋涇浜英語”這個術語來源於英語中“生意”一詞的中國式錯發音。
  • The collision would have taken place during the late stages of the theoretical proto-moons' cooling process. 碰撞有可能發生在理論上存在的兩個“原月亮”冷卻的最後階段。
  • These [caves] may well have been proto-monastic places... and as such, people might retreat or bury their dead there. 這些(洞穴)很可能是最初寺廟性質的地方,也因為這樣,人們才在那兒靜修或者安放死者。
  • An ill-judged marketing attempt made Georgiana a proto-Diana, but ignore that and enjoy an impressive, stately drama. 行銷欠缺思考的行銷嘗試把Georgiana打造成了黛安娜王妃的前身,但是你可以忽略這一點,繼續欣賞這個讓你印象深刻的莊嚴的戲劇。
  • There were about 1,000 of them, and the author describes their commitment as “a proto-Woodstock of high visual culture”. 他們大約有1000人。作者將他們的貢獻描述成“a proto-Woodstock ofhighvisualculture”。
  • There were about 1, 000 of them, and the author describes their commitment as “a proto-Woodstock of high visual culture”. 他們大約有1000人。作者將他們的貢獻描述成“a proto-Woodstock ofhighvisualculture”。
  • A star might not gobble a Jupiter whole when it moves close enough, but it could surely swallow a canapé like proto-Earth. 即便離得足夠近,恆星也無法整口吞下木星大的行星,但它要吞下地球這么大的行星肯定是小菜一碟。
  • Etymonline pushes the date for the parents of brittle even further back, invoking proto-germanic, Old High German and Old Norse. 把brittle的祖先再往前推了不少年份,觸及古日耳曼語,古高地德語,以及古斯堪地那維亞語。
  • In proto - Germanic mythology, the god Odin would host a great hunting party for the gods and fallen warriors each year at yule. 在德國古老的神話中,歐丁神會在聖誕節那天為眾神和死去的勇士舉辦盛大的狩獵狂歡會。
  • The Slavic Duchy of Carantania, the first proto-Slovenian state and the first stable Slavic state, was formed in the 7th century. 7世紀建立的Carantania的斯拉夫公國,是第一個前斯洛維尼亞族國家和第一個穩定的拉斯夫國家。
  • This article USES PROTO NODE build model of Part, Constructs the assembly model tree structure according to the CAD model assembly relations. 本文利用PROTO原型節點建立零部件模型,按照CAD模型的裝配關係構建裝配體模型樹結構。
  • This confirms what has been observed in two other transitional fossils, Archaeopteryx (the oldest known bird) and Rodhocetus (a proto-whale). 這就肯定了從另外兩個過渡的生物化石archaeopteryx(始祖鳥,最古老的鳥類)和Rodhocetus(一種原始鯨)。


